Bullies pt4 (K)

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Today we decided to take the girls to a water park. We got up early and we were now getting ready, Kenzie's bullying has calmed down a lot so she was hardly peeing during the day and we only put a diaper on her if she asks or after she has had an accident. Yesterday, however, she pooped in her underwear which made me and Jade a bit angry but Kenzie was clearly very upset and regretful, she claimed it was accident so we believed her and cleaned her up. "Amber?" I shouted, she came in and looked at me questionably. "Can you go and get the beach bag out of the store room, I need to check in Kenzie." I said and she nodded the walked off. I walked to Kenzie's room and knocked on the door. "Kenz?" I asked. I opened the door and saw her crouched in the floor squeezing. She was obviously pooing. "Mckenzie!" I said, she stood up and looked embarrassed. Her poo started to leak from her underwear. She started to cry. "Bathroom now!" I shouted, she ran there and held her bum. I walked into the bathroom and saw her now stood in a wet patch, I obviously scared her so she peed. "Kenzie?" I asked. "I'm sorry mama." She cried, I led her on the changing mat and peeled off her dirty underwear. "Can you tell me why you did it in your underwear on purpose?" I asked whilst I cleaned her. She blushed red. "Babe, if you like wearing diapers come and tell me and Mam, don't get yourself in trouble by doing it on purpose." She nodded and started crying. "Kenz, I'm just going to speak to your mam. I'll be back okay." I kissed her head, I left her on the floor naked but hoped she would stay there.

"Jade can I speak to you." I said and walked in. "Course what's up?" She asked and I sat on her knee. "Well I went to check on Kenzie earlier and I walked into her room and she was deliberately pooping in her underwear so I took her into the bathroom and cleaned her up. But then I said if she liked wearing diapers and wanted them in all of the time she should come and talk to ya instead of getting herself in trouble and she nodded so I think it is what she wants." I sighed. "Okay, we'll if she wants it we should give it her." Jade said. "But what if she just gets too lazy?" I asked. "We'll talk to her after swimming but I think we should put her in a swim nappy as a punishment." She sighed. I nodded, went to get Kenzie one and went back into Kenzie's room. I walked into her ensuite and looked at her. She was sat and there was a wet patch on the changing mat. "Kenz, there is a toilet two steps away!" I sighed angrily. She cried and crossed her legs, you need to be careful how you talk to her because if she takes it wrong she gets scared and pees. Another pee stain spread across the mat. "Move Kenz." I said, she did and I wiped it with a towel. "Lie down." I said. She did. I liked the swimmer nappy up her legs. "Mama, what's this?" She cried. "A swimming nappy." I said and moved her underwear into the bin and walked my hands. "I'm not wearing this." She cried and tried to take it off. "Yes you are! What if you pee pee or poo poo in the pool?" I asked her. "I'm won't!" She screamed in my face. "Don't you dare scream in my face!" I shouted back, Jade came running in. "McKenzie, if you take that off, you will be punished more." Jade said, just then Kenzie's nappy went dark, meanings he had just peed. "Lie down, might as well change you. But you are putting another one on." Jade sighed, she kissed me and sent me out.

Before, we left, Kenzie had a massive tantrum about wearing the swim nappy but she eventually calmed down after I gave her some shorts which covered it nicely. We had just arrived at the pool. Amber and Syd went to sort themselves out and I smiled at how excited Sydney was, she has been asking for ages but we didn't think Kenzie was up to it. Now we decided that Kenz will have to get over it slightly.

