Its okay- Age play

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Perrie-headspace of a 2 year old
Jesy-Auntie Jess
Leigh-Anne- Auntie Lee-Lee

I was suddenly woken with a jolt. I don't know why I woke but I had a sense something was wrong. I decided to check on Perrie. I walked through the door that connects our rooms and instantly heard that she was crying. They were small soft whimpers, the ones that break your heart. "Pez?" I questioned and turned her night light on. I looked over her crib and saw she was still led down but her body was moving slightly and her eyes were still closed. She must be having a bad dream. She was shuffling around even more now, I knew not to wake babies in bad dreams because it stresses them more.
After 2 minutes, her eyes opened wide and she broke into sobs. "Hey, shhhh." I picked her up and cradled her in my arms. "Shh baby girl, mama is here." I sighed. I decided she best sleep with me tonight. I carried her slowly back into my bedroom. Tears were still falling from her eyes. "Mamaaaa." She cried and clung to me. "It's okay baby." I sighed. I sat down and made her comfy on my knee. "Mama." She cried again and shuffled further into me. She was really hot so I decided to take off the top part of her all-in-one. "Can you sit up a minute for me Pez." I whispered. She did and I undid her buttons then gently pulled her arms out. Thankfully she settled slightly, I think the skin to skin contact helped. "You're okay baba." I smiled softly and rubbed her back. "Mama I pee pee." She cried and played with the top of her diaper.

"Lets change you." I whispered. She nodded and led down on the mat I put down moments before. She sighed contently. But yawned. I'm curious what she dreamed about but I don't want to have to bring her out of her headspace so she can tell me, maybe I can get it out of her whilst she is still young. Once I wiped her vagina clean, I decided I want to leave her to air out for a minute. I led down next to her, she looked at me confused as to why I didn't diaper her again. "I'll put a nappy on you in a minute babe." I laughed, she just rolled over and cuddled me. "Can you tell mama what you dreamt about?" I said and stroked her head "He was being mean agin." She started to cry again. I sat us up and hugged her, then pulled her on my knee.

The reason we decided to try ageplay with Perrie was because she whilst her and Alex where dating, he abused her, which was really bringing her down even now they have broken up and it was the only way to bring her away from it I suppose. It has definitely worked because we have all noticed a change in her. Though I don't understand what could have happened for her to think about it and dream about it. "He is never coming near you again, try not to think about it baby girl." I sighed, there wasn't much else I could say to her whilst she was in the headspace. "Shall I put a nappy on you now babe?" I asked her she nodded sadly and started sucking her thumb, I don't want her to get a rash on her thumb so I quickly replaced it with a pacifier. "Good girl." I sighed and ran my hands through her hair. I quickly taped up her diaper and picked her up under her arms. She was  still really hot so I saw no point in putting more clothes in her. I just led us both down in my bed. "Go to sleep baby." I whispered, I gently ran my hands down her nose, she always loved this. Thankfully, after a couple of minutes, her eyes began dropping. My poor baby girl.

The next morning
I woke up to the sound of gurgling in my ear. I smiled, instantly recognising it as my baby Perrie. She was so sweet in the mornings. I opened my eyes and she squealed, obviously excited I was awake. "Good morning baby." I smiled and she cuddled up to me. Sadly though, my smile was removed when I remembered what she dreamt about last night. I think I need to talk to Jesy and Leigh about it. "Do you want to see Auntie Jess and Auntie Lee-Lee today?" I asked and she nodded frantically. I chuckled. "Okay sweetheart, let's get you ready and we can go and get some breakfast." I smiled. She nodded and sat up. I decided she will need a bath since I don't bath her last night and she is starting to get a bit smelly. She seemed really content so I sat her on my hip and walked to the bathroom. I led her down, stripped her naked and then lifted her into the bath. I ringed the cloth out along her body and she giggled, she loved this feeling.

Once her bath was done, I dressed her and myself and we went to get breakfast. I quickly called Jesy and Leigh about last night events and they said I need to keep an eye on her. I agreed and settled with Pez on my knee. I put tangled in the DVD player and she curled up in my chest. "I wove woo mama." She smiled. "I love you too baby." I replied and rubbed her back.

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