New born

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Jade gave birth yesterday and we have just been released from the hospital. I must admit the baby is absolutely adorable. He is called Reuben and ahhh he is so cuddly.

Now we are at home and thankfully Reuben is sleeping in his basket

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Now we are at home and thankfully Reuben is sleeping in his basket. Jade is sleeping next to me since she is absolutely exhausted. I just came off the phone with my mam and was about to go to sleep when Rueben started crying. I sat up and walked over to him, "Hello mr. You okay?" I rocked him then realised he will be hungry. But Jade hasn't managed to pump any milk and she was breast feeding so she will have to wake up. "Sweetheart, wake up. Rueben needs feeding." I said and shook her gently. She groaned but woke up. She sat up and I passed her the child. She pulled down her top and Rueben instantly started sucking. I sat back in the bed and Jade tried to cuddle me. So I wrapped my arm around her back so she was comfy as well as hugging me. "You okay sweetheart?" I asked her. She nodded but I could tell she was knackered.
After about 30 minutes, Rueben finally fell back asleep, "let me take him," I said to Jade. As soon as he was out of her arms, she led back down and snuggled up to my pillow. I quickly changed the handsome man and then put him back in his basket. I walked back to the bed and saw Jade crying. "Baby what's wrong?" I said and let her cry into my chest. "I'm tired. I can't look after Rueben. I'm too young." She cried. "Sweetie, the first couple of days are going to be tiring but you can look after Rueben. We wouldn't have gotten you pregnant if we knew you couldn't. We can both look after him. He is both our son." I said and rubbed her back. "I know I'm just being stupid." She sighed then rolled away from me. "Babe, stop being so hard on yourself." I said and wrapped my arm around her, then pressed my front into her back. "Okay." She sighed then fell back asleep.

"Ahhhhhhhh." I woke up to Rueben crying. I looked at the clock and saw it was 2:15am. Go to sleep!!! I thought but then realised he is a day old. I got out of bed and went to comfort him. "Come here babe." I picked him up and rubbed his bum whilst I rocked him over my shoulder. "Shhhh." I said to him. I was tired. He was settling. "Come on Rueben." I said and rocked him more. He just cried louder. I went over to the changing table and changed him, even though he didn't need it. I then settled myself in the rocking chair and he began feeding.
After 2 minutes, he began balling again. "Reuben shut up." I shouted. He stopped crying for a second and looked at me with sorry eyes but just as Perrie got up he started crying as loud as ever. I sighed out frustratedly. "Babe, pass him here." Perrie said and took him off me. I rested my head in my hands and instantly started sobbing. "Jadey." Pez said. And tried to rub my back.Rueben was still crying and it was so frustrating. "Babe?" Perrie said again. I just stood up and walked into the bathroom. "Jade please." She said again but I slammed the door. I collapsed at the other side and started sobbing. I'm too young to have a child. I've ruined the band! The mixers already hate me. Ahhh I'm such a dick!!!
"Please, open the door Jadey." I heard Perrie say. As much as I wanted to be alone right now I did need Perrie to comfort me. I unlocked the door and she came rushing in. When she saw me crying on the floor, she ran to me and picked me up. "Calm down sweetheart." She rubbed my back. "I'm such an idiot." I cried. "Jade, listen to me." Perrie cupped my face and held me so my eyes were level with hers and I couldn't look away. "You are the best Mam I have ever seen, you are so sweet around other kids and I know Rueben will grow up the best way because he has you as a mam. He already loves you and we all know that the first days are hard but as time goes on, he becomes more settled and into a routine, things will get easier for everyone. I promise. Now please stop being so hard on yourself..." she blinked away her own tears. "I love you very much Jadey. I have all my faith in you for raising this child. I know you're going to do great." She kissed my forehead and pulled me into her chest. "Thank you Baby. I need that." I whispered and wiped my remaining tears. "Can we go to sleep now?" She asked whining slightly. I laughed at her cuteness and stood up pulling her with me.

We cuddled up in bed and I rested my head on her chest. "Good night baba." She said and played with my hair. "Good night baby girl." I replied and fell into a deep sleep.

But short I know. Hope you liked. Please leave one shot suggestions in the comments xxx

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