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"Thank you and goodnight!" Jesy screamed through the microphone and ran off stage, we all followed and collapsed in heap of exhaustion on the floor. Leigh-Anne went down first, then Jesy then Pez, then me. But when I went onto Pez, she winced in pain so I stood straight back up. "Babe, you okay?" I whispered in her ear. She nodded and blinked tears away. "You just hit a soft spot, I'll be fine." She smiled and stood up too. "Okay babe." I gave her a quick hug then we were joined by our manager. "Great show, like always girls. But we need to move fast now. Pez and Jade off to the showers, Jesy and Leigh go and pack, we'll swap in 30 minutes." He said, I took Perrie's hand because she seemed to tense, we ran to the showers.

After the shower, Perrie was stood in her underwear and drying her hair with a towel, I stepped out of the toilet and was shocked at the amount of bruises on her back. I walked over and touched them gently. She jumped. "Hey, sorry Pez." I whispered. "Baby, What are these bruises from?", as I looked closer I saw scratches on her back. At first I thought her and Alex were having fun but then I realised they are more than that. "Erm.., I... I fell down the stairs." She said, she smiled but I could see it was fake. I was wearing a dressing gown so I wrapped my arms around her waist and rested my chin on her shoulder. "You can tell me the truth love." I said. "It's nothing, I promise." She choked. Sadly, I still didn't believe her since she started crying. "Oh baby." I turned her in my arms and hugged her. "Tell me when you're ready to princess." I said and kissed her head. "Thank you Jadey." She smiled.

2 weeks later
We had just finished another show and I looked around for Pez. She has been really clingy lately, well over the last 2 weeks. I'm also the only one that has noticed how fake she is being. She is bubbly and loud like always but it is just an act, just like when her and Zayn broke up, her happiness was an act.
"Jade?" I heard my name which snapped me out of my thoughts. "What, sorry." I asked gently. "You were daydreaming again, you okay?" Jesy asked and sat beside me. "No. I'm worried about Pez." I said sadly. "Why?" Leigh asked sitting at the other side of me. "She isn't happy, it's all fake, I can see it in her eyes. She is being really clingy, she won't sleep by herself. But at the same time she is keeping herself to herself, haven't you noticed she doesn't really talk about Alex anymore." I said, Jesy's eyes widened. "You're right." She whispered. "Exactly, but if I tell you something, you didn't hear this from me." I said, they both nodded.
"Two weeks ago, when me and Pez went to the showers, I walked out and she had bruises and scratches all over her back." I sighed. "I asked her and she said she fell down the stairs but I could see she was lying so I hugged her and told her to tell me the truth but she started crying, so I told her to tell me when she is ready." I added. "Is he hitting her?" Leigh asked. I shrugged. "Obviously that is what crossed my mind but she wouldn't put herself through that, not again" I said. "We hope she wouldn't." Jesy said and stood up.
"Girls!" We heard Claud shout, she looked at the door as he came in. "What's up?" Leigh asked. "Pez is crying in the showers, I'm not allowed in, I don't know if she is dressed or not and she won't tell me." He said, I shot up and ran to the showers.

"Perrie, Baby." I said and opened the door. She was sat with a towel wrapped around her on the side of the sinks. "Sweetheart." I cooed and hugged her. "Talk to me baba." I smiled and removed some hair from her face. "I-I-I- I can't." She sobbed. "Calm down Pez." I said and sobbed into my shoulder. We were shortly joined by Jesy and Leigh. "Oh Pez." Jesy said and sat next to her and rubbed her back. Leigh stood next to me and rubbed her leg.

She was crying for about 20 minutes. Finally she calmed down slightly. "You're okay sweetheart." I said and she sat up, she nodded. "Please tell us what's going on, Pez, you haven't been yourself since we started tour." Jesy said. I nodded. "I can't tell you." She cried. "Why not baby?" I asked her and rubbed up and down her arm gently. "He'll do it harder." She broke into harder sobs. My heart was breaking looking at this state of her. "Who will?" Jesy asked, I knew she was trying to get it out of her. I knew it was unfair to take advantage of her but we needed to know.

"Alex." Perrie whispered, we all listened. "What does he do?" Jesy asked again.

"He, he, he erm, he hit me." She cried, I hugged her again. "And he, he, did it again. And whenever I go home, he, he does it." She started crying again. "I'm going to kill him." I heard Jesy snarl under her breath, I looked at her and shook my head, it's not the time to get angry. "He, he calls me selfish, a bitch and ev,every name under the sun." She cried, she wrapped her arms loosely around my shoulders. I put my arms under her bum and lifted her into my arms.
"He isn't going to hurt you anymore Pez." Leigh said. "I shouldn't have told you." She cried, I sat on the floor and sat her on my knee. "Baby, we are glad you told us." Jesy said and sat in front of me and kissed her head. Leigh sat next to me again and rubbed her back.

"He'll hurt me." She sobbed. "No he won't princess. We won't let him." I said and she curled herself into me. "Oh babe." Leigh cried.

"Girls!?" We heard Paul say from outside. Jesy stood up and ran to the door, she opened it and popped her head out. "Can I come in?" He asked. "Erm no, Pez is naked." She said. "Oh well tell her to get dressed, we need to get going." We heard him say, Perrie cried harder. "Is Perrie crying?" He asked trying to push the door open. "Paul, she is naked!" Leigh shouted so he shut it. Perrie let out a little laugh. "Pez?" Leigh asked, she hummed in response. "Why haven't you ended it?" She asked again. There was a pause of questioning silence. "I didn't want to disappoint the fans." She whispered but started crying again.

"Your happiness needs to mean more to you than the fans Pezza. Please you can't keep living like this baby." I said and hugged her tighter. "I know but, but what if they hate me again. Like after what happened with Zayn." She said and looked at me with the saddest eyes, my heart teared more. "They won't Baby, we'll make sure and you've learnt not to listen to them lowlifes." Jesy said, Perrie nodded.

1 week later
Perrie broke up with Alex yesterday, she is finding it hard since it is already all over the internet. Right now though, we were cuddled up in my bunk, she was crying lightly into my chest. "It gets better baby." I said and rubbed her side. Just then my phone lit up with a message from Jed

Jed💜: hey babe, have you seen Alex's post about Pez? Xx
Jade❤️: No, I'll check now. Xx
Jed💜: okay, don't show Pez what ever you do. Xx
Jade❤️:Okay? Xx

So as you all know, me and Perrie have been together for just under 2 years, well now I'm sorry to say we have broken up. I must say, I couldn't be happier. She was a horrible girlfriend, constantly talking about herself and Jade... #jerrieisreal. And all that shit. But seriously, she would complain about everything and I'm pretty sure she cheated on me loads. She is an attention seeking whore, who deserves to die in hell. She needs to see this and I don't give a fuck if 'MIXERS' attack me, the truth hurts.

I read it and sighed, how could he say that about her, she is the most loyal girlfriend and it isn't fair. Poor Pez.
She needed all the love she could get today.

Hope you liked this. I aren't proof read it so sorry for any mistakes.

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