Tired?- Ageplay

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We had dance rehearsals today, Perrie said she will try and be big for it. I know it won't really happen, I just hope she is on her best behaviour and still dances and tried to learn them, even as a little. I walked into her nursery and was met with her giggles. God she was adorable. "Mama!" She squealed and held up her grabby hands. "Good morning princess." I laughed and picked her up. "Ohhh you've done a stinky." I laughed as I felt the squelch under the bottom, she nodded and clapped her hands. "Let's change your stinky bottoms then." I said again and walked us over to her changing table. "Did you have a nice sleep sweetheart?" I asked and rubbed her belly, I preferred having her distracted whilst I changed her especially if she has had a poo. She usually gets all squeamish and then she isn't properly cleaned which results in her getting a rash. "No mama." She laughed and played with the rattle toy above her head. "Why didn't you sleep well?" I asked concerned even though she seemed fine. "Pewwie not sleep AT ALL!" She giggles loudly. "You didn't sleep all night?" I asked smiling at her enthusiasm. "Nope!" She giggles. I taped up her fresh nappy and sat her up. "And why not babe?" I laughed as she jumped into my arms. "Pewwie not tired." She said. "Well you will be later!" I chuckled. "Tats okay!" She mumbled. I was quite shocked she hadn't slept but to be fair she did have a rather long nap yesterday when she was in the sun.

We were in the mini bus on the way to the studio and Pez was snuggled into my side. "Go to sleep love, you're tired." I laughed and stroked her head. "No mama! Pewwie not tired!" She sighed and rested her head on my legs and let out a big yawn. "Not tired, okay then." I whispered, she'll fall asleep when she is ready. "Wasn't she going to be big today?" Claud asked from the seat behind us. "Pewwie don't always need to be big Claudie!" Perrie snapped in a funny way and sat up. "Okay okay, sorry!" He laughed and held his arms up. "Why is she so tired?" Leigh chimed from in front. "She didn't sleep at all last night." I laughed nervously. "Seriously, not at all?" Jesy laughed aiming the question at Pez. "Nope not at all, can you beweve it Aunie Jesy?" Perrie jumped in her seat. "You're too hyper kiddo." Claud laughed. "At least she'll do good dancing!" I shrugged. "Dance?" Perrie questioned and turned to me. "Yeah baby, dancing. Are you going to be a good girl and dance like Mama?" I asked and she hopped onto my knee. "Yayyyyy! Pewwie wove dancing." She jumped. "Okay okay baby, just calm down a little." I laughed and held her in my arms. How is so hyper when she hasn't slept?

Perrie has started to get extremely cranky. She was snapping at people, being really clingy and just over dramatic. Bless her though, she looked knackered. "Okay one more time and then I'll let you have a break, calm the cranky child down." He laughed and pointed at Pez in the corner, she was sulking because we wouldn't put head, shoulders knees and toes on the speaker! We all laughed and went through the dance. We didn't mind Perrie not rehearsing all the time, we just need to make sure she knows it, when it comes to it.

Claud finally let us take a break, my goal was to get Perrie asleep. She was still crying in the corner. So I walked over to her. "Hey Princess." I whispered and sat in front of her. "Mama." She cried and crawled into my lap. "I think it's nap time." I whispered, she nodded sadly, I'm glad she has finally admitted defeat of sleep. "Milk?" She asked and pawed at my boob. "Just this once love." I whispered and pulled my top down. We haven't been breastfeeding long but she has really grown a liking to it, I have as well. And I didn't mind breastfeeding in front of the dancers or the girls, none of them were really paying attention anyway.
After a couple of minutes, her eyes finally started dropping. "That's it baby girl, go to sleep." I whispered and ran my knuckles down her cheeks. She unlatched herself and curled up in my chest more. "Sleep right princess." I sighed and rocked her in my arms gently. Finally her breathing softened and she went limb! "Jade?" Claud asked and walked over. "Shhh." I mouthed. "Take her off me, I can't stand up." I laughed. He took Perrie from my arms and I stood up. "Thanks." I took her back and rested her head on my shoulder and let her arms wrap loosely around my waist. "You should put her on the sofa outside so it isn't as noisy." He whispered and rubbed her back a bit. "Okay, I'll be back in a minute." I smiled and walked out with Perrie in my arms. Leigh noticed and held the door for me. I whispered a "Thanks babe." As I walked past. I led Perrie down on the sofa and made sure she was in a comfortable position, she looked adorable. I quickly ran back into the studio and started dancing.

