Lets try it

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Me, Jesy and Leigh-Anne just got home from going out to the club. Perrie didn't want to come because she wasn't feeling so good but I'm not sure that was the real reason. I didn't get too drunk at the club so I was still able to control my sober actions. I helped Jesy carry Leigh to bed since she was off her head. I then went to get into some comfy pyjamas and went to find Pez. I knocked on her door and heard a faint come in front the other side, I honestly expected her to be asleep. But she was sat up in bed with her laptop on her knee. "Babe it's late, why do you still have your laptop on?" I chuckled slightly and joined her in bed. "I was erm, just reading some stuff." She sighed and looked down at her hands. "Pez?" I asked and took hold of her hand. She looked up at me with tears in her eyes. "What were you reading?" I asked, she shook her head and let some lonely tears run down her face. "Oh baby girl." I sighed and hugged her.

After a while she began to calm down. "Sweetheart, you shouldn't read that stuff. You know it isn't true." I sighed and moved some hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. "I know but it's just so hard when it's everywhere." She started crying again. "Pez, please. You're an amazing person. You need to be strong, they are just lowlifes who are jealous, you know this." I whispered and let her cry into my shoulder again.

Honestly, this has been happening a lot lately, she has been reading hate and it has really been bringing her down. She needed time away from it but it's hard with such a busy schedule and us all needing out phones to contact family and friends. However, I have been doing some research and I think I found a way to get her away from the hate, give her some stress relief. "I need to talk to Jesy and Leigh about something to help you tomorrow baby girl, but between then and now I want you to restrict yourself from social media, please." I sighed, she looked me in the eyes with a sad look but nodded anyhow. "Good girl." I smiled and kissed her cheek.

The next day.
I woke up with Perrie in my arms, she had tear marks down her face and she looked so sad. I need to talk to Jesy and Leigh asap. I crawled out of Perrie's grip and went to find my sisters. First, I went to get a bottle of water and some paracetamol since I know for a fact Leigh-Anne will be hung over. I knocked on Jesy's door and it swung open. Jesy was told there beaming. "Wow, you're hyper this morning." I laughed and hugged her. "I slept like a baby." She laughed. "Erm yeah, can I talk to you we need Leigh as well." I sighed. "Yeah sure, come on. She will be hung over though. What about Pez?" She asked concerned. "It's about her, if you agree with me, we will tell her later." I said and followed her to Leigh's room. I knocked but heard a grunt in reply, I opened the door and laughed when I saw how much of a stage she was in. Her makeup was smudged across her face, her hair was all over the place, her sheets were twisted and she was somehow burritoed into them. "Ughhh." She whined. "Leigh get you lazy ass out of bed, Jade needs to speak to us about Perrie." Jesy said. I laughed and sat next to Leigh. "Here." I passed her the paracetamol and water as she sat up.

After I explained my plan to Leigh and Jesy they seemed really on board, they said they will go out and get the things whilst I try and talk Perrie into it. "Pez?" I asked as I walked in, she was led in bed scrolling through Instagram. I saw more hurt in her eyes. "Perrie, what did I tell you, stop." I said in a warning tone, she looked at me and burst into tears. I was angry at her for going on social media, but when my Pezza is like this, I can never stay annoyed. I ran to her and engulfed her in a tight hug. "Babe, we need to talk about this." I sighed once she calmed down. "Okay." She whispered, barely audible.

"Okay, well me, Jesy and Leigh have decided to do ageplay with you." I said, she looked up confused. "What's that?" She asked. "Basically, we treat you like a different age, it can be any age but we have gone for a young one like 1-2. We really think it will help you baby. You need some stress free time and we all know that being 1 or 2 was easy." I smiled, she looked at me shocked. "What does it consist of?" She asked nervously. "Well, first of all, you can't talk like a big girl, you will call me, Leigh and Jess as mama, mam or mammy. You will be bathed every night by one of us, you will be sleeping in a cot, you will be eating baby food, or mushed up food, you will drink a bottle of milk every night before bedtime. You will be under constant adult supervision, you aren't allowed any technology and last but not least you will have to wear nappies." I said, her eyes widened with shock. "You will also have a play area downstairs, where we are buying you some little girl toys, Jesy and Leigh are also buying some little girl clothes for you like baby grows and stuff." I quickly added.

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