Tired baby- Ageplay

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Jade= Mama
Perrie= mindset of a 1 year old

Me and Perrie were going on holiday tomorrow so I wanted her in bed as early as possible so I could pack up her stuff and get the car packed up as well then tomorrow, I'll wake her up just before we leave so she'll hopefully sleep in the car. It was only 6:30pm but I think it's a perfect time for a quick bath and sleepy time. she had a messy pull up on as well so they needed changing before it leaked or gave her a rash. "Come on little one, bath time." I smiled and held out my hand. "No yet Mama, tumble not finished." She whined and wiggled. "Sweetheart, it's bath time please." I said more sternly. "Oh okay mama." She whispered and stood up she took hold of my hand loosely and we walked slowly upstairs. "Thank you baby girl." I replied and kissed her cheek as she sat on the toilet lid. "Legs out baby girl." I smiled and she did so. Her thumb traveled to her mouth and she sucked on it with a gentle pace. I pulled her leggings off with ease. "Now little one, arms up please." I smiled. She whimpered and shook her head. "Why not?" I asked and bent down in front of her. "Me comfy." She whispered through her thumb. "What about I give you a Paci?" I asked and picked one up from the side of the sink. I quickly ran it under the tap and held it in front of her. It was her pink sparkly one, her favourite. I could see she was thinking about it. Thankfully she took it out of my hands and slid it in her mouth. "Hand baby." I smiled, she passed me her hand and I wiped her thumb on a towel. She smiled at me and made a kiss face, I bent down and she kissed my cheek gently. I shook my head but lifted her top up. It popped off her head making her giggle even louder. "Mama!!" She squealed loudly when I tickled her. "Mama." She wiggled and laughed but stood up and ran to the door. "I'm not chasing a little baby around the house especially when she has a very messy nappy on!" I shouted as she ran away. I knew she was only hiding by the door but it's cute to play with her. "I'll go and find her." I muttered loud enough for her to hear. I creeped up behind the door and just as I saw her hand move, I jumped out in front of her. "Mammaaaaa!" She screamed and dropped to the floor. I laughed and bent down in front of her. "Woo scared me." She whispered. "I know, are you okay?" I asked and stroked her cheek gently. "I tink so." She replied gently.

I got her cleaned up and in the bath pretty quickly. She was getting really sleepy now, she had her head resting in my hand which was holding her head back whilst I rinsed her hair. "Try and stay awake for me princess, I'm almost done." I whispered and tickled her back gently. "Mhm Mama." She grumbled and wiggled. Once I was done, I helped her climb out of the bath. "Mama..." she groaned as I took her thumb out of her mouth. "Sweetheart, shh." I replied and put a dummy in her mouth. She nodded and curled up in her towel. "Baby girl, mama needs to put a nappy on you." I whispered gently and stroked her cheek. "Why mama?" She asked sweetly. "Because you'll get the bed all wet." I whispered. "Okay mama." She replied and let her legs out. "Thank you." I whispered and quickly got her into a clean nappy.

"Now Princess, go and get in your bed and mama will bring your bot bot." I smiled and stroked her cheek. But she shook her head. "Why not little one?" I asked and pulled her on my knee. "Stay mama." She whispered and gripped onto my top. "Nurse mama." She mumbled. "Okay baby girl, let's go." I sighed and picked her up. I carried her on my front and sat myself gently on my bed. I situated a pillow for my arm to rest on. She led back and pulled gently on my top. "Patience little one." I replied gently and pulled her hand away, her eyes filled with innocent tears. I pulled my top off completely and let her latch on. "Good girl." I whispered and stroked her cheek. She was ever so cute sometimes.

It's a short one but I hope you liked it anyway! X

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