Didn't mean to- part 3

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I was left with the awesome job of looking after sweet little Perrie and I honestly had no regrets. As horrible as the regression thing is and as scary as it is- it definitely has it's cute benefits. Perrie, when she was regressed, was such a cutie like seriously. We could sit and play the same game over and over and over and she'd still find it so entertaining each time. There was a screen in the dressing rooms, showing the stage so I could put it on so Perrie still knew where her mama was. "Dat my mama," Perrie smiled and pointed to the screen when Jade was zoomed in on. I giggled and nodded. "That sure is baby," I replied and pulled out one of the colouring books from the drawer. It was a dinosaur one. "Do you want to come colour with me?" I suggested and took out my special colouring pencils. She giggled and slid down onto the floor next to me. I got out the dino she was colouring last time and gave her similar colours. "What do you say sweetheart?" I asked her. "Tank woo," she smiled and began colouring neatly. I stroked her back and watched her contently then took a sneaky picture.

After a little while, Aaron burst through the door, scaring Perrie so much. She jumped and screeched then hid behind her hands instantly. "Jesus Aaron, what you playing at?" I asked, annoyed that he scared Perrie. "Oh my, I'm so sorry. I had no idea you guys were in here. I was just wondering if I left the hair moose in here from when I was doing Perrie's hair earlier.""Have a look," I shrugged and rubbed Perrie's back. "It's alright baba," I reassured and moved some hair from her face. Aaron smiled at us through the mirror. "Is she struggling?" He asked. I nodded and pouted. "Being on stage regressed her again, so she's staying back here with me until the girls are finished," I explained. He nodded and picked up the hair moose, he did actually leave. "I'll leave you guys be," he smiled and went to walk out. "Wait Aaron, can you put the do not disturb sign on the door?" I chuckled and pointed to it. Perrie lifted her head slightly from my chest. Aaron nodded and picked it up. "Bye Pezza," he cooed and waved slightly. Perrie smiled gently and waved back as he left the room.

"You alright baby girl?" I asked and stroked Perrie's back. She nodded and sat up a little bit more then looked at the screen. It was black as the girls were off stage doing a costume change quickly. "Mama?" she asked and pointed to it, her head turned to me and she looked super sad. "She'll come back baby! Just watch and wait," I smiled and nodded at the screen. Just as predicted, lights flashed and fireworks went ff as the girls jumped back onto stage in new costumes. Perrie cheered and clapped as the cameras zoomed in on Jade and Jesy and Leigh too.



As soon as the show was over, I ran back towards the dressing rooms, hoping my little angel was okay. It's so strange how much of an impact this regression thing has on me. It isn't something me and big girl Perrie talk about, she always tries to forget the times she regresses because it's emotionally painful for her to remember as it brings back flashes of the trauma. So we never do but I take on such a role in it all. Rightfully so with Perrie being my girlfriend and all, I'm always trying to be there for her but with this it's so different. Our relationship goes from equals to so not equals in the space of 5 minutes sometimes. One second I'm her girlfriend, the next I'm her 'mama'. It was extremely hard to get my head around at first, but then again, this has been happening since we were first on Xfactor and it's something we've all had to adapt to. I did a lot of research as we got older and more used to seeing that side of Perrie. at first, none of us had any idea what to do. But as Perrie and I used to live together, I saw it a lot more and it happened with me a lot more especially if the theme tune would come on the TV late at night. I remember many times regressed Perrie sneaking into my bed late at night with wet pants and tears on her face- all she did was curl up at my side and cry about the doctors. Jesy and Leigh obviously experience it when we are on tour or together in the studio or anywhere working really but they don't get it the way I do. Perrie gets so dependent on me and it just becomes my responsibility to make sure she's okay constantly. Jesy and Leigh are so supportive and helpful though, they really do try their hardest to help but sometimes all Perrie wants or needs is me.

"MAMA!" I heard a screech from inside as the door swung open. Perrie jumped into my arms and kissed my cheek. "Hi my love," I chuckled and held her tightly in my arms. Jesy and Leigh joined us and rubbed Perrie's back. "I miss you mama," she whispered and cuddled close to me. I smiled then lifted her onto her feet and took hold of her hand. I missed her so much too.

LITTLE MIX~ one shots!!!حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن