Submissive pt.2

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Perrie's leash was off and the girls were downstairs eating food- pizza if you want to be exact. Jade was sitting with her legs down and Perrie has her ankles upon her girlfriends thighs. "Baby?" Jade asked and looked up at Pez. The blonde nodded-letting her continue. "Does your bottom hurt?" Jade smirked. Pez blushed and hid her face in her hands but nodded meekly. This action made Jade giggle. "Baby, I think there is some lotion somewhere, would you like me to help you?" Perrie nodded gently and got up from the sofa and followed Jade upstairs.

3 days later
Jade stood at the kitchen window waiting for Perrie to arrive LATE home again. She was fuming and her dominant side was surely coming out. She already had the leash in her hand and she was planning on putting it on as soon as the blonde took her helmet off. It's the second time this week, Perrie barely slips up once a month never mind twice a week! Jades ears perked up when she heard the roar of an engine come down the street and slow as it entered her driveway. She  stormed through the house and flung open the front door just as Perrie took her helmet off and climbed off her bike. "Here now." Jade said, very sternly. She watched the younger girl gulp as she approached her mistress. Jade clipped the leash and dragged her slave inside.

"Kneel, slut." She screamed and kicked the back of her legs gently. "You're late! Again!" The blondes mistress screamed as her slave got comfortable on her knees. "Care to explain why?" Jade hissed and ran her finger down Perrie's face. "M-my tea-teacher." Perrie stuttered, causing a yank of the leash. "Speak clearly." She hissed, bending down to her slave's ear. "My teacher, erm she kept me behind." Perrie whispered. From her hesitation, she knew it was a lie. "Get up." Jade said, coldly. Perrie raised to her feet. "Follow me." Jade muttered again, she led the blonde to the bedroom. "You better get down on that bed right now, expect a very sore bottom." Jade hissed as she ran her fingertips down Perrie's arms. The blonde was scared today, she wasn't excited-she didn't need this today. She wanted to say the word, she really needed to before it brought her to a panic attack but not when she could see Jade was enjoying herself. She led, stomach down on the bed, obeying her mistresses orders none the less.
It was an unexpected THWACK on the bottom which sent Perrie into her spiral. Her breath hitched and she closed her eyes tight, she didn't want this now. Her head was on it's side, facing away from Jade so she didn't see the silent tear fall. Making her hit again but harder. This caused the blonde to curl her hand into fists and dig her nails into her palms. Thankfully, the brunette saw this action though she threw it off as pain. "It's supposed to hurt, you aren't supposed to lie bitch." Jade said and hit harder.
"Frogs." Perrie mumbled quietly. So quiet, Jade didn't hear. More tears fell down her face but again from her mistress' view. THWACK.
"No. Frogs." Perrie cried louder, that hit hurt too much and her use of the safe word sent Jade into a frenzy, she threw the paddle down and sat the blonde up. The leash and collar both came off in a matter of seconds.
"Pez, baby." Jade whispered as the blonde sobbed heavily into the pillow. "Baby girl, it's okay. I'm not doing anything else now, it's over." Jade said again and rubbed her back slowly, up and down. "It hurts." Perrie cried. "I'll get the lotion baby." Jade said and got off the bed, and traveled to the bathroom. Maybe she should have let Perrie explain why she was really late. Rather than jump straight into it all. When she returned, her girlfriend was still crying, thankfully not as heavily. "Baby, I'm going to run your lotion in, okay?" Jade said, thankfully Perrie nodded gently. "Good girl, it's okay."

The lotion was all rubbed in and Perrie's sobs had died down to hiccups. Jade has managed to get Perrie into a different position so now she was lying underneath her blonde girlfriend. "Princess, would you like to tell me what got you so upset?" Jade asked and played with the ends of Perrie's hair. "I'm sorry." Perrie whispered. "Babe, don't apologise for being upset, I just want to know what it was." Jade reassured her. "I was late because I had a panic attack at school, at the end of the day. I lashed out at the boys for saying stuff about me being gay and yeah I had a panic attack. My teacher kept me behind to cool down and help me. I'm sorry I was late though, it won't happen again." Perrie said, rushed but Jade could understand. "Oh sweetheart. I should be the sorry one, I should have let you explain." Jade muttered, feeling guilty now. She wrapped her arms tighter around her younger girlfriend and took in the scent of her shampoo, in attempt to calm herself down. "No, I get why you got so mistressy. I shouldn't have been late." Perrie fought back. "Baby, your mental health comes before any of my pleasures. You need to know that. Next time you're late, I'll let you explain. Okay?" Jade stated. Perrie nodded, she felt very put in her place but she wasn't complaining.
"Shall we go and get some food?" The brunette asked after a few minutes of silence. "Yeah." Pez sighed as she clambered out of the bed, she slid some clothes on her bottom half and waited for Jade to take her hand as they walked downstairs. As much as she loved being the slave, she loved being comforted on days like this just as much!

I had to make it slightly fluffy! 😝
I hope you all like, though it is shorter.

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