Lets try it-pt8

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We've been on holiday two days now, we've been letting Perrie settle in for a bit before we do anything to strenuous. I must admit though, she is being a little terror, yesterday evening, she hit Jesy because she didn't want to go to bed, thakfully a time out sorted her out then. This morning she threw her breakfast all over the floor because she 'wasn't hungry' but ate it all when I fed her. Earlier, I was giving Leigh and hug because she made lunch and Perrie clearly got jesalous, she crawled to us and tried to push Leigh away but again I put her in time out which thankfully sorted it. I wasn't sure why she was acting up, she is usually amazingly behaved.

"Hey Jade, Pez, do you want to go in the pool?" I heard Jesy say as she walked in. I looked at Pez and saw that she was wiggling her legs a clapping her hands in excitement. "That'll be great Jess, we'll be out soon." I laughed and went to change Pez. She was giggling and clapping in my arms. "Is someone excited?" I laughed and led her down. "Yasss mama!" She screeched. I laughed at her cuteness.

Once we were both ready, I wrapped her in a cute little baby towel with a good and rested her on my hip. We walked down stairs slowly. We got to the pool and she tended up. "What's wrong baby?" I asked. "I don't want to." She whimpered. I let her down on the floor and took her towel off. "Don't be silly baby girl, you wanted to a minute ago." I whispered. "No mama, it's scary." She cried. "Oh it's not, look pretend it's chocolate." I laughed and splashed the water up. "No, mama." She cried and kicked her legs. "Okay, okay, no need for tantrums." I whispered and scooped her up. "No pool for you." I sighed.
We decided to go out for a meal in the main island tonight, Pez was little but I didn't mind. Jesy had booked a private booth for us to eat in so Pez can be little. "Mama?" She questioned and tugged at my shirt. "Yes baby?" I replied and rubbed her knuckles. "I love you." She whispered. "Awww Pezza I love you too." I giggled and kissed her head. She yawned. "Let's get you ready yeah?" I asked and she nodded.
I decided to dress her in a long sleeve black and white top and a cute skirt with braces over her shoulders.

I decided to dress her in a long sleeve black and white top and a cute skirt with braces over her shoulders

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"Mama I wool adorrrwable!" She laughed and spinned on her toes! "I know sweetheart. Come here let me do your hair." I laughed and pulled her towards me, I sat her in between my legs and started plaiting it, I did a Dutch plait across the front of her head and since it was already naturally wavy, let it down to flow. "Mama I wove it!" She giggles and looked in the mirror. "I'm glad baby, now let mama get ready." I whispered and kissed her head. She went and led on the bed and was playing a game on my phone.
Once we got to the restaurant, Perrie was some how very hyper she was bouncing a lot on my hip. "Jesy, can you take her, she is hurting me." I laughed and handed her to Jesy. "Mama, Pewwie sorry." She whispered and played with Jesy's hair. "It's okay princess, I just have sore hips." I laughed and kissed her head.

"Can I have a lasagne please." I asked the waitress as she came to us and write it down. "Of course and what would you like for the little one?" She asked nodding her head at Perrie. She was sat in a booster seat , grizzling to herself. "Just plain spaghetti please." I asked. "Yep, we'll be out soon with your food." She smiled and walked off. After 10 minutes, Pez started whimpering. "What's up princess?" I asked her and rubbed her knees. "Cuddlews?" She stretched her arm out, I saw tears pool her eyes. "Oh baby girl, don't cry." I whispered and pulled her onto my knee. She started sobbing into my shoulder. "Oh no, baby, what's wrong?" I asked and bounced my knees slightly. "I did wee wee." She whispered and blushed red. "Let's change you then." I laughed and carried her to the bathroom.

Once she was all clean, we walked back to the table. She was still whimpering slightly. "Pewwie Hugwy." She whined and rested her head on my shoulder, "I know love, me too." I laughed and rubbed her back. I strapped her back into her booster seat and then the food came out. "Here you go. If you need anything just call." The man said and walked away. I quickly cut up Perries pasta and handed it to her. "Yayyyy food!" She giggled and picked it up, since it was slimy it slipped through her fingers. "Oh." She whispered and tried again, she kept doing it. "Perrie, dear, you need help." Jesy laughed. She nodded sadly. Me and Leigh laughed at her. "Not funny mama!" She cried. "It is babe." I laughed and rubbed her legs, Jesy started spoon feeding her.

This has been in my drafts for ages and I just had some free time at school so I finished it! I hope you liked it

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