Long day- ageplay

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Perrie-mindset of a three year old
Jesy- mama

"Welcome Little Mix!" We heard Zach chimed as we walked through the door. We were about to start the really long interview for the Zach Sang show, I was excited because I love long interviews but to be honest I was slightly worried about Perrie. She's been wanting to slip since she woke up this morning, I know she's tired, I know she's grumpy so knowing that this interview gets cut down to an hour (meaning it will last longer) just sends off alarm bells. We all piled in and waved at the them. When we sat down, it went Leigh, me, Perrie and then Jadey. So Perrie was sat in between me and Jade. Which is hopefully good, we'll be able to comfort her nicely if she gets too unsettled.
We thankfully quickly begun and started getting quite interesting questions.
"So girls, have you started writing LM6?" Zach asked. We all nodded.
"Can we get anything hints, spoilers?" He laughed then Leigh started going on a bit of a talk about our new album, she talked about how the type of music and how honest it is. Near the end, Perrie rested her head on my shoulder gently. I took hold of her hand and let her fiddle with my fingers.
"You alright Perrie?" Zach asked, concerned.
"Mhmm, I'm just tired." She replied quietly. Jade rubbed her back and whispered something in her ear. Perrie just muttered a quick 'I know'. Jade smiled at her then pulled her in for a hug. Jade was sat back with Perrie resting herself on her. It was a very cute sight, I'm just hoping Perrie doesn't slip!

We had a break in the interview then we were going to go back and play a bit of a game. I'm hoping we can boost Pez up in the next 20 minutes so she looks a little less like death in the next half. "I'm going to the toilet," Leigh said and stood up from the sofa we were on.
"Mmmm me too!" Perrie whimpered and tried to get out of my arms. I let her go and she ran to catch up to Leigh. It was cute as she quickly latched onto Leigh's hand almost instantly.
"You think she's going to be okay?" Jade asked and looked at me.
"I bloody hope so, tell you what, I'll go and buy some energy drinks. Hopefully wake her up." I said, picked up my purse and walked to the vending machines.

Perrie returned with Leigh and she looked as if she might cry.
"What's the matter?" I asked her and opened my arms.
"Where's mama?" She cried slightly.
"She's just gone to get you a drink angel, she'll be back very very soon," I whispered and pulled her into me, she rested her head in the crook of my neck. I stroked her hair and let her cry. Leigh also hugged us.
"I jus' wan' sweep," she cried heavily.
"Oh baby girl I know only half an hour left then you can most definitely sleep!" I whispered and went to sit down, she nodded but hid her face in her hands. "Is she padded?" I asked Leigh quickly. Leigh nodded and smiled then sat down next to me and Pez. "You'll be okay sweetheart, Jesy will be back in a minute." Leigh whispered to Perrie and stroked her hair. Just like magic, Jesy returned with an energy drinks and 3 bottles of water.
"Here you go princess," Jesy smiled and passed Perrie a drink.
"Th-thank you," Pez smiled and took it off her.
Jesy then sat down next to me and passed me and Leigh our waters.

Thankfully, Perrie finished the energy drink so we are all hoping she'll be more lively during these games! We were sitting in the same set up as last time.
"Hey girls, welcome back." Zach smiled and waved at us, we all waved back.

"So never have I ever sent a regretful drunken text to someone?" Zach laughed. Me and Jesy said no but Perrie and Leigh had!
"Funny enough we both sent them to each other," Leigh laughed loudly and blushed.
"What was it?" Jesy asked clearly intrigued.
"We were out and I went to the bathroom and was planning on messaging Alex but ended up messaging Leigh you know that stuff and then 2 hours later Leigh goes to message Andre but I'm at the top of her messaging list all of a sudden so she messages me instead. Then apparently it didn't click to her because I sent a naughty text so she thought it was Andre so she sent a naughty one back," Perrie explained. I watched as both girls blushed and me and Jesy just burst out laughing. Perrie his her face behind her hands and Leigh hid behind me.

We were now talking about the making of strip and the video. Perrie seemed to have woken up a lot now which is good but I could tell she's still feeling sort of little.
"I must ask, did the words being painted on tickle?" Zach asked. I then looked over at Pez, before I could answer. She was squirming and hiding behind her hands. I quickly wrapped my arms around her.
"What's the matter?" I asked her quietly.
She shook her head over and over. 
"It's okay. You're okay," I whispered and cuddled her closer. Leigh and Jesy were answering the question which is good. "It's alright," I stroked Perrie's arm. She carried on squirming slightly in my arms and it suddenly clicked, she'd had an accident.  "Sweetheart, try and relax. You're okay," I sighed and kissed her head. She nodded and I know she was trying but the poor hing was struggling. Thankfully though when Jesy stroked her back again, she settled a little more. We then got through the interview pretty quickly. I was just hoping Pez would be okay from now on. 

We got out of the interview and Pez was not leaving Jesy's side. 
"Mama it hurtie," she whimpered, obviously referring to her nappy, she never really stays in it that long, even at night, she wakes one of us up for a change if she does have an accident. "I know darling, mama just needs to go get your stuff and we'll go change you," Jesy smiled and kissed Perrie's head, "go to Jadey, I'll run to get your stuff," she sad and tried to pull Pez off her arm.I pulled Perrie closer to me but she whimpered and wiggled. 
"Hey hey sweetheart shh" I sighed and stroked her hair and back, trying to soothe her. Jesy ran for it  when she could Perrie literally feel to the floor in tears though. I understand she was upset and tired and little and needed a change but come on Pez. I bent down in front of her and sighed. "sweetheart, don't you want a cuddle?" Leigh said and also bent down in front of her. Perrie just shook her head and buried it in her knees. I kissed her head and stroked her back. 
"Are we gonna sit here until mama comes back?" I asked her gently, that time she nodded, causing me and Leigh to chuckle. A couple of minutes later, Jesy came back and tutted but laughed. 
"Why is my little girl sat crying on the floor?" She smiled, she knew Perrie was ridiculously over tired and stressed. Pez slowly lifted her head and looked at Jess "Mama," she reached her little arms out and did adorable grabby hands. Jesy lifted her to her feet hen took her hand. "Lets get you changed," she smiled and walked her and Pez towards the disabled bathroom.  


And you got a oneshot! I hope you likeeey x

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