Emotions- ageplay

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I sighed when I heard my phone ringing, I didn't really want to move. I had only just settled little Pez. She was curled up with her head on my knee. I'm not quite sure what was wrong with her tonight but she didn't want any clothes on, and did not want to sleep alone. It was about 11:30 and her bedtime was meant to be 6:30 and I had only just got her down.

I decided to just ignore my phone, if it was important, they'll ring again but right now, I'm not risking waking up Perrie.

I kept running my fingers up and down her back, letting her know I'm still there. I sighed and tried to rack my brain on what could possibly have gotten her so upset tonight. She had been with Alex all day but she came home absolutely fine she just started getting upset after tea which was difficult especially for bedtime. It made my heart break knowing my baba was so upset, she always struggles telling me how she's feeling but tonight, she's been a non-verbal, upset, clingy baby girl. Usually, we have rules in place which say she's not allowed to get out of bed more than three times, otherwise she gets punished. But tonight, her poor little snotty nose and watery eyes just made it impossible to let her go.

I rested my head back on the head board of my bed and closed my eyes. I really didn't think about my own sleep when I let Pez rest on my legs. There's no way I can get up and get ready without disturbing her. I couldn't reach my phone or the remotes but I knew if I slept like this, I'd get a crooked neck. I mean I could hopefully give her some more time just to let her settle into a deeper sleep and hope she doesn't wake up completely? Yeah I'll do that.

My phone kept beeping from messages which was really beginning to bug me. Perrie has been asleep for half an hour now so I very carefully slid out from under her head and lowered it onto a pillow. Her hands twitched and I thought she was gonna wake up but thankfully, she just rolled over and sighed. She was diagonal across the bed but right now, I didn't care- she was sleeping. I leaned over the bed and picked up my phone, there was missed calls from Jesy and Leigh and about 30 texts from both of them on the group chat. I didn't bother reading them, instead I walked to the bathroom and rang Jess back.

"Oh thank god, hi!" She said as soon as she answered. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

"What's up?" I sat on the closed toilet lid.

"Have you been on Instagram in the last like 5 hours?" She asked, panicking.

"No?" I said. "I've been trying to settle Perrie."

"She's little?" Jess replied.

"Yeah, Jess what's going on?" I was getting slightly concerned.

"Babe. Alex has been seen kissing this other girl and it's all over Instagram. When was Pez last on?" I instantly put my phone on speaker and went to look at Instagram. Surely enough, there was instantly loads of pictures of Alex and another girl, they were kissing and she very clearly was NOT Perrie.

"She went on her phone about, I don't know 5?" I sighed, trying to rack my brain.

"Baba it's been on for ages, Pez would have seen it." Jesy sighed. I nodded and put my head in my hand.

"She's been so unsettled since dinner time. It took me ages to get her to sleep but Jess she wasn't talking to me about it, just whining and needing cuddles."

"Babe, she definitely saw it. I've just logged in to her account and there's open messages with the pictures." Jesy whispered sadly.

"I'll go get her phone, see if Alex has said anything to her," I stood up and ran downstairs where I knew her phone was. I picked it up and saw her lock screen which just broke my heart as it was a picture of her and Alex cuddling. But there were loads of messages from her mum, Ellie, Caitlin and just other family but none from Alex himself. Absolutely nothing from Alex. What a prick.

"Alex hasn't said anything to her," I said to Jess.

"Mama?" I heard a little whimper from the door. I looked up and saw Perrie stood there in her nappy with a top wrapped around her hands and her cute little sleepy face. I just sighed and opened my arms. She shuffled over sadly and stood in front of me.

"Don't you want a cuddle baba?" I whispered as I requested to FaceTime Jesy and put my phone down.

"Mama, woo kn-know bout awex?" She sniffed and avoided eye contact.

I nodded softly.

"I do munchkin, I'm sorry mama didn't know earlier," I sighed, feeling insanely guilty that she was so heartbroken and I had no idea. I lifted my hand and stroked her little rosy cheek. Just then, she broke down into sobs. It was early morning now, I was exhausted and I know Perrie was too but she was just so upset. I pulled her onto my knee and held her close as she cried.

"Baba, do you want me to come over?" I heard Jesy say from the other end of the phone. I chuckled slightly.

"Baby, no. It's what 1 o'clock in the morning?" I said.

"Don't be silly. You are both exhausted but I know she isn't going to get proper sleep." Jesy sighed and started getting out of bed. I, of course, felt bad but it was her choice.

"Baby girl, do you want to see Jesy?" I coped and strokes Perrie's back. She shook her head and just cried more into my neck. I still think Jesy will come, she always would.

Half an hour later, Perrie was sniffling in my neck, we hadn't really said anything, I'd just been holding her- as I always would. Jesy was due to arrive any minute now and I had sent her a text telling her to let herself in as she knew the security code and had a spare key. I was running my fingers up and down Perries arm, trying not to fall asleep. I knew she was fighting it to and I didn't know why.

"Don't you want to sleep lovely?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"Why not baby? Those pretty eyes are tired," I cooed.

"I-I when I seepy a-all de memwies come back mama," she explained sadly. I nodded and wrapped my arms around her tighter.

"How about we put some TV on? Do you want tumble? Or Sofia?" I asked. She looked at me sadly and whispered Sofia to me. I quickly reached for the remote, getting Sofia the first up on Disney plus. She had watched the series over and over again but she loved it and it kept her settled so it's okay. I'm hoping it'd supply decent distraction for as long as possible.

LITTLE MIX~ one shots!!!Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora