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Read with warning. Potentially triggering.
Jade went out over two hours ago and said she was going to the store, it takes 5 minutes to get there so I'm confused what's taking her so long. I rang her but she didn't answer, my worry just increased. I decided to call Leigh-Anne to see if she knew where she was.
"Hey Pez, what's up?" Leigh said chirpy down the phone, that's when I broke down. "Oh babe, what's happened?" She asked obviously hearing me crying. "J-Jade left 2 hours ago, she-she isn't back yet. I'm worried." I cried. "Oh sweetheart, I'm sure she is fine. Jade is a big girl." She reassured me. "She said she was only going to the store..." I cried. "Babe, I'm coming over okay?" Leigh said, I nodded but quickly realised she couldn't see me. "Okay." I squeaked out weakly. I hung up and pulled my knees to my chest. "Please be okay Jade..." I whispered over and over.

Leigh came. It's been 3 hours since Jade left and my worry is getting stronger which makes my tears fall harder. I could tell Leigh was getting worried as well. "Baby, please calm down." Leigh said as my breathing got panicked. "She'll be okay." Leigh reassured me, just then the door opened. I stood up and ran to Jade, I was confused since she didn't have any bags. "What's wrong?" She asked me with no emotion. "I was worried about you." I whispered. "You don't need to be, I'm fine." She kissed my cheek and walked away up to our bedroom. She didn't wipe my tears, she didn't hug me back and she didn't use any nickname. I turned around to Leigh and she shrugged but I collapsed on the floor. "S-she doesn't love me anymore." I cried.

It's was now night time, about 11pm, Leigh went home at 7 since she had to baby sit her nephew. Jade still hasn't come down, I was still a crying mess. I decided I might as well sleep it off. I walked upstairs slowly and into our room, Jade was led on the bed with her back to the door. I walked towards the dresser and picked out my pyjamas. I then went to the bathroom to change. When I came out, she was still led in the same position, I knew she wasn't asleep. I crawled into bed. "Jadey?" I asked her. "Go to sleep Perrie." She scolded. "Can I not cuddle you?" I cried trying to keep my tears in. "No, go to sleep." She whispered. I sighed and rolled over, I have no idea what I did wrong. I let the tears fall from my eyes. "Perrie, I'm sleeping in another room." She said and got up, she walked out and didn't even look back. I broke down into sobs. I rang Jesy.
"Pez, it's almost midnight." She whispered, I'd clearly woke her up.
"I-I'm sorry." I cried, I tried to sound normal but I was too much of a wreck.
"What's wrong baby?" She asked.
"Jadey doesn't love me anymore, she keeps ignoring me." I cried.
"Oh sweetheart, would you like me to come over?" She asked.
"Yes please." I cried again.
"I'll be there in 10 baba. Stay calm okay." She said and hung up.

15 minutes later, Jesy came walking into our bedroom, she had a key and I trusted she had locked the door. "Baby girl, come here." She opened her arms when she sat down and I crawled into her knee. "Oh Pezza." She ran her fingers through my hair. "Where's Jade?" She asked me. "S-she went to sleep in another room." I cried. "Oh baby, shhh." She kissed my head.

I woke up the next morning with a major head ache. I realised that I was in Hesy's arms not Jade's and tears started streaming. "Pez?" I heard Jesy groan. "S-sorry." I whispered. "Go and find Jade, she might talk this morning." She groaned, I got out of bed and walked to the spare room. "Jadey?" I knocked but there was no answer. I opened it and saw the bed made perfectly. "Jade!?" I shouted panicked. I ran downstairs but she was nowhere to be seen. I looked out of the front window and her car was still there. Where is she? I looked in the back garden but she wasn't there. "Jesy? I can't find Jade!" I screamed walking into my room. "Check the bathroom." She whispered, obviously still tired. "How did I not think of that." I muttered. I walked to the bathroom. I knocked on the door but there was no reply. I could hear the shower on so I tried the door. It was locked. "Jesy, the bathroom is locked." I cried instantly assuming the worst. She came running down the hallway. She put her head to the door. "The waters running..." She whispered. My eyes widened!!!

"Open the door now!!" I screamed, she nodded and barged the door. It opened.

I screamed! I couldn't move, I was stuck to the floor. "Jadey." I sobbed. "Jade, come here." Jesy said and walked towards the bath.

No-ones POV
Jade was in the bath with blood pouring from her wrists. Perrie was stood at the door watching Jesy look for a pulse. "Shit!" She whispered. "Pez, call the ambulance." She whispered. "Is there a pulse?" She cried. "I said call the ambulance and Leigh." Jesy cried. Perrie ran down stairs and picked up the phone, she called 999 and told them the situation. She then called Leigh and repeated the situation.

"Jesy, is there a pulse?" Perrie asked whilst walking back into the bathroom, she couldn't look at Jade. Jesy was tying towels around her wrists. "A weak one..." she muttered. "Pez, did you know?" She asked Perrie and stood up. "Did I know what?" Pez asked confused. "Did you know she wanted to kill herself?" Jesy asked her. "What?! No!!!" She screamed! "How the hell would I know?" She screamed again. "You're her girlfriend!" Jesy cried, Pez just shook her head and hugged Jesy. Just then sirens started. Leigh came rushing up the stairs. She looked once at Jade and broke down. Perrie hugged her to. They were all crying together. Paramedics came in. "One if you can come in the ambulance." The main doctor said. "Perrie, you go." Jesy and Leigh said in unison. Pez nodded and followed the paramedics.

1 week later
Jade survived but she still hasn't said anything. It was slowly bringing Perrie down. Jade still hasn't slept in the same bedroom which results in both of them crying themselves to sleep.

I crawled into the bed in the spare bedroom. I honestly don't know what I'm doing. I don't know why I tried to kill myself, my mind was messed up and I wasn't thinking straight. I don't know why I am ignoring Pez either. She was so disheartened when she saw me in hospital I knew I hurt her. I think that is why though, I know I hurt her I want her to forgive me but I don't want to talk about it. I led in bed and made my self as comfortable as possible, I'm never fully comfy without my baby next to me. Oh who am I kidding?

I climbed out of bed and stumbled down the hallway. I knocked on our bedroom door, I heard a faint "come in." From the other side. I opened it and saw Perrie with a tear stained face clutching my pillow. "Hey Pez." I whispered and walked closer to the bed. "Hi." She muttered. "Can I join you?" I asked her, she nodded and moved. At first we just sat up in bed in a awkward silence, things have never been awkward between us. "I'm sorry." We both said together. We smiled slightly. "You don't need to be sorry baby. You didn't do anything wrong." I assured her. "Oh. I'm sorry I don't stop you, I'm sorry I didn't know, I'm sorry I couldn't be there. I'm so selfish." Pez cried actual tears fell down her rosy cheeks. "Oh baby, no. I didn't even know I was going to do it. I don't know why I did it. It was a very very stupid mistake. I promise you, this is nobody's fault but mine. I love you too much to ever leave you like that." I kissed her face all over she giggled. "You don't know why you did it?" She asked cutely. "No, I don't. I just read some stupid hate on social media and I was like... let's make them happy." I sighed and hugged Perrie. "Babe, then stupid haters a low-life, dick heads who have no confidence in themselves and can't face the world properly." She said and hugged me back. "I know, I was stupid. But I'm still here and it will never, ever happen again!!" I chuckled. "I know." She sighed, we led down and snuggled up close to each other. She held me so close, like if she let go just the slightest bit I would skip away, I didn't mind though. I had my Pezza back. We closed our eyes and I fell into the best sleep I've had in months.

This is sad. I'm sorry.

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