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Perrie= mindset of a 4 year old.


Today, we all had to go into the studio which is going to be interesting! Perrie had recently began regressing to a 4 year old which none of us mind but we haven't really been out of the house with her in that head space before! She was currently sleeping in her big girl bed which again I didn't mind! I've been thinking about buying her a single bed so she still gets that security, she won't sleep in her cot if she goes to bed in her head space anymore! I had gotten up a while ago so I was dressed and I had made me and Pez some breakfast so now I just had to wake her up! 

I walked upstairs and knocked on her door gently, she slept with just knickers and vest on yesterday since it was hot! The sight I saw when I walked in honestly made it really hard not to laugh, she had tangled herself up in the duvet and was bending backwards slightly with her thumb in her mouth and her teddy under her arm. Though as I walked around more, I saw a large, yellow tinted wet patch on the sheet- she'd wet the bed. 

I quickly went to turn the shower on and got her out an outfit for the day, I was trying to be a little noisy so she would wake up a little from the noise. As I opened her draw to get her some underwear I heard a little whimper making me turn around. She had her eyes open and her legs were shuffling around a little. 
"Hmm, mama." She cried slightly. I was straight to her side, I helped her sit up and she looked down sadly at her soaked knickers. "I'm sorry." She whimpered. 
"Don't worry baby. Lets just get you nice and clean again! We are going to see Jesy and Leigh Leigh at the studio soon." I smiled, she just shrugged and climbed carefully out of bed. "The showers already running, you go and get in." I added as I helped her pull her knickers and top off, once she was undressed, she shuffled to the bathroom and shut the door. She had a smoky glass door so I could still see er slightly. I stripped her bed and quickly ran the bedding downstairs in front of the washing machine. I then got some new bedding, the only one I could find was her fishy one, hopefully she won't complain. I then carried on getting er outfit out. I picked a striped, pink, white and blue, long sleeved t-shirt and some denim shorts! 

"You almost done princess?" I asked and knocked on the door, I opened it slightly and saw her wrapped in a towel on the side of her bath. I smiled gently, her hair was dripping and she was making wet patches on the floor from her feet. 
"Are you okay little one?" I said softly as I went to sit next to her, she just shrugged in reply. 
"I really don't know why I wet the bed, I wasn't little little." She said sadly. 
"You do it sometimes when you're a big girl, its just something you struggle with angel, I'm not angry, its no big deal!" I chirped, trying to cheer her up! 
"You're not upset with me mama?" She mumbled. I shook my head and kissed her forehead. "Lets go and get you ready." I said and took her hand, I walked us to her bedroom and she led down on the towel so I could dry her alllll up! 

Once she was dry, I helped her into her clothes and plaited her hair into dutch braids. She was in a mood though because she kept pulling away from me and grumbling. 
"Mama made us some fruit salad for breakfast!" I cheered as I stood up from the bed. She nodded and stood up. She slid her feet into her shoes and joined me at the door. 
"Are you getting in your chair?" I asked and looked at her high chair, she pulled a face at me. 
"I'm not 2." She grumbled and sat down on the chair. 
"Lose that attitude please." I warned as I poured her drink. I dished her a bowl of fruit and handed it her. She picked up her fork and began to eat it. 
"Where are you manners Perrie?" I asked and raised an eye brow at her, she grumbled a thanks and began eating again. I don't know what's gotten to her but I'm not putting up with her rude attitude all day.  I decided to just let her eat for now and I'll talk to her in the taxi since we were slightly behind schedule due to her accident.  I went and put her bedding in the washing machine and set a reminder on my phone (since I don't usually do washing during the week). 

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