Lets try it-pt7

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"Perrie, sweetheart?" I heard my mama say and I felt her stroke my cheek. Surely it was to early to wake up yet. Nonetheless I opened my eyes. "Mama." I whined and raised my arms, I wanted a big cuddle. "Sorry to wake you up early, but we are going on holiday today." She whispered in my ear and rubbed my hair. "Howiday?" I asked, she nodded and smiled. Mama carried me to the dresser and picked out a nappy and baby grow for me she then walked and sat on the floor, I led down and let her clean me. I like when she wipes me, I like to coldness of the baby wipe on me. Once she had put fresh nappy on me, she did put me in a new baby grow, I was really tired. "Mama. Pewwie tiwed." I whined and crawled onto her knee. "Ahh I know you are princess but mama had to get you changed. You can go back to sleep in the car now." She smirked and picked me up. We walked downstairs and she sat me in the car. I instantly fell back asleep.

The airport was easy with Perrie, we sat her on the luggage trolley and I put my Parker on her so if anyone saw her they will just think she is sleeping in leggings and coat not a baby grow. And it's normal to sleep so it's okay. We were now settled on the jet. We had 6 seats, three sets of two. Me and Perrie settled in one set, and Jesy and Leigh-Anne in the other. We used the free seat as a coat and travel bag holder. There was a little table in the space where the other seats should have been, and further down the plane was the toilet. It was a cute a cozy plane, but we had plenty of room. I had to put Perrie in a special seat for babies and I knew she didn't like it from the instant I fastened it. She started squirming and tugging at the straps. "No babu girl, don't do that. You can get out soon I promise." I smiled and stroked her cheek, she reached out and held my hand.

Just as we were about to take off, a women, who I'm guessing is our air hostess, walks out of the flying bunk. "Hello ladies, I will be your air hostess for your trip today. Please remain seated and belts on whilst that red light is on. As soon as we are at cruising distance, we will let you know and you may walk around. If you need any assistance at all please just call for me and I will be right out." She smiled, when she walked past Perrie she looked a bit confused and looked at me. I mouthed, "ageplay." To her, she nodded and her face went into the friendliest smile ever. "Hello young lady." She smiled and touched Perrie's hair. "Mama?" Pez said a bit confused. "It's okay Pez, she will help us in the flight." I smiled at Pez. Perrie smiled shyly at the woman. And she just laughed then walked away again. It was about 8am now and I am guessing Perrie is getting hungry.

"Mama, bot bot." She cried and tried to reach out to the bag but the straps restrained her again. She let out a frustrated sigh and sat back. "You can't have it just yet, I can't reach it. In a minute though." I whispered to her she shook her head and strarted crying. "No sweetheart. Shhhh." I said and hugged her as best as I can. "Jade, give her, her pacifier. It will help with her ears and hopefully settle her down." Leigh laughed and handed it me. I put it in Perrie's mouth, at first she was confused but quickly started sucking on it. Her eyes closed and she settled back into the seat.

When we were finally at cruising distance, I undid my seatbelt and reached for Perrie's bottle. She smiled widely at me obviously understanding what's coming next. I undid her straps on her seat and lifted her out. "Bot bot." She cheered. I laughed and situated her in my arms so she was in a comfortable position for me to feed her, before I even had chance to remove the bottle lid her mouth was already open. I chuckled and she started sucking fast. "Slow down bay girl, you might get wind." I sighed she nodded and slowed down ever so slightly.

After her bottle was done, she started fidgeting around in my arms. I sat her up and she looked out of the window. "Mama what's tat?" She asked pointing at the clouds we were flying above. "They're the clouds, aren't they pretty?" I asked her and moved some hair behind her ear. "Like my mama." She smiled shyly. "Ahh thanks princess." I whispered. Just then I got a bit of a nasty smell. I looked at Perrie and then down at her nappy. "Sweetheart, do you need changing?" I asked her. She blushed bright red but shook her head. "Stand up, let me check." I said, I was surprised when she did. I pulled back her nappy and was met with a nasty smell and the look of a mess. "You have sweetheart, lie down." She shook her head and went bright red. "Why are you embarrassed?" I asked her and hugged her. "Auntie Jesy and Leigh will see." She cried. "Oh love, it's nothing they haven't seen before." I sighed. "I'll be quick baby girl, but you can't sit in a dirty nappy much longer, you'll get a sore bottom." I said to her. Jesy looked at me obviously overhearing our conversation. "Look, Auntie Jesy and Auntie Leigh-Leigh are sleeping." I pointed at them , they quickly tagged on a pretended to snore. That set Pez off laughing. "Lie down for me pumpkin." I told her she got off me and led on the mat I just put down.

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