Chicky pt1

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"Pewwwwie," Jade giggled loudly and ran into my bedroom. Pez has just come crawling in, giggling loudly. I was still getting ready for the day and I had left the girls alone in their playroom and they were obviously having fun.

"Mammmmmma hewp!" Pez giggled and did grabby hands for me. I laughed and picked her up onto the bed, shielding her from Jade. Jadey giggled and jumped onto the bed beside me. "I gone get wooooo," Jade cheered and made wiggling fingers. "Mammmmma," Perrie squealed and hid behind me. I chuckled and pulled Jade into my arms so she was facing away from me. "Ahhh, I got the monster. You're safe now Pez," I giggled. Perrie cheered and Jade laughed in my arms. She flipped her head back and smiled cheekily at me. Perrie sat up and snuggled up at my other side. "You two seem to be having fun," I smiled and kissed both their heads. "Sooooo much fun mama!" Perrie giggled and laid down on the bed. She rolled around. Jade's eyes had a playful spark in them and she quickly jumped from my knee and straddled Perrie. Pez gasped and laughed loudly and stopped rolling around on the bed. Jade giggled and began ticking her resulting in a huge scream to come from Perrie. I rolled my eyes playfully and stood up from the bed to get some socks on. I wanted to take them out today but I wasn't too sure where. I didn't want to go shopping because I know it would attract paps and fans and I aimed to keep them as far away from that as possible when they're little. I know Jade can get quite overwhelmed with it all when she's little and Perrie's anxiety didn't help her either.

As I turned around, once I was ready, I saw Jade on top of Pez and they were kissing. I chuckled and put my hands on my hips and coughed to grab their attention. Both girls turned to me instantly. Perrie squirmed and went bright red whereas Jade just giggled, kissed Perrie's cheek once more and climbed off of Pez. Perrie blushed and hid more. I laughed.

"You two will be the death of me," I giggled and went to pick Perrie up. She smiled slightly and hid in my neck. Jade walked in front of me. "Mama I hungwy," Perrie whispered to me. "I know sweetheart, we'll get you fed very very soon," I smiled and rubbed her back. "Mama c-can we have eggs an an toast and bacon pease?!" Jade gasped and ran into the kitchen. I laughed, she was the cutest. "Is that what you want too munchkin?" I asked Perrie as I set her on the counter. She nodded and began sucking her thumb, making it obvious to me she was getting very hungry. "Right, should I put my little Jadey in charge of looking after her sister or ar-""Mama! She no my sister! She my giwfwend," Jade groaned and crossed her arms, huffing slightly. I giggled and nodded. "Of course she is, silly me," I smiled and looked towards Perrie. She was giggling away to herself. Jade smiled proudly. "Either way bubs, can you be my great little helper and keep an eye on her for me whilst I cook breakfast?" I asked and cupped Jade's cheeks. She pouted a little bit. "Mama i waned hewp cook," she said softly. "Okay then! You can be my little helper with cooking but you need to make sure you listen very very very carefully to everything mama tells you, okay?" I said raising my eyebrows. Jade's often very independent and she's clearly older than Perrie when they are in headspace so she finds it very easy to get carried away and try and show off a little bit by not listening and doing her own thing. Perrie found it very funny when Jade is cheeky with me- I didn't of course. "I listen suppppper well mama!" Jade giggled and bounced a little on her feet. I smiled then turned my attention to Perrie. Despite her energy upstairs, I could tell she was still waking up and quite sleepy and now she wasn't getting the stimulation she got upstairs playing with Jade, it was bringing her down a little. I didn't mind, she's always sleepy in the mornings and it usually takes her a good hour or two to really wake up.

"Do you want to help as well baby girl?" I cooed and tucked some hair behind her ear. She nodded and leaned into me with her thumb still in her mouth. I rubbed her back. There wasn't much she could do really but I can get her interacting a little to keep her awake.

"Right, my little princess can you get two pans? The egg one and the bacon one please," I said to Jade. She nodded and took them out of the cupboard. "Good girl, now can you get the eggs and bacon out of the fridge for me?" She did that too. "I egg?" Perrie whispered and pointed to one in Jade's hand as she pulled three out. "Wou wan one?" Jade smiled and handed one to Perrie. I was cautious of this only because I knew Perrie was tired and she can be careless sometimes. "Be careful sweetheart," I mumbled to Pez and held under her hand. "It chicky mama," Perrie giggled and showed me her egg. I shook my head and giggled. "Not quite baby," I said. I made sure she was sat back on the counter then went to help Jade. "That's it sweetheart, gently. You're spreading the butter not hurting the butter," I teased to Jade as I helped her spread the butter on the toast. Perrie was entertained with her egg. The egg's had been fried and the bacon was ready too so now I just had to get my girls set up.

"Jadey you stay here, do not touch anything," I warned and went to Pez. "I hear de chicky mama," she giggled and held the egg up to her ear. I giggled and held my hands out to held her get down. "Let's go get you sat down ready for food baby." I set her in her high chair and she let me put the straps on easily and then slide the tray on too. She was so entranced by the egg. I didn't mind of course, it was keeping her calm and distracted- I'm just praying she doesn't understand that she's about to eat her 'chicky's sisters'. "Jadey come sit down for me," I said to Jade. She walked over and sat herself in the chair. She made sure to kiss Perrie's cheek first causing a little squeal and smile from her 'girlfriend'. I cut up the girls' breakfast and made them some fresh orange juice in their sippy cups. I then brought them over to them. Jade was eager and licking her lips but Perrie hadn't even seemed to notice.

"Come on baby, put the egg down now," I smiled and put the plate on her tray. "Mama she chicky," Pez whimpered and scowled at me."Sorry bubba but she needs to go down. It's time to eat your yummy food," I smiled and pushed it closer to her. She nodded and gently placed the egg on the tray in her cup holder so it wouldn't roll away and began eating her breakfast with her hands, despite me giving her a fork. I sat down next to Jade and ate my own.

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