Big girl pt2

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"Mamaaaaaaaaaa," I heard Leigh chime from her bedroom. I groaned, looked at the clock to see it was 9am then looked to my side to see a sleeping Perrie. "Mammmmmaa I wakey!" Leigh chorused through the house again. I chuckled and climbed out of bed and went to Leigh's door. She was sat at the baby gate with her hands on it.

"Good morning princess," I giggled and opened the gate. She smiled happily and did grabby hands to me. I walked over to her changing mat, sat at the foot of it and brought her greedily into my arms. She giggled and snuggled into me. "Ooooh I've got a happy little baba today," I smirked and began peppering kisses all over her face. She giggled and accepted all of my kisses with the most beautiful smile on her face. She squealed and wiggled in my arms but I didn't mind, she was my little baby. "I wet mama, I nweed change," she giggled once I'd finished my kiss fest. I gasped and touched the front of her nappy. "Have you got lots of soggy animals?" I teased and tickled her belly a little bit. She giggled, blushed slightly and nodded. "You've flooded the poor poor animals?" I gasped. She giggled more and nodded. "Dey awwwwwlll wet mama," she played along and threw her arms up. I laughed and kissed her head. "We better save them then, quick lie down bubs," I smiled. She lay down and I played the drums on her swollen nappy. She giggled and wiggled underneath me. "Stopp mama," she giggled and began playing with the koala on her wrist. I smiled and just got her nappy changed. Leigh is in nappies all the time unless we are in public. She started being little before Perrie and the nappies were a straight up thing. She's been my little one for ages and she's loved it from the start, as have I.

"Right! Alllll done princess!" I cheered and clapped my hands together. "Yayy, we go swee Pewwie now?" She asked sweetly and looked at me. "I think she's still sleeping but we can go wake her up," I said and rubbed her exposed belly. She nodded. "I wan see hwer mama. She fweel happy now?" She mumbled as she rolled onto her front and got on all fours. "I think she will be baby. We had a chat last night and she stayed with me so I'm sure she'll be in a better mood," I smiled. Leigh always showed concerns for her sister. Perrie showed equal concerns for Leigh and it was too cute. THwy were my little ones. "Pewwwwwie! Wake up Pewwwie!" Leigh shouted and jumped next to Perrie on the bed. "Alright bub, be careful," I said to Leigh softly and pulled her back a little bit. Perrie grumbled and I quickly ran to the bathroom. I wasn't even there long before Leigh started knocking on the door. "Mammmma," she cried. I rolled my eyes but smiled. "What baby?" I said from behind the door. "Pewwie sad, she cwyin mama," Leigh mumbled sadly. I quickly washed my hands and walked back into the room. Leigh pointed to a curled up Perrie crying into my pillow.

"Oh princess," I pouted and walked over to her. I sat besides her and moved some hair from her face. "What's happened?" I asked. "I big giwl," she cried heavily. I nodded and pulled her into my arms. "I know you are baby," I said, a little confused. "Mama I no mean go wee wee," she cried more into my neck. Then it clicked. She had obviously had an accident. "It's okay baby!" I stroked her back and held her against me. "We said we would walk through it baby, you won't be able to stop straight away bubba," I sighed."I big giwl dough, I no need dem," she whispered and clung to my t-shirt. I sat her up a little and wiped her tears. "You're such a big girl angel, you always will be my big girl. No one sees you as any less of a big girl because you sometimes have accidents at night time," I said softly and kissed her wet cheeks. "Weally mama?" she mumbled. I nodded. "I promise baby, you're still my big girl," I smiled proudly and cuddled her close to me again. She giggled and snuggled into me. "Mamaaaaaa, I big giwl too!" Leigh cheered and came to sit closer to us. I smiled. "You're my big girl but Pezza is by bigger girl, hm?" I teased and tickle both girls slightly. They thankfully agreed with me.


After our little cuddle session in bed for a while, Perrie began complaining she was hungry so I got the girls up and we went to make breakfast. I made Perrie her coco pops and then gave Leigh her cheerios. Leigh made a right mess in her highchair. She was giggling away to herself and talking to her koala and then Perrie tickled her feet so her hand slammed onto the side of the cereal bowl, pouring the milk all over herself. It was too funny not to laugh at but Leigh got distraught. Leigh kicked up a bit of a fuss that we were laughing but what can you do? The girls were playing now. Perrie was playing in the garden with Hatchi and Leigh in the living area with her dolls. I was doing drawing up Perrie's new toilet chart. I'm drawing all the boxes etc and then I'll let her colour it and decorate it. I wanted to do something for Leigh as well but I wasn't sure what yet. I thought maybe doing a good girl chart but I think Perrie needed one of them more than Leigh. I suppose I could just get some other crafty things out and she could do some painting etc. Once it was drawn out, I stood up from the table and began preparing the things. I put the mess mat over the table and got out paints, stickers, foam, card and paintbrushes with colouring pencils and felt tips too. They also had some scented crayons! They were spoilt for choice on what to sue really.

"Leigh Leigh, come here," I chimed into the other room. "Comin Mama!" She screeched and ran in. She gasped as she saw the table. I smirked and walked to the open back patio doors. "Come on in baby," I said to Perrie who looked at me. She ran up to me and gave me a big hug. "I woves woo mama," she mumbled, kissed my cheek then skipped into the kitchen. Leigh was already sat down and like the good girl she is, was waiting for me. "Oooooh paintin mama!!!!" Perrie giggled and slid into her own seat. I put her potty chart in frotn of her. "This is for you my big girl," I smiled. She giggled and looked up at me. "You need to decorate it however you want to! Make sure we can still see all the lines and the words though. Once it's done we can put it on the fridge," I explained. She nodded. I rolled up her sleeves and tied her hair back then put a blue apron on her so she didn't get paint all over her clothes.

"I one too mama?" Leigh asked as she peered over at Perrie's paper. "Hmmm, youre too little for a potty chart," I teased and wrapped my arms around her shoulders. She giggled, "I has nappy chart den?" I rolled my eyes and laughed, "how about we make you a good girl chart. Perrie's got one of them too for when she's finished her potty chart." I said. She nodded and looked around. I handed her a pre-drawn one and she clapped her hands. "Let's get you ready bubs," I pulled up her sleeves, tied her hair in a bun and then put her pink apron on. She smiled cheekily at me and giggled.

The girls quickly got painting. I put on some music and they were dancing along to it and singing. Perrie had painted her potty chart and painted her good girl chart too. Both very pink, sparkly and colourful! Leigh enjoyed doing hers as well. It was a bit neater than Perrie's but it was cute. They were both now colouring in some drawings I'd done for them. They loved my drawings and had made me do loads more. I was drawing a rabbit for Leigh and Perrie wanted to draw her a llama. I'm glad my 'big girls' were happy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2021 ⏰

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