Lets try it-pt2

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After a couple of hours, Perrie needed her nappy changing again but it was about 7pm now so I decided it is great time for a bath. I knew this was going to be a struggle so I warned Jesy and Leigh that I will need help. Right now Perrie was sat curled into my body and her eyes were dropping, I'm guessing today really tired her out. She still hadn't fully slipped since she was still trying to walk, still using big girl sentences and was still getting slightly embarrassed when she does do something babyish, I am hoping however, tonight she does slip. "Shall we go for a bath baby?" I asked and stroked her cheek, she looked up at me and shook her head. "I think we should, come on." I whispered and lifted her onto my hip. She was clearly to tired to fight me.

When we got to the bathroom, Leigh was already there running it. Perrie hid her face in my neck. "Don't be embarrassed sweetheart, they just want to watch you play." I said and rubbed her back she shook her head. "I'm not a baby." She cried. "No big girl sentences." I sighed, the amount of times I have had to say that today is unreal. "I no baba." She cried and clung to my top. I set her down on the floor and tried to pull her grip from my top. "Lie down for mama." I said, she didn't, she sat up right staring at me with tears falling down her face. "Perrie, stop being a naughty baby and lie down please." I said, she did thankfully. I undid the buttons on her baby grow and pulled her legs out. I took off her nappy and wiped her vagina clean. She was blushing. Just as I was about to remove her top half, Jesy walked in, she closed her legs quickly and put herself into a position where I couldn't remove her clothing. "Relax Pez, it's just Auntie Jesy." I sighed she shook her head and began sobbing. "Perrie, you are being very naughty." I sighed but opened my arms so she could cuddle me, I hated seeing her cry. She crawled into my knee. I rocked her gently and as she began to relax, I pulled her arms gently out of her baby grow. She blushed but didn't fight me. Once I moved her away from my body she started whining and trying to cover herself again. "Pez, stop." I said and took hold of her hand that was covering her vagina. "We've all seen it before, it's okay." I whispered and kissed her head.

"Time to get in babe." Leigh said. "No." Perrie screamed. "Perrie, we don't scream at people, that is very rude." Leigh scolded her. "No!" She cried. She led down and started kicking her legs and banging the floor. And she says she isn't a baby. "That's it's young lady, you're going in time out." I sighed, I picked her up but she wiggled against me, however with a harsh tap to the thigh she quickly stopped. She did get embarrassed when I walked out of the bathroom with her naked, but she needed a time out. I walked into the nursery and sat her on the chair in the corner, it was facing the wall. "Sit here for 2 minutes in silence." I said and tapped her head she stubbornly crossed her arms over her chest.

After a minute and a half she started banging her feet and banging her head against the wall. "Perrie stop." I said, and moved to stand next to her. She looked at me with tears in her eyes. "Don't cry, you'll be done in a second." I sighed. After the beep went off on the egg timer, I moved her chair around so it was facing me and crouched in front of her. "Now young lady, I don't want any more of this bad behaviour. You will go in the bath like a big girl and if it makes you feel a little better, I'll tell Auntie Jesy and Auntie Leigh to leave but you need to give them a goodnight cuddle and kiss before hand." I said. She nodded. "Now what do you say to mama?" I add her, she looked at me with tears eyes. "Pewwie sowwy." She cried and launched herself onto me. I laughed at her third person apology but it will do. "Come on then, lets go and say goodnight to Jesy and Leigh and then we can go in the bath with good behaviour." I whispered and let her crawl in front of me.

Thankfully Perrie went in the bath once we went back in, I don't think she minded Jesy and Leigh being here anymore since she didn't want to say goodnight. Leigh had filled the bath, just below her belly button and it had lots of toys in it. At first she didn't touch them but she did keep glancing between me and the toys. "Go on baba." I laughed and pushed the boat towards her, she reached for it and started playing. It was cute.

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