Bullies pt2 (K)

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I woke to the sound of sniffling and someone moving about, at first I thought it was Perrie but then realised her head was on my chest so it wasn't her. Then I remembered about McKenzie. "Kenz?" I mumbled. It was 3am "Mam I'm sorry." She cried, I turned my light on, she was led down next to the bed in tears. "Sweetheart, why are you down there?" I asked chuckling slightly. "I didn't want to disturb you and mama, you both looked so peaceful." She cried. "Oh sweetie, that's sweet but you should always wake me and mama up if something is wrong okay? Like I always say to your mama when she wakes up and is upset but doesn't tell me, it's not fair to suffer in silence. Now come here.." I said and opened my arms, Perrie began to stir and she opened her eyes. I guess the bright light hurt her eyes because she groaned and pulled the cover over her head. "Pez, Kenz is here, move up babe." I said and she shuffled over. "Mam?" Kenzie asked before lying down. "Yes babe, can you... Erm, can you change me?" She asked and flushed a deep shade of red. "Of course I can babe." I said and got out of bed. I took her hand and walked us to the bathroom. "Lie down babe." I said and she did, I peeled off her joggers then cut her pull-up. "Good girl." I said and wiped her clean. I quickly put a fresh pull-up on and let her be. "Shall I put your joggers on, you might get hot in a bed with me and mama?" I said and she shook her head, stood up and walked out. Poor baby. I washed my hands and joined my two girls in bed. Kenzie was snuggling up to Perrie whilst Pez wrapped her arms around her in the most adorable way, I would have taken a picture but Kenzie's diaper was on show I did not want to embarrass her if anyone ever found my photos. I crawled in bed next to her. "You okay?" I asked them both, the nodded and sighed. "Good night loves." I said and turned the light on. I quickly heard light snores escaping Kenzie's slightly ajar mouth.

I woke up with my alarm going off. I groaned and then heard Jade turning it off, how could she when I was holding her. Then I realised I was holding Kenzie, I squeezed her tight and then released her and sat up. "You okay Pezza?" Jade asked sitting up to. I shook my head. "What's up?" She asked concerned. "Them girls that bullied Kenz are idiots, all of them. They have made her wet herself and that isn't fair." I cried and sighed, then led down across Jades knee. "I know babe, it isn't fair on Kenzie but we just need to be there for her and hope she gets out of it pretty quick." She said to. "Thanks mams." Kenzie groaned. I didn't realise she was awake. "It's okay baba, we are your mams and we need to be here for you." Jade said. "Are you wet baby?" I asked and she nodded. "Let's change you." I said and took her I to the bathroom. I took it off and changed her. "Go and put some knickers on baby" I said and hugged her as she walked off. "What if she pees at school?" Jade asked. "I hope she doesn't, but we should pack her a spare pair of pants in case." I said and sat on Jades knee I then kissed her slowly. "I love you too baba, but I need to get ready for work." She laughed. I groaned and got off her. "Baby, don't be grumpy. We can cuddle tonight okay?" She said and I nodded then gave her a quick hug and went to wake the other girls up.

"Amber, Syd. Can you two go I need to talk to Kenzie a minute." I said and they left the car after saying a quick goodbye. I didn't need to be gushy since I see them around school anyway. "Kenz, if the girls bother you whatsoever today, I need you to come and find me straight away." I said and she nodded. "Also, of you have an accident, I want you to go to the nurses office and they will help you clean up. You can go home as well if it happens." I said and hugged her tight. "Okay mam. Thank you." She said and hugged me.

It was about 1:30 and I was our shopping when I got a call from Jade.
Jade- hey Pez
Pez- Hey Baby.
Jade-Kenzie is on her way home.
Pez- Oh no. What happened?
Jade-I'm not sure. The nurse came to me saying that Kenz ran into her room with wet pants but one the girls who bully her was in there so she ran home.
Pez- oh well I'm at the shops so I will have to head home and bring her with me.
Jade-okay Thanks Pez.
Pez-it's okay. Bye
Jade- Bye baby girl.

