Baba- Age play

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I have never written an ageplay before so please bare with me if it is rubbish.

Jade-Headspace of a 3 year old
Perrie-Headspace of a 1 year old

It had been a really long day, this morning we went shopping for some new clothes for the babies and me and Leigh, we then went to Starbucks and the park. Perrie crashed in the car but Jade refused to let sleep over come her. "Jade, babe it's bedtime." I whispered and stroked her hair. She grunted and shook her head. "Come on Jade, we can all see your tired." I said to her again, she looked at me for a second but shook her head again. "Jade, if you go to bed now, ill put a film on for you." I said, her face lit up and she launched herself into my arms. I quickly got her changed into some pyjamas and then put on 'the wiggles' it's her favourite film she loves singing to it. Once Jade was settled in bed, I kissed her head and walked out closing the door slightly.

I went to check on Leigh-Anne who was bathing Pez. Since Perrie is so young, she struggles bathing herself whereas when we bath Jade she usually washes herself quickly and we go over her once before taking her out. But Perrie needed constant adult supervision. "How are you babe?" I asked Leigh as I sat on the toilet seat lid. "I'm honestly so tired." She chuckled. "Me too, but do you want me to take over so you can go to sleep?" I asked ear. "Oh yes please. Thank you." She stood up, kissed my lips sweetly and walked out. I began cleaning Perrie.
"How is my little baby then?" I asked tickling her tummy gently. "Mamaaaa." She giggled. "You like that?" I asked again and did it again. "Mooooo." She cried. I stopped and hugged her quickly. "Perrie, mama needs to wash your hair." I sighed I knew she hated this bit because she hated getting water in her eyes. "Mama mo." She cried. "Baby, I'll be quick." I sighed and picked up the jug. I filled it with water and covered the top of her face. "Moooo." She cried and started kicking her legs, resulting in me getting wet, my hand slipped and all the water from the jug fell onto her face.

She screamed! Like I mean screamed. She was kicking her legs even more. "Perrie, stop." I said softly and picked her up under the armpits. She wouldn't stand. "Sweetheart, stand up." I said to her. "Mamaaaa." She cried. I decided to sit her down. I pressed the towel to her face gently and wiped it. "Mama." She repeated. Leigh-Anne then joined us. "What's going on?" She asked and hugged Perrie quickly. "She splashed me whilst I was trying to do her hair and my hand slipped so she got water all in her face which we all know she hates." I sighed. "Oh Pez, when are you going to learn." Leigh laughed. I quickly drained the bath and went to get a nappy and baby grow for Pezza.

I walked back into the bathroom and Pez was curled up on Leigh's lap, she was sucking on a pacifier nicely and her eyes were dropping. "Baby girl, come here." I sighed, she looked up at me and crawled over. She led down and I diapered her. I then sat her up so I could dress her. Once she was ready I picked her up and carried her into mine and Leigh's bedroom. I sat her on the bed and I sat behind her, I quickly brushed and plaited her hair. Even though she hates washing her hair, she loves people playing with it, it always sends her to sleep. When I was done sorting her hair out, I led her down next to me and Leigh and we cuddled her and played with her for a while. She was also drinking her bottle of milk. I have learnt from previous experiences that if Perrie cries before bed she ends up wetting her nappy a lot and it usually leaks but if she is calm before bed she doesn't and it can wait to be changed. So me and Leigh have made it our mission to make sure she is calm before we put her in her crib. After 10 minutes, she was fully settled and had finished her milk which meant she was almost asleep. I lifted her out of bed and her legs wrapped loosely around my waist. "Lets go to bed baba." I whispered. I carried her to her bedroom and led her down in the crib. I pulled the blanket over her, turned on the baby mobile and the night light. She hates the dark. I closed the door only slightly so she also gets some light from the landing and then walked out.

I went to join Leigh in bed. "They're cute." She whispered and cuddled me. "Aren't they?" I chuckled. Just then we heard a cry come through the baby monitor, I knew it was Perrie because I recognise her cry from anywhere. I sighed and quickly got out of bed. I walked back into her room and she was led in her cot kicking her legs and rubbing her eyes. "Baby what's wrong?" I sighed picking her up and rocking her slightly. "Mama." She cried. I think she just needs cuddles. I took her back into my room and led her on the bed. "Someone just wants mammies tonight." I laughed at Leigh, she nodded and Perrie rolled over and curled herself into my chest. Jade once said I am very comfy because of my big boobs, which I don't mind. If it send my babies to sleep then it's okay.

Thankfully Perrie quickly settled back down again and went to sleep, I don't want to put her in her own bed incase she cries again so I settled down and fell asleep myself.

What do you think? Please leave your thoughts in the comments.

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