Bike riding (K)

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(Amber, Sydney and McKenzie)

"Ready girls?" Jade asked as we began our bike ride. Bike rides have become a routine for our family. Every Saturday afternoon we set out through the woods which were at the back of our house. This week we decided to take a picnic so we set if at 10am rather than 1pm. We all nodded and set off. I usually rode at the front and the girls in between us with Jade at the back but today, I needed to keep an eye on Sydney since she was being very stroppy so she was at the front.

When we got further into the bike ride, I began racing the girls. We did this a lot. "Amber do you want to race?" I asked, she nodded and came up to the front. "Okay... one, two, three, GO!" Jade shouted, we both began peddling at full speed down the hill. It was longer track this race, she was beating me but then all of a sudden she slowed down completely, got off her bike then curled into a ball. "Amber?" I shouted. I was going full speed down a hill so I couldn't exactly stop. Sydney and McKenzie were at the bottom. When we got there, I shouted up at Jade. "Go to the picnic spot, we'll meet you there soon." She shouted back. I shrugged and began riding with my youngest daughters.

...GO!" I shouted, Amber and Perrie began speeding down the hill, I must admit, Perrie has made all our children into adrenaline junkies. They love riding fast, surfing, parkour, free running, rock climbing and cliff walking. It's all very scary for me to watch but the girls love it, however I say one thing to Perrie every time. "One day someone will get hurt, who's fault will that be? Yours." I point at her chest and she always laughs. Even though she takes it as a joke it will be true. "Amber?" I heard Perrie shout which brought me out of my thoughts. I looked and in the middle of the race track, Amber was curled in a ball crying, I looked at her bike and saw the saddle was dripping. What had she done? Wait... she hadn't. I ran down the hill and met her, I looked at her then heard Perrie shout my name. "Go to the picnic spot, we'll meet you there soon." I shouted down, Pez shrugged then rode away with the girls.

"Amber, sweetheart stand up." I said and crouched next to her. "Mam, I'm so sorry." She cried. "Babe, it's okay." I said and she stood up, her legs were soaking wet. "Why didn't you ask to stop so you could go behind a bush?" I asked her. "I didn't want to embarrass myself in front of Syd, she would have said something." She cried and I hugged her. This was Ambers soft side coming out, her introverted side. It's sad she isn't even close to her sisters. Well she is quite close to Kenzie but Sydney is loud and sometimes very aggressive where as McKenzie is more like Amber. "Baby girl, do you not think you've just embarrassed yourself more?" I asked and stroked her hair, she nodded slowly. "It's okay baba." I said and kissed her head. "I'm so sorry mam, I'm 16 and pissing myself." She cried. "Language!" I scolded. "Sorry." She whispered. "It's okay but everyone does it, it happens to people." I said and hugged Amber again. "Yeah but I'm 16, mam do you know how embarrassing that is?" She cried again but quickly wiped her tears, not wanting to look weak. "It's okay to cry Amber, I'm your mam." I said. "I know." She sighed and looked to the ground. "Here, put my jacket around your waist so the girls can't see it. You'll have to sit on a wet saddle until we get to the picnic. Your mama brought spare pants in case anyone got dirty and fell into mud so I'll tell her and you can wear them. Yeah?" I asked Amber, she nodded shyly.

"What else is bothering you sweetheart?" I asked. "Will mama be angry?" She asked looking at me with sorrowful eyes. I shook my head but to be honest I didn't actually know. "That wasn't very convincing mam." She cried and slammed herself into a tree. "Amber! Stop, don't do that. Poor tree." I said and walked up to it then hugged it. She glared at me. "You're such a tree hugger." She laughed and walked off then got back on her bike. "Oi!! You cheeky bugger!!" I slapped her arm playfully. I knew exactly what that meant and my 16 year old shouldn't being calling me one!

Me, Sydney and McKenzie settled down at the picnic spot and set it up. We were waiting about 10 minutes before Jade turned up with Amber. I instantly knew something was wrong as they stopped a while away and beckoned me over. "Say anything or do anything to McKenzie and you will be punished." I warned Sydney as I walked away. She just rolled her eyes at me. Honestly that girl gets on my nerves sometimes. "What's up?" I asked rubbing Amber's shoulder because it looked like she was about to cry. "She kinda peed herself." Jade said. SHE WHAT?!?! My face obviously made an angry expression because Jade shook her head firmly so I didn't shout. "Guessing you want the spare pants then?" I asked coldly. Jade just sighed and looked away. But Amber nodded, still not looking at me. "Okay, come with me Jade." I said and walked off. "Why do you have to get angry all the time?" She asked angrily. "Well what do you expect?!" I asked. "For you to be supportive of your daughter!" She screamed. "I am supportive Jade I just think it's ridiculous." I sighed and ran my hand through my hair after I had taken out the new pants. I walked back to Amber who was now sobbing, she obviously heard us shouting. "Put then on, I don't have any spear underwear so you are going to have to sit in wet underwear for the rest of the day." I sighed and walked away. Jade just hugged Amber. I sat back on the picnic blanket, led down and closed my eyes. "Mama, mam wants you." I heard Kenzie say. I sat up and looked towards Amber, she wasn't any more but Jade was. I walked over to her. "You don't get it do you?" She whispered angrily but so the girls couldn't hear. "Get what?" I said completely oblivious. "Your 16 year old daughter just peed herself and you aren't being supportive whatsoever. She is already embarrassed and scared Sydney will say something." She said angrily again but quiet so the girls couldn't hear. "Jade, she is 16, she shouldn't be wetting herself!" I said. "She thinks you hate her..." she said. I instantly felt bad. Yes I am annoyed but I would hate my daughter. "I-I don't hate her." I whispered. "I know you don't Pez, but she thinks you do because I you are being a bit hard on her." She said and hugged me. "I'm such a terrible mam." I cried and hugged her back. "No you're not, just go and talk to her." She rubbed my back. I nodded and got up. Amber was sat eating a sandwich and Sydney was questioning her on why she changed her pants. "Sydney, just shut the fuck up and mind your own business." She cried and walked off. I decided to follow Amber. She sat herself down at the other side of the trees and started crying. She didn't hear me at first but I heard her talking to herself. "Mama hates me, I'm such a fuck up! Sydney probably hates me now. I should just find a cliff and jump." She cried. I instantly ran up to her. "Stop." I said and took her in my arms. "You heard that?" She asked, I nodded sadly. "Ma-mama I'm sorry. I-i didn't mean it." She cried and shook her head continually. "Baby, I know. But please understand I don't hate you. Syd is just really stressing me out, she pulled my last straw just before you came by calling me a bitch. I took it out on you and Mam and I shouldn't have." I said and hugged her. "I a sorry though mama. I shouldn't have peed myself." She blushed and looked down. "Don't be embarrassed babe, it happens to everyone. I did it once. I was 17, it was in GYM class at school. Never lived that one down." I laughed she laughed as well. "At least I didn't do it at school." She laughed. "I know, tell me about it. Anyway should we go back?" I asked and she nodded. She stood up and I took her hand we walked back and saw the girls laughing and Jade blushing. We joined them then found out what they were laughing at. Apparently  we called Jade a tree hugger and the girls agreed. I hope they don't mean it in the way I know Amber means it.

We finished the picnic, packed up and headed back home, we were all  tired and Amber was getting scared that the twins know. Which they don't and hopefully they never find out.

In this one shot, tree hugger is referring to someone who has sex with a tree because they can't find anyone else to do it to.

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