We had been in the pool a couple of hours, Jade was off with Amber, and I was in the line for the slide with Syd. She was being really adorable talking about loads of gibberish. We had two more people until we were allowed on, when we got joined by a very upset McKenzie. "Whats wrong Kenz?" I asked hugging her, she jumped slightly meaning she wanted me to pick her up. As I did I felt a squish under her bum. "Babe have you gone poo poo in your nappy?" I asked winding her up slightly since I knew she would. She nodded sadly and burst into tears. "Syd, Baby I need to change your sister. Can you go on the slide yourself?" I asked Sydney, she began to cry as well. "No baba don't cry." I said and tried to comfort her as much as possible but it was difficult since I was holding a 13 year old in my arms. "Mama, change me." Kenzie whispered. I sighed I was stuck between one twin with a dirty diaper who was also quite embarrassed and distraught and the other twin was clearly upset her mama had to leave her when they were having quality time. "Syd, please. Go and find Mam." I said. She shook her head and held onto me. "Mama! Change me!!" Kenzie kicked me gently. I looked at her sternly and I knew she peed because I felt the warmness on my stomach. "Syd let go please." I begged. "No mama, she had had all of your attention for the last month I just wanted one go on the slide and she ruined it." She whined and pushed Kenzie, which also made me move since I was holding her. "None of that young lady." Jade said and held Sydney back. I gave her a thankful look and ran off with McKenzie.

I opened the locker and took out the changing bag, I walked into a changing cubicle and led Kenzie down. She was crying a lot, "shhh sweetheart you're okay." I said and caressed here cheek. I decide I should change her so I put down the travel channel he mat and spread her legs, as I peeled her shorts down I'd noticed her had leaked into her shorts. "Oh sweetheart." I coped and hugged her. "Mama do it please." She said and led down. I undid her nappy and cleaned her bum nicely, I then covered her in powder and cream. I put on another diaper and sat her up, she was till crying a lot, and I mean a lot. "Breathe sweetheart." I said and rubbed her back. "Mama?!" I heard Sydney shout. "What's up Syd?" I shouted back. "I want a cuddle." She cried. "Well you need to wait." I sighed and played with Kenzie's hair trying to get her to settle down. "No! I want one now!" She cried! "Sydney Louise, stop being a spoilt brat and go back out please." I said, I heard her huff and then the door slam. I must admit I felt bad but a distraught Kenzie needed me more than a jealous Sydney right now. I started rocking Kenzie and whispering soothing words to her, she really was crying hard. "Shhh baby girl." I said and ran my finger up and down her nose, this calmed her when she was younger, hopefully it will work now. Her eyes began to flutter and her breathing settled. "That's it, good girl." I said and kissed her head. She mumbled something and feel asleep. Bless her. I carried on rocking her until I knew she really was asleep. I then led her on the bench whilst I packed up the things. I pulled a long hoodie over her so it was convening her diaper since her shorts had leaked poo on so she wouldn't want to go back  in if she woke up. I put the things in the locker, picked up my baby and walked out of the changing rooms. I settled in a chair and let Kenzie sleep peacefully on me, thankfully she was a heavy sleeper so the noise of the water park didn't wake her.

I was joined by Jade after 10 minutes. "She fell asleep?" She asked kissing me quickly and pulling a chair up next to me. "Yeah She was crying so I rocked her in my arms and stroked her nose and she calmed and fell asleep." I sighed. I looked down at McKenzie. "I thinks she likes it." Jade sighed, I nodded knowing what she meant. "How's Syd?" I asked nervously. "Oh she isn't happy. I sent her off with Amber since Amber was joking with her and calming her down slightly. But I'm sure I heard her mention giving you silent treatment." She laughed. I just laughed. "She was being a spoilt brat though." I sighed and looked back at McKenzie. "She was, she came storming out of the changing rooms stomping her feet but she hurt her toe and started stomping more I had to pick her up for her to stop." Jade laughed. "Oh god." I laughed as well.

When we got home, McKenzie crawled into our bed which I must admit was adorable, Sydney was still giving me silent treatment and I honestly found it hilarious . Amber was tired so she went to bed and me and Jade curled up with Kenz. "I'll talk to Sydney tomorrow." I sighed and fell asleep myself, still holding Kenzie close to me.

Part 4... comment for a part 5 xx

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