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Jade and Perrie have one child in this One shot. She is 13yrs old. She is very intelligent,  funny but quite shy.
This is her... her name is Sophie

 her name is Sophie

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On with the book...

I woke up to the sound of my alarm blaring, I opened my eyes and sat up but a massive wave of dizziness hit me so I feel back onto my bed. Don't be sick today soph, you have a violin exam. I went to sit up again but another wave came over me and this time I feel to the floor. "Ugh." I groaned but my head hurt. So I raised my hand to my head. "Sophie, baby you okay?" I heard my Mama shout from outside my door. When I didn't answer she opened it. When She saw me lying on the floor almost in tears, she ran over to me. "Soph?" She questioned and sat me up but as she did I instantly felt sick. Seconds later, I found myself puking all over her. "Ahhh Baby girl." She said and rubbed my arm, I wanted a hug but I just couldn't ask. "I would hug you sweetheart but I'm covered in sick. Sit back and I'll fetch Mam." She said and kissed my head. She practically ran out the room. Minutes later, Mam walked in, she gave me a sympathetic smile. "You aren't going to be sick again are you?" She asked, I shook my head. "Okay come here." She opened her arms and sat on my bed. I curled up on her knee instantly. "Oh sweetie you're boiling. I don't think you can go to school today." She rubbed my back. "No mam, I have to." I cried. "Baby you've just been sick, you fell over and your temperature is clearly 39/40 degrees." She replied and wiped my tears. Just then Mama walked in with new Pyjamas on and a bowl with a water bottle in. She passed it me then sat next to me. I drank a sip of the water. "You can't go to school babe." She said and rubbed my back. "I have to, what about my violin exam?" I cried again and started sobbing into my hands. "We can reschedule it. Baby girl don't cry." Mam said and hugged me. But I felt sick again so I grabbed the bowl and started being sick. "Oh babe." Mama said and moved my hair from my face. Once I was done, Mam moved me off her knee and led me in bed after removing my top. (I had a bra on). I led down and cried. "Do you want a bath sweetie?" Mama asked. "Will you come in with me?" I asked. "If you want me to." She replied caressing my cheek. I nodded. "Can you both come in?" I asked. "Yeah we can." She smiled and kissed my head. "Have you got a headache?" She asked. I nodded again. "I'll get you some parace..." she began but Mam tossed her some from across the room. "Thanks Jade." She laughed. Mam winked at mama and I fake gagged which probably wasn't the best idea since actual sick followed. Thankfully a fresh bowl was put in front of me. "Don't gag at us. She is my wife I'm allowed." Mama laughed but was slightly serious. "Ha ha sorry mama." I laughed back. "Come on let's get you into the bathroom." She said. Mam took the sick-full bowl off me and mama leant down in front of me. "Mama, what you doing?" I asked. "Get on Baby." She said. I climbed onto her back and she lifted me into the air. "Thanks mama." I said and played with her hair. Once we were in the bathroom, she sat me on the side of the bath. Mam emptied the sickly bowl and Mama started running my bath. "Legs out babe." Mam said and kissed my cheek. I put them out and she removed my pants and underwear. I instantly shivered so I wrapped my arms around myself trying to keep warm. "You cold?" Mam asked me, I nodded gently. "You're got on the outside." She said concerned. "It's probably just a virus you felt a bit icky yesterday as well didn't you?" Mama asked and undressed herself. I nodded. "Can I get in the bath now?" I asked, they both nodded in unison. "Shuffle forward baba." Mama said as she climbed in behind me. Once we were both settled, I looked up at Mam she was undressing herself as well. "I'll sit opposite." She laughed and got in. I leant back into Mama and rested my hands on her knees. "If you are going to be sick make sure you tell us sweetie." Mam said and I nodded.

I felt so bad for Sophie, she hates being ill and missing school, especially if she has a test. And today is her Violin grade 7, she has been rehearsing non-stop. Now she just has to get sick on the day. Poor thing. I loved having baths when I was sick, it let all my body relax, I hope it does the same for Sophie. "Don't worry about your exam babe, we'll reschedule it okay?" Jade said from across the bath. Sophie nodded. We then started talking about everything and anything, but soon the bath became cold. "Jade get out first then Sophie then me." I said and Jade got out of the bath, thankfully Sophie hadn't been sick for the last hour (the time we were in the bath) I hope she ain't sick again. Sophie then got out and sat on the toilet in a towel. I got out and Jade passed me a towel. "Let's go and get you changed baba." Jade said and took Sophie's hand, they walked out together. I realised I had to ring the school and tell them Sophie won't be coming in so I quickly did that and went to join my two favourite people. Jade was wearing shorts and a Disney jumper. I looked at Sophie and saw she was wearing one of my jumpers. "Not got your own clothes?" I joked and sat next to her. "Your jumper smells like you, I like your smell," She whispered and looked up at me. "Ahh I love you baby girl." I kissed her forehead. "I love you too Mama." She replied and snuggled into me. "Do you still feel sick?" Jade asked. Sophie shook her head and led down properly. "But I do feel ill and tired." She sighed. "Do you want to put a film on?" I asked. She nodded and smiled. "What film?" Jade asked. "Sound of Music." She said, this was her favourite film ever, she knew all the words to all the songs and even a lot of the normal speech. Me and Jade weren't complaining though, we both thought it was adorable. I got up to put sound of music in the CD player and then walked back to sit down. Sophie rested her head on Jades lap and I rested my head on Jades shoulder. "Sleep if you need to baby," Jade said and stroked Sophie's hair. She hummed in response clearly already half asleep.

Me, Sophie and Perrie have been watching films all day, it was now 8pm and it was Sophie's bed time. She was last sick at 7:30 so we were cautious of putting her in her own bed. I could tell Perrie was exhausted, so was I. We had watched film after film after film. "Sophie, time for bed sweetie." Perrie sighed and picked Sophie up bridal style. "Can I stay with you?" She asked sweetly. Perrie looked at me and I nodded. "Okay babe." Perrie led Sophie back down and pulled the blanket over all of us. "Goodnight Baby." I kissed Pez. "Night girls." She replied and kissed me back then kissed Sophie's head. We all quickly fell into another long sleep.

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