I hung up on Jade and then rushed to customer services.
"Hi, I was just wondering if I could keep my trolley here? My daughter school just rang saying she needs picking up immediately since she is ill, I'll be back in about 1 hour to finish my shopping." I asked the worker. Obviously I lied, I can't exactly tell her my daughter peed herself because she is being bullied. "Oh yes, of course, just give me your name." She smiled and opened the gate so I could roll my 3/4 full trolley. "Perrie Edwards" I said. "Okay, just come here and ask for it and I'll give it You." She said and wrote my name down. "Okay thank you." I said and walked away.
I pulled up outside the house and run to the door. McKenzie was sat on the step in hysterical tears. "Babe." I said and ran up to her. "Mama." She cried and ran into my arms. I lifted her up so her legs were wrapped around my waist. She started sobbing into my shoulder. "Shhh baby, it's okay now. I've got you." I said and unlocked the door. "Mama I'm sorry. Is mam mad?" She asked crying hysterically still. "Not at all sweetheart. She is just worried about you." I said and sat down on the settee. "Okay." She sighed. "Let's get you changed baba." I said and picked her up again, we walked upstairs and I sat her in the bathroom. "Mama it's..." She said but then I realised she was peeing again. "Baby, go and sit on loo." I said and went to get her some diapers. She walked off and cried. I text jade quickly.
Pezza 💕- She was on the doorstep crying like crazy. I picked her up, she asked if you were mad I said no and that you were worried and then we went upstairs but just as I was going to ask her what happened she began peeing again. What should I do?? Xxxxx
Jadey😍- Diaper her. She needs to keep clean, we can't keep walking her clothes. Xxxx
Pezza 💕- We can't diaper her at school though?? Xxx
Jadey😍- Why not? Xxxx
Pezza💕- why do you think, she'll be well embarrassed if anyone found out!! Xxxxxx
Jadey😍- I'll talk to you at home, I need to go to a meeting. I'll see you later baby. Give Kenz lots of hugs and kisses from me xxxxxx
Pezza💕- Bye babe. Xxxxxx

I put my phone away and walked back to McKenzie, she was sat on the toilet, tears were streaming down her face. "Sweetheart why are you so upset?" I asked cuddling her. "I'm 13 years old and I can't control myself. It's not fair and it's so embarrassing." She whispered. "Do you want to go to the doctors and see if they can help babe?" I asked and she nodded weakly. "Okay well, is it okay if I diaper you?" I asked shyly, waiting nervously for her reaction. She cried harder but nodded. "Are you sure baba?" I asked, she nodded again. "I'd rather wear a diaper than pee myself in public." She cried, "okay thank you sweetheart. Can you come and lie down." I asked and she nodded and obeyed. I decided to put a proper diaper on her seeing as I didn't want her to leek and they don't sag as much. "Go and put some joggers and a long jumper on." I said and tapped her thigh. She nodded and ran off. Bless. I took my phone out and messaged Jade again.
Pezza💕- I'm taking her to the doctors. She agreed to wearing a diaper. Xxx
Jadey😍- at school or at home?? Xxxx
Pezza💕- I didn't go that far into the conversation with her, she was too upset, I'll wait to see what the doctor says. Xxx
Jadey😍- okay baby, we'll talk tonight. Love you xxxx
Pezza💕- Love you too. Xxx

Just then Kenzie walked back into my room with joggers on but no top. "You not wearing a top?" I asked hugging her. "None of mine hide my diaper, can I wear one of your jumpers? She asked shyly. "Of course, you can wear my Minnie Mouse one." I said and hugged her. She nodded and smiled. I handed it her and she put it on. "Come on then babe, lets go and get you checked out." I said and took her hand.
They'll be a part 3 up by tonight! Xx

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