Jade has just gone out to get us all some lunch since we are all dummies and forgot. We didn't want to wake up Pez so I stayed with her. She was sleeping in the sofa opposite me and looked adorable. I, of course, snapped a few photos! After a while I began to hear her shuffling and winging. "Hey baby." I smiled and went to kneel down in front of her. "Hi Anie Jesy." She mumbled. "Cuddles?" I asked and she nodded softly and sat up. I sat where her head was and she shuffled onto my lap. Her front was facing mine and she rested her head on my chest. "You okay love?" I asked and rubbed her back gently. "Mama?" She started crying. "Oh princess, mama just nipped out somewhere, she will be back soon." I sighed and rocked us side to side. "Have you done a wee wee in your nappy?" I asked her and she nodded sadly. "Can Auntie Jesy change you?" I asked but she shook her head. "Just mama sees my foofy." She mumbled. "But it's dirty." I chuckled. "Nope, just mama." She replied. "But it's dirty!" I chuckled and tickled her sides, she burst into laughter. "J-jus-just m-Mama!!!" She screamed. "Noooo! Auntie Jesy wants to do it!" I laughed and carried on tickling her sides. "Anieee Lee-Lee! Welp me!" She cried through the laughs.

"Oh I think Mama is back." Leigh chimed and walked in with food. "Mama!" Perrie stopped wiggling and I stopped tickling her, when Jade walked through the door she instantly got down in her knees and crawled to her. "Mama!" Perrie laughed and did grabby hands. "Hello baby girl, did you sleep well?" Jade asked and lifted Perrie onto her hip, Pez nodded and cuddled close. "I haven't had chance to change her. She said only mama sees her foofy." I laughed and kissed Perrie's head. "Ha ha that's okay, let's go and change your nappy then." Jade laughed, grabbed the back and walked with Pez to the bathrooms.

They came back 5 minutes later, she e had made Pez a sandwich with some crisps and grapes. "Okay, mama needs to go and talk to Josh a minute. Be a good girl baby." Jade said and sat Pez in the chair. "No mama!" Perrie cried and reached her hands up but Jade was already gone. "Mama!" She cried. "She'll be back in a minute love. Time to eat some food now." I whispered and rubbed her arms. "No! Mama!" She cried over and over. "Oh Perrie Baby, it's okay." Leigh said and kissed her head. "Lee-Lee." Pez cried and reached her arms up. "Oh baby." Leigh whispered and picked her up. She swayed back and forth with Pez in her arms. "It's okay princess. Mama will be back." Leigh whispered. "In fact, mama's back now." I smiled. Jade frowned at Perries upset state. "Mama." Perrie cried and reached out to her. "Mamas here now." Jade smiled and rocked her. "Come on let's get some yummy food in your belly." She laughed and sat down with Pez in her knee. Perrie ate the sandwich easily. "Good girl." Jade smiled and moved her hair behind her ear.

It's been a really long day for all of us and everyone is tired... except Perrie! I don't know she has so much energy when she has only slept an hour in the last 24 hours! But bless her she gets frustrated when she can't do something and since she is rushing everything and being hyper with it, it's not working and she gets frustrated and cries. Poor Pez. "Ugh mama!" She whined. "Pez Baby, come and relax. Time to chill now." I said and picked her up. "Mama!" She cried into my chest. "Who wants McDonalds?!" Leigh's shouted from the front seat. "Me! Me! Pewwie wants Donald's!" She shouted and shot her hand in the air. "You're not allowed any." Leigh laughed. "No! Pewwie want some." She cried. "Nope! Girls called Perrie aren't allowed any." Leigh laughed. "I'm not Pewwie. Me, Claudie Tats Pewwie." She pointed at Claud. "Nope Claudie isn't allowed any either!" Leigh laughed. Perrie just broke into cries. "Oh no baby, Lee lee is joking." I sighed and hugged her. "Pewwie want Donald's." She cried. "And you will get Donald's, Lee-Lee was being silly." I sighed: "Leigh, tell her." I sighed. "I'm sorry Princess, you can have Donald's." Leigh sighed and rubbed her knees gently. "Okay." Pez sobbed. "You're tired aren't you." I asked and rubbed her back. "Yes mama." She whispered.

We finally got given our food and we decided it will be best to eat it on the mini bus. "Here you go princess. Eat nicely." I smiled and handed her, her happy meal. "Tank you mama." She smiled.
After a couple of minutes I looked over and saw Perrie mumbling something. I was about to ask what she was doing but then I heard what she was saying. "You're a pretty nugget. You going in my tum tum." She smiled and bit it. "Jess, look." I whispered and pointed at Perrie, she was in her own little world talking to her food. "Cute!" Jesy laughed. "I know!" I smiled and videoed it with my phone.

When we finally got home, it was late, everyone was tired. "Come on princess, bed." I smiled and carried her to my bed. "Mama milk." She whispered and pawed my boobs. "Sure baby." I smiled tiredly and removed my top. She instantly latched in. I changed her nappy and put her pyjamas on. "Nite nite mama." She whispered. "Goodnight Baby."

This was longer and I hope a lot happier from what I posted last time! I hope you liked it!! X

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