Embarrassment pt2

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Ugh. I flopped down into my bunk and let out a choking sob, why did Jesy have to say it like that? I get it 24 year olds vaginas don't bulge when they sit down but she could have been a bit nicer. I pulled the covers over me and tried to hide my cries.

A couple of minutes later, I felt a hand on my back. "Pez?" I heard Jesy whisper. "Leave me alone." I cried and swatted her hand away. "Oh come on baby, I'm sorry." She whispered, I could tell she felt bad but still. I carried on ignoring her. "I really am sorry Pez, I didn't think and I didn't think it will be the fact you're wearing a nappy." I felt the mattress dip, meaning she had now crawled into the bunk with me. "Oh yeah because it isn't normal for a 24 year old to wear a fucking nappy." I cried. "Oh love, thats not what I meant." She whispered and cuddled me. "I know, I'm just sad." I whispered, this was the thing with me, when I'm upset I'm really upset and the girls have to be careful what they say in case I take it wrong and end up crying into their shoulders. "Perrie please forgive me, I really really am sorry." She whispered and played with my hair. I rolled over in her arms and snuggled into her chest, this was my way of saying I forgave her without physically saying it. "I love you." She whispered and played with my hair. "I love you too." I replied.

After a while, we rejoined Leigh and Jade in the couch area of the bus. I sat down next to Jade, she wrapped her arm around my waist. "You okay baba?" She asked. I nodded and rested my head on her shoulder. "Titanic or the notebook?" Jesy asked. "Notebook" I mumbled. She smiled weakly at me and put the disk in the DVD player. I snuggled up closer to Jade as the film started.

The film had finished now. Perrie was sleeping with her head on my legs and Jesy and Leigh were just cleaning the popcorn, I would have helped but I can't get up and I don't want to disturb Pez just yet. "Are you staying out here tonight?" Jesy asked me. I nodded, I needed to change Pez, I can tell she's wet because her bum is slightly warm and I really didn't want her getting a rash.  "See you in the morning babe." Leigh kissed my head and left and Jesy quickly followed her.

"Pez?" I whispered slightly, shaking her. "Baby wakey, wakey." I added, her eyelids flickered open. "You need changing baby, I'll be back." I said quietly, I ran to the bathroom and picked up the wipes, cream, and powder and a towel for her to lie on. Once I came back, I was met with a sobbing Perrie. "Oh love, what's the matter?" I asked and went to hug her but she moved from me and went to cry in a pillow. "Perrie?" I asked quite shocked. "Y-Yeah?" She whispered. "WHats the matter?" I walked slowly to her. "Why did you check whilst I was sleeping?" She cried. "Oh darling, I'm sorry but I needed to know if I should wake you up, I don't want you getting a rash." I sighed and rubbed her back. "Oh." She whispered and sat up. "I'm sorry though." I added. "No it's okay, I'm glad you did but it's just really embarrassing." She whispered and played with her hands. "Lets change you baby." I smiled and walked her to the towel. I led her down, pulled off her joggers then untapped her nappy, I kept glancing up at Perrie to try and see if she was okay. Once I removed her nappy from her princess parts, she gasped, closed her legs and put her hand there. "Sweetheart, what are you doing?" I giggled. "It's embarrassing." She started sobbing now, I sat her up and gave her a good snuggle. "Tell me what's the most embarrassing part." I whispered and rocked her gently. "Wearing them in the first place." She whispered. "They help you though don't they, they stop you getting wet sheets." I replied and tickled her knees slightly. "Yeah I guess." She sighed and lent back into me. "What else is embarrassing love?" I asked her and moved some hair from her face. "You wiping me and changing me." She whispered. "Do you want to clean yourself and I'll just put you in one?" I asked her. She thought about it for a minute. "Will you give me some privacy?" She asked I nodded and turned around. I heard the wipe packet ruffle but then I heard her sob so I turned around. "That's even more embarrassing, you do it." She handed me the wipe and led down.

Once she was clean, I got out another diaper. "I don't like yuh seeing my foof." She cried. "Oh Pez, I've seen it all before." I sighed and rubbed her belly. "But this is different." She cried.  "I know love, but if you stop covering,it, we can get it over with quicker." I smiled. She removed her hand and I quickly applied the powder and cream. "I need to let it air out a minute." I sighed and led down next to her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "I'm not looking baby, let's talk for a minute." I laughed and kissed her cheek. "Erm okay." She sighed. We started talking and interviews and seeing fans and stuff and then I saw her eyes dropping. I sat up and quickly put a diaper around her again. "That wasn't so bad?" I asked and sat her on my knee. "No, not that bad." She sighed tiredly. "Come on, bed." I laughed she stood up and walked towards her bunk, I walked behind her, turning a few lights off on my way. She shuffled into her bunk. "Good night princess." I whispered. "Nite." She replied. I pulled her curtain and left her.
I decided to quickly message Alex.
Jade😘: Hey Alex, I'm just messaging to let you know that Pez has told me about the night time stuff. I told her I'll take care of it and not to worry. X
Alex🌟: Ahhh thanks Jade, you're a star. Can you keep me updated on how she is every morning? X
Jade😘: Of course I can, I just changed her now since she wet when she fell asleep during the film earlier. There's lots of tears shed but we got there in the end. X
Alex🌟: She cries a bit with me too, pure embarrassment I suppose. X
Jade😘: Obviously, anyway good night. X
Alex🌟: Nite Jade. X

I put my phone under my pillow and led down, a couple of minutes later, my curtain was drawn back and there stood Pez. "Come on then," I laughed and opened the duvet, she smiled and crawled in with me, her arms wrapped loosely around my waist and her head resting in my neck. "Sleep tight babe." I whispered and played with her hair. Thankfully small snores soon echoed and I knew she was asleep, I let my eyes drop to.

In high request and many ideas, I added a part 2! I hope you like x

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