Bullies (K)

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"Get out!" I shouted and threw a pillow at Amber! I was so angry at everyone and everything. Everything is going so horribly at the moment. There are loads of girls at school that are being really horrible to me and it's so annoying. When I try to stick up for myself they just bring me down more or hit me. I stole some of Ambers make up so my mams don't see the obvious bruises. If they do I just cover it and say I fell over.
"Kenz, tea time." I heard Mam say from the other side of my door. I quickly moved my hands to my stomach, the girls call me fat... I am fat. Maybe if I starve myself I will lose weight, it will make them happy, it will make them like me. "I'm not hungry mam." I said back. "Kenzie? We always have tea together come on please." She said and went to open my door. "Don't come in. I'm naked." The first thing I thought of. "Nothing I haven't seen before, let me in Kenz." She said sternly. I just walked to the door and let my mam in. "What's going on?" She asked. "Nothing, lets go." I said and walked out of my room. She stood there confused a minute but when I reached the stairs she began following me. "Everything okay Kenz?" Mama asked. I nodded and sat in front of my pizza.

I didn't want any of it.

2 weeks later...

"McKenzie Jordyn get here right now!" I shouted and gave Perrie one last cuddle before leaving her to calm down. "What the hell has gotten into you young lady??" I asked. She looked generally sorry for hurting Perrie. She just shrugged and looked down. "McKenzie Jordyn, I suggest you start explaining!" I screamed. "Mam, I'm sorry." She whimpered. "No! Every day for the last 2 weeks I have had to tell you off because of your misbehaviour, you apologise and I drop it. Not this time! You really hurt your mama!!" I shouted. "Mam, please stop shouting." She whispered, "tell me! Go on!!" I screamed. "Mam, stop shouting." Amber said and trudged our of her bedroom. "Stay out of this Amber." I snarled. "I know what's going on but Kenzie has to give me permission to tell you." She said and hugged Kenz who had started crying. "Tell me!" I said. "Jadey, stop." Perrie said and came out of her bedroom, her face was tear stained but she hugged me and rubbed my back. "Mama I'm sorry." Kenzie whined. "Yeah okay." Perrie sighed and looked down. "Go back to bed, I'll sort it." Perrie said to me, I shook my head. "You're a mess." I said and rubbed her cheek, "I can't let you get wound up again." I said, I kissed her as well. "I'll stay but you talk." She whispered. I nodded. "Ready to explain Kenz?" I asked calmly now. She shook her head. "You better not misbehave again or I will give you a more serious punishment." I scolded and walked away with Oerrie.

1 week later
McKenzie has still been playing up, but today she came home from school and ran straight upstairs. "McKenzie?" I asked, Jade messaged me saying Kenzie wanted to go on the bus so I knew it was her since the others were still at school with Jade. I ran upstairs and knocked on McKenzie's door. "Go away." She sobbed. "Baby, what's happened?" I asked and tried to open it but she pushed I shut. "Kenz, open it please." I asked and tried to open it. "Mama, don't be mad." She cried. "I won't sweetie." I said and opened the door, she was stood there with a wet patch on her legs and her face was bruised, she had scratches on her arms and legs, blood on her face. "Baby." I said and ran up to her, I scooped her into my arms and rocked her back and forth. "Who did this to you?" I asked. She shook her head and started crying, I then felt my clothes get wet. "Did you just pee?" I asked her. She nodded. "I'm sorry mama." She cried. "It's okay baby girl. Shhhh." I cradled her in my arms. "Why babe?" I asked sitting down. "It scares me talking about it." She cried. "Okay but Kenz I need you to tell me who did this to you." I said and tried to clean her face, she cooked away  and winced in pain. "Girls at school." She whispered and crossed her legs, "Shall we have this conversation in the toilet so you don't wet your knickers even more?" I asked she nodded and ran to the bathroom. I peeled off my wet top and followed her. "What did they do?" I asked her, "they- they pushed me down on the grass and called me weak. They started hitting me over and over. I then peed because I was scared and I really needed toilet anyway. They then started asking me a baby and said that I need a bottle and diaper. And started making fun of me." She cried. "How long has this been going on for?" I asked. "About a month." She whispered. That explains her behaviour. "Why haven't you told anyone?" I asked. "I told Amber, we'll Amber saw it." She cried. "What about the wetting sweetheart?" I asked. "Almost e-everyday." She cried. "Oh baby." I said and hugged her so tight. "Amber knows everything, I usually now take a spare pair of pants to school and stuff." She cried. "Baby, shhh. It's okay. But answer me honestly, have you been wetting the bed?" I asked. She has been doing her own washing and I'm sure she changes her sheets a lot. She nodded and blushed bright red. "Baby don't get embarrassed. It's only because of the bullies so don't worry." I said and hugged her. "I love you very much baba, please come to me or mam about it. And mam works at school doesn't she, go and find her at school and come home to me and talk to me at night okay?" She nodded and launched herself into me. I looked into the toilet and saw the yellow colour at the bottom, glad I moved her.

Later that night.

I talked to Jade about McKenzie and we got to the bottom of the bullies, Jade has already rang their parents and none of them were happy with their children. Me and Jade had discussed some things together and now it was time to tell Kenzie. "Babe, can you come upstairs with me and mama a minute." Jade asked Kenzie, she looked confused but obeyed anyway. When we got to our room I pulled McKenzie into my knee. "So baba, me and your mama talked and we thought it would be best if you wear pull-ups for bed. Just so there are no more accidents." Jade said, Kenzie's eyes filled with tears and shook her head continually. "Ahh babe it's okay." I rubbed her side. "I- I don't want to." She cried. "We know you don't baby girl, but it will be better if you have one on." I said and kissed her temple. "No mama. It's only because of the bullies anyway." She cried again. "We know it is sweetheart, so we will make you wear them for three nights, if you are dry every time, no more. If you are wet, you will need to wear them for another week and we will talk about it again okay?" Jade said, she reluctantly nodded. "Thank you sweetheart. Only we need to know about this okay?" I said and she nodded. "Good girl baba." I hugged her. It was already 9pm and the girls were going to bed soon. "Shall we put one on now?" I asked and she nodded sheepishly. "Don't be embarrassed Kenz, it's for the best." Jade said and took McKenzie's hand.

They came out of the bathroom 10 minutes later and you could sadly tell she was wearing one, even though she was wearing baggy joggers.  "It's hideous." She wines and stood in front of the full-length mirror. "You look like a princess." I said and took her hand then walked her to bed. "Now, if you wake up and you have a full pull-up come and find me and mam and we will change you, in the morning, if you are wet, let us change it. If you are dry, change it to knickers and we will talk to you okay?" I said and tucked her in. "Yeah." She said. "Nite sweetheart." I kissed her head and walked out with Jade on my tail.
I hope she stays dry.

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