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It had been a long day full of promo and I was extremely tired. Perrie was going through a hell of a lot at the minute and she was... I don't know how to explain it, just upset and really not herself. She was currently in the shower and I was going through hundreds and millions of different scenarios about what could possibly be wrong with her. Her face has been completely dropping if someone ever mentions boobs or periods. She gets so upset if someone ever mentions being a woman. Whenever we go shopping, she looks in the men's section. I don't know if I'm thinking correctly but to me, she's not comfortable with her body or being a woman which means... she's genderqueer OR, I could be completely over reacting and it could be a confidence issue...

I picked up my phone and searched some things up in the internet, getting more familiar with it. I mean, if my girlfriend for 3 years is genderqueer then I guess I need to know about it. I quickly heard the shower click off causing my attention to go to the bathroom. "Jadey?" I heard Perrie cry. "Yeah?" I replied. "I need a towel!" She shouted back. I laughed and walked to the cupboard. I picked up her blue towel and walked over to the en-suite. "Here babe." I said. She thanked me and took it. I could tell she had been crying in the shower from the tear marks on her face. She really isn't good when she cries.

I climbed back into bed and waited for her to come back. "Jadey?" She shouted again, just as I went to pick up my phone. I sighed and shouted a, "yeah?" In reply. "I need pyjamas." She said. "Come and get them yourself." I laughed, really not being bothered to get out of the warm, cosy bed again. I heard her sigh out loudly and she walked out. A towel around her hair and the blue towel around her body. I looked at her and smirked, causing a blush to creep up her cheeks. I laughed at her and opened my arms. "In a minute." She whispered. I pouted and crossed my arms like a stubborn child. She laughed at me and stuck her tongue out.

As she was changing, I watched her as she glanced up in the mirror. She must have thought I was too busy reading to notice her. She pulled her shorts up her legs and stood up, properly. She faced herself and slowly ran her hands across her curves, she caressed her boobs and bum with her finger tips. Tears sprung up in her eyes and she sighed heavily. "Sweetness?" I said, causing her to tear her gaze from herself to me. My slender arms were open wide, asking for a cuddle. She shook her head quickly and sighed. She pulled her top on, after her sports bra and joined me in bed. At first, she didn't move, just led motionless under the covers. Instead of forcing her or questioning her, I picked up my book again- 'The Book Theif'- opened it to my book mark and began to read aloud. As expected, not long after, my girlfriend moved over to me. Nuzzling her head in the hoop my arm had created whilst holding my book. I smiled at her cuteness and moved my arm whilst she got herself comfortable on my stomach. I held the book open with one hand and stroked her hair gently with the other. I continued reading.

Not long after, I felt my shirt become slightly wet and heard a quiet sniffle escape my blonde baby. In one swift move, I placed the book mark back in the book and rested it on my bed side table. I rubbed Perries back and bent down to kiss her head. Again, I didn't say anything, I wanted her to tell me herself; once she's ready. She sat up slowly, she always went dizzy when she cried. Instead of doing as I was expecting, she cuddled up to me again. This time, she rested her head in my neck and lifted her long long over mine and planted herself on my thighs. I giggled gently but held her close, so, so close. I let her cry a lot, till my shirt was wet and I could feel her tears seeping through. I think, it may have been 20 minutes till her heavy cries settled to quick, distressed hiccups. "You're alright my love." I whispered in her ear, letting her know I was here. "I-I'm sorry." She choked out through her erratic breaths. "No need to apologise princess, deep breaths for me." I smiled as she sat up. I moved some blonde, still slightly wet hair from her cheek and hooked it behind her ear. I leaned up and rested my pink lips to her hot forehead. A small, weak smile spread gently up her cheeks but it was hardly anything.  "You're beautiful." I whispered. "It isn't that." She mumbled and looked down at her fiddling hands. I handed her a little bit of paper and she ripped it up instantly. She usually rips paper when she's upset. "You can tell me." I replied and held her shoulders firmly. She shrugged. "Whatever is going on up here- in this amazing, creative, wonderful brain of yours- let it out, in any way. By telling me, Jess or Leigh. As a story, as a song, as a poem! Anything baby, just know it's not healthy to keep inside." I whispered. She nodded. "Thank you." Were the small words which escaped her damp lips. "Anytime princess." I whispered and took her chin in my fingertips. I pulled her closer and connected mine to hers.
The next day came around quickly. We had a photo shoot fitting today. Not the actual photo shoot, just the clothing fitting. I was making the breakfast down stairs when Perrie walked in slowly. "Heya baby." I smiled. She returned it and hugged me from the back. "How'd you sleep?" I asked and caressed her arm. She mumbled in reply and kissed my cheek. "What time are we leaving?" She asked and sat herself up on the countertop. "About an hour." I smiled. She nodded and pulled her phone out of her back pocket.  I stood for a minute. Admiring her. She wasn't happy, she isn't happy! I wanted her to know she can tell me what's the matter but then again, if it's what I think it is, I don't want to push her. I walked up and stood between her legs, I wanted to tell her that everything will be okay and that it's all normal, she doesn't have to be scared and I'll love her the same! But I couldn't bring myself to say it... we'd lose her and she'd be a boy!

So I'll have a part 2 at some point but yeah, enjoy x

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