She needs it- ageplay

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I curled up in a ball on the bed, holding olaf close to me. Once again, it was a night where I was alone well apart from the shadows. They closed in on me every now and then and I'd have to hide, shaking under the covers. Thankfully, the dinos always protected me. 

 After a while, I'd sneak out from under the dinos and ask them if it was safe. I'd poke olaf out because he was the braver one so he could double check. Sometimes the dinos lied, just like the people. I'd lie in bed, sighing and rolling over, trying to get myself comfy in such a big, lonely bed. I'd whisper the words I wish mama would say to me over and over in my head, begging for it all to come true soon. 

 Eventually, I'd give into my imagination and curl up by my pillow, praying it was mama, wishing it was mama. The shadows tell me that mama doesn't want the cuddle though, they tell me she's too tired for a cuddle or even to be my mama tonight. So I'd move away and hide my tears in olaf. He knew what to do, he knew how to make it all better; sometimes. 

 Tonight, he didn't. I kept crying into him. Asking him to help me stop or asking him to let mama give me a cuddle. But he said he couldn't. He told me he wasn't able to make people love you when they don't. He wasn't allowed to use his magic for that. 

 Instead, I threw him away- far away. I shivered against the cold, sighing and hiccuping under my dinos. 

I couldn't have mama anymore because i was bad. It's my fault mama doesn't love me anymore.Eventually, the sleep took over my shaking, lonely body and I became encompassed with my dreams. 


 Perrie was sleeping soundly when I came home. She had Olaf tucked under her arm and was rolled up in the covers. I sighed and went to sit next to her on the bed. She's been distant lately- I wasn't sure why. I mean, I hadn't been her caregiver long. Her last caregiver left her not too long ago and she kind of fell to rock bottom. The poor thing didn't let me in at first but one day I walked in on her in her headspace,she was crying, clinging to Olaf. I stayed with her the whole time of course. For days she didn't leave my side but recently I've been a bit busy- well a lot busy.

 She's been keeping to her self, even when I am free she still isn't the same little that got comfortable with me just last week. I hate seeing her so far away, so small and fragile. Suffering all on her own. I wanted her to trust me again, to know that I love her to pieces. I had no idea how to do it though, she wouldn't let me in. Not the way I needed her to. 


 I could feel mama sat on the bed next to me, I could hear the clogs going round in her brain. I felt her hand on my back, circling her thumb. I sighed, and opened my eyes slowly. I never slept, I haven't slept in days. 

 She smiled at me, moved her hand from my back to my hair. She ran her fingers through it effortlessly, I felt content, loved, happy. I moved my head from the bed to her crossed legs before the demons could come and surround me, before they could tell me she didn't want me or love me. I hid my face behind Olaf still. Not wanting her to see my face. I loved my mama, so so much. I never wanted her to go. 

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