Uh oh! Part 4.

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I was making pancakes for breakfast, in hope it would cheer miss Perrie up. She's always tried to be independent in her headspace, she obviously enjoys slipping but she'll never slip as far as having me and Jade cater her every move! Sometimes it made things a lot easier like if we were in an interview and she started to slip we wouldn't really mind as long as she doesn't call us mama or mommy. Perrie's always had a childish side to her so if she's seen acting silly in an interview people don't think anything of it really! It's a lot harder for Leigh Leigh though, she's used her headspace as a comfort since before Little Mix was a thing so when she told us girls, we of course took her under our wings and looked after her. She regresses between 1 and 5. Occasionally, her and Perrie will be the same age and they'll play together but on other times, Perrie takes dominance as the big sister! However with Perrie's broken arm, she's finding it very difficult to complete the simplest tasks, such as pulling her pull up down, as seen last night! She usually gets herself dressed after we help pick an outfit for her but this morning, she had a complete meltdown/tantrum since she struggled putting her socks on, that then caused all the attention to be on Perrie this morning, from calming her down, to the time out talk then the after cuddles! Poor Leigh has just looked in awe all morning. Obviously, I know Leigh loves pancakes as well as Perrie so, fingers crossed it cheers Leigh Leigh up as well! It's difficult to show her that we are thinking of her whilst Perrie is in such a state! We know that if we treat Leigh with something then Pez will get jealous but if we treat both girls then Leigh won't think we are doing it to give her attention! It's not like we can wait for Perrie to have a nap then treat Leigh because she doesn't usually have one unless we have a really busy day but then Leigh would sleep as well! It's just so difficult!
"Baby, are the pancakes ready yet, little miss impatient is coming." I heard Jade giggle as she wrapped her arms around my back and linked her hands at the front.
"The second one is almost done." I replied and went to flip the pancake. Perrie came walking in then, she had her pull up on with just a top, I've no idea where her pants got to.
"Where are your pants princess?" I laughed lightly.
"We decided to take them off just to make it easier for her to get to the potty on time." Jade answered, I nodded in agreement.
"That's a good idea, come on the angel, come and sit in your chair." I said. "Where's the other baby?" I asked Jade.
She chuckled slightly then pointed to the bathroom, I just scrunched my face as I cut up Pez's pancake.
"Go and see, I'll do it." Jade took the knife and fork off me and I went to the bathroom.

I couldn't help but giggle at the sight. Leigh had toilet paper wrapped around her arm, all the way from her fingers to her shoulder, the toilet paper was  also all around her on the floor. I wanted to tell her off at first but from what I could tell, she's 'hurt' her arm just like her big sister!
"Hey, little one." I chuckled and walked into the bathroom, she looked up from her arm and smiled at me.
"Hi mama." She said gently, "look, mama, I huwrt my arm." She said and raised her wrist, she wiggled her arm around trying to get my attention so I knew full well, she's just trying to get our attention but I'm so glad it's in a cute way not a naughty way. I decided to go along with her little game, I mean it's the least I could do.
"Goodness me, it looks very sore!" I said shocked as I bent down in front of her.
"It IS sooo sore mama." She whined and put her 'bandaged' hand on my knees.
"How about we go and give you a special bandage and we can give you some special fairy dust to help the pain?" I suggested and caressed her cheek, her eyes it up at the fairy dust, she instantly stood up and ran to the kitchen. I quickly collected all the toilet paper on the floor and threw it in the bin, I wasn't going to tell her off for making a mess.

"I know, mama say she gon give me spwecial bandage!" I heard Leigh say to Jadey as I walked into the kitchen, I went straight to the first aid box and got the collection of bandages. We had pink bandages which we could join together with an awesome Ben and Holly plaster! We had Peppa Pig and Ben and Holly plasters, Peppa for Perrie and Ben and Holly for Leigh, they were their favourite shows and it's good because they usually have an hour of Peppa on and then an hour of Ben and Holly so both girls the same time watching the shows! I looked over at Perrie as I took the bandage out of the first aid box, she wasn't even looking, she was demolishing the pancakes.
"Mama what the fairy dust?" Leigh asked, jumping up and down slightly.
"That, my love, is going to go on your pancakes!" I smiled and made her hold out her hand, I unwrapped her tissue and rewrapped the pink bandage around her wrist and up to her elbow, just like Perrie's. I then opened two plasters and placed them in place to keep the bandages in place.
"Awww thank woo mama, it alweady fweel better!"
"Well that's really good princess, but now you need to get into your chair and I can give you the special fairy dust with your breakfast!" I cheered, Jade just laughed but helped me strap Leigh in whilst I sorted her food out. I watched Jade give Leigh's bandage a kiss just as I went to pick up the sugar aka magic fairy dust!
"MAMAAAAA I FINISH!" I heard Perrie shout, I looked over, she had strawberry juice all around her face, pancakes crumbs all over her tray and her feet were wiggling!
"Well aren't you a good girl," Jade cooed and kissed her face, just before she attacked it with a baby wipe. I heard a little squeal from Perrie then a loud giggle from Leigh! I'm glad my girls are happier.
I handed Leigh her pancakes and she mumbled a quick 'thank you' to me then dived in. I then saw Perrie run off giggling.

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