Didn't mean to-part 2

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"Can you help me please Jade?" Perrie asked sweetly and came out of the bathroom. I was getting my makeup done for the show tonight, as was Jesy. Leigh and Perrie were sorting out costumes.

"Can't Ashley do it darling?" I asked Perrie. She whimpered and shook her head. "You do it please," she turned around in front of me. I smiled and did up her leotard and made sure it was all taped in place nicely. "Thank you," she smiled and scurried away again. She wasn't completely up to normal headspace just yet, I was guessing honestly maybe young teenage years really. She was a lot more aware and cautious but still quite clingy to us. It was hard to tell really. She was performing though. We had reassured her that if she needs to take a little break she can and she didn't have to perform but she knew that if she didn't then she would be letting people down. She said she didn't want them to be mad at her which broke my heart but she doesn't really listen to when we try and tell her they won't be.


"I scared," Perrie whimpered and cuddled herself really close to me. We were due to go on in a few minutes but she could hear the crowds. "Shh, listen to me baba." I stood her up straight ad moved some hair from her face. "If you don't want to go on, thats absolutely fine. No one is going to hurt you, no one is going to be mad at you. Trust me, we all want what's best for you," I soothed. Leigh and Jesy were around us now too. "It's true darling, your safety and mental wellbeing is more important to us than anything," Jesy chipped in and rubbed Perrie's back. "B-but but what if he's out there? I-I don't want to see the doctor today," she whimpered. Her eyes were full of fear and plea. I pulled her into my chest and stroked her hair. "No doctors will be there, we can 100% promise you that baba," Leigh smiled and grabbed Perrie's hand. "You promise too mama?" Pez asked sweetly and lifted her head to look at me. I nodded and smiled. "I promise you princess, no doctors," she whimpered again but nodded slightly. She stood up and took a deep breath. "You sure you want to go on?" I asked her. She nodded and smiled at me slightly. I smiled back at her and kissed her head. "Let's go," I whispered and took her hand. We went to our pads, Perrie and I were in the middle, Leigh at my side, Jesy at Perrie's. "We've got this," Jesy cheered and smiled widely down at us three. Leigh and I cheered, Perrie smiled. She was scared.

---After the first few songs, it was time for some audience interaction. As soon as Perrie realized this, she ran to my side and latched onto my hand so tight. "You okay?" I asked and faced her. She nodded slightly and looked wearily out at the audience but I put my hand on her cheek gently and turned her to look back at me. "Don't go looking, your brain will play tricks on you,"I said firmly but nicely. She nodded and looked down. I pulled her into me for a cuddle whilst Leigh and Jesy talked. Pez's arms were wrapped around my waist and her head on my shoulder.

"And give these two cuties some love!!" Jesy cheered through her mic then pointed at me and Perrie. I chuckled and Pez lifted her head. She waved at the audience. "How is everyone tonight huh?" I said through the mic. There was a cheer of mumbles and I giggled again. "I no good," Perrie mumbled into my neck. I rubbed her back and looked over at Leigh to take over again. She nodded and did so. I didn't know if Perrie was regressing again because she was so scared, I hoped she wasn't. We had only experienced that once and that was very difficult. After it happened, Perrie didn't come out of her regressed headspace for 2 days and we had to cancel a show. "Is she okay?" Jesy asked and came to stand next to us. I shook my head and held her. "Bring her off," I heard someone say in my ear. Perrie's eyes were darting all over the audience. Jesy nodded, signaling that was a good idea, Leigh turned to us too. I nodded, took Perrie's hand and walked off stage, after waving quickly to the fans. There were quite a few groans and 'awwws' coming from them but I just ignored it for now. Perrie wasn't doing good.

"No, no no doc, mama no!" she began to cry and fight against me as I walked us closer to the dressing rooms. "Hey, hey no doctors. I promise," I sighed sweetly and took her into my arms. I held her head against my chest for a few moments to let her breathing calm down. "It's okay baby girl, no doctors," I whispered and stroked her hair. She whimpered nervously but I took her hand. "Trust me, my love," I smiled and opened the door to the dressing room. There was no one in there. I walked her over to the sofa and sat her down then crouched in front of her. Our manager Sam, followed us in. "I'll watch her Jade, you have to go back on," she smiled sympathetically, knowing how much I hated leaving Perrie when she's like this. She'll attach herself to the first person she feels, hears, sees and it usually me! I sighed and nodded. Perrie was watching my every move so innocently- she had definitely regressed again.

"Next time this happens, I don't care how old she is, how adamant she is about going on stage, it isn't happening." I said. Sam agreed instantly. "Right, mama has to go back with Jesy and Leigh Leigh but I'll be back as soon as I can okay?" I said to Pez. She whimpered but nodded, she wrapped her arms tightly around my shoulders and kissed my cheek. I smiled and kissed her cheek back. "I love you baby girl," I set her back down, next to Sam and left.

I ran back round the backstage area and back out to Jesy and Leigh who had managed to play some games with the audience."Sorted?" Leigh whispered to me. I nodded and smiled. For now, it was sorted!

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