Didn't mean to- part 1

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"Where's Perrie?" I asked as she ran into the back room of the bus where Jesy and Leigh were watching a film.

"I'm not sure, why?" Jess replied as Leigh paused the film. "I can hear that music, I can't figure out where from but she probably can to," I sighed and walked out. "Wait, what music?" Leigh asked, following me. "The music that does that thing to her Leigh!" I said, annoyed that she forgets every time. "Shit," She said and ran her fingers through her hair. "Perrie, where are you?" I said and began looking through the bunks, the music was a lot louder up here than it is downstairs. I pulled back curtain after curtain, Leigh was doing the same.

"Oh baba," I heard Leigh whisper, I turned around. She was crouching down in front of an empty bunk- obviously Perrie was there. I joined her. Pez was covering her ears, curled up in a ball with her eyes shut tight. Jess quickly joined us. "Perrie sweetheart, can you hear me?" I whispered and went to move some hair from her face. Her eyes opened and she was looking at my hand, very cautiously. "You're okay baby," I said and very very gently moved her arm from her ear. "Can you two go find who's playing it and make them turn it off?" I sighed and looked at Jesy and Leigh as Perrie was shaking and whimpering. They nodded and left silently. "You're okay bubs, it's just me now," I said softly and climbed into the bunk next to her.

"M-mama?" She whispered, so so quietly."You're okay," I sighed. I wasn't her mama, I never ever had been but this sound, this song, theme tune whatever it is- triggers her. It makes her become a child, the smallest most vulnerable child you'd ever see. She'd never move from her ball in a bunk if we didn't make her. She'd been taken back to her childhood, the most traumatic part of her childhood which us girls knew very little about. We've tried asking Perrie before but she'd go straight back into this state. It was nearly impossible. We'd tried getting answers from Deb to- hoping she could help figure out how to help Perrie but she just breaks down in tears. No one else knows anything. "M-mama?" Perrie whimpered again and squeezed her eyes shut. I pulled her onto my knee, gently and held her. I rocked her and stroked her hair, I wiped her tears and tired my hardest to settle her. After a while, she looked at me. She put her head back on my shoulder and looked up at me with child-like innocence glistening in her eyes.

"Are you alright baby?" I asked her, she looked at me more, almost as if she wasn't understanding what I was saying. So I asked again. "Are you okay?" She nodded this time, gently and moved her head again, this time playing with my fingers. I heard the music go off, finally and sighed. She wasn't going to come out of this state straight away, oh no! We had about 3 hours of this before she'd be back to her normal self but we can do it- I hope. We had a show tonight!"Jadey?" I heard Jesy say as I was talking with little Perrie. She came into sight, Perrie and I looked up at her, she smiled at us. "You gonna come out?" She giggled at me. I nodded and tapped Perries legs. "Shall we go find something to do munchkin?" I asked her, she nodded gently then moved off me so I could get up."Did you find out who was doing it?" I asked Jesy as I took Perrie's hand and led us downstairs. "You be careful now baba, hold on to the bannister." I told Perrie and watched as she followed me down the steps. "Yeah, some douche bag having a barbecue a few blocks back. He turned it off as soon as we threatened to call the police," Jesy explained. "At least it should stop for now," I whispered. "We'll be on the road again tonight, away from all disturbances like that," Leigh smiled as we walked into the lounge.

"Mama?" Perrie whispered just as I was going to sit down. "Yeah baby?" I asked and stroked her cheek. "I go toilet please?" She asked me and looked at the bathroom."Yeah of course, you go. I'll be here okay?" I said, she nodded and ran off towards the bathroom. "Has she asked about the doctors yet?" Leigh asked me. I shook my head, then made myself a tea. "It's usually later on, when we need to leave the bus," Jesy said, thinking."It's really sad, this hasn't happened in a while and it just has- none of us were expecting it." I stated as she came back out the bathroom. "Did you wash your hands bubs?" I asked she nodded. "And did you flush the toilet?" I asked again, she thought then quickly went back. We all chuckled. "Do you want a cuddle Pez?" Jesy asked as she came back, shaking her hands. She looked at me then at Jesy and nodded. She walked over and sat down next to her then cuddled into her, much like a child, with her legs up and thumb in her mouth.

"Jess! Her thumb!" I sighed, I hated her doing that. "Ah ah baby no fingers in your mouth," Jesy whispered and moved her hand away causing a scream. I quickly went to grab her teething ring we bought ages ago from the freezer and gave it to her. "No!" She cried and threw it away. "Hey no, baba we don't do that," Jesy said and held her hand down. "No! Off!" She said and shuffled her way out of Jesy's arms. "Would you like your paci instead baby?" I asked her. She glared at me and screamed a no. I just raised my eyebrows. She went and sat opposite me, curled into a ball and started sucking her thumb again. "It's not nice to shout at people Perrie," Jesy said to her, firmly. "He shouted at me so I shout at mama!" She shouted and started to cry. But my ears pricked up, so did Leigh's. "Who shouted at you bub?" Leigh asked, moving closer slightly. She shook her head and cried."Can you tell me princess?" Leigh asked again. But Perrie shook her head. "How about we go somewhere else, do you think you could tell me then?" Leigh whispered."M-maybe," she said, softly and covered her face. "Come with me then buba," Leigh held out her hand, Perrie took it and they walked out. I sighed and looked at Jesy. She picked up her teething toy and grabbed her pacifier then put them on the table.

"Do you think she'll tell her?" I asked Jess. She shrugged. I started making Perrie a drink in her special non spill cup. I put it on the table and sat down. I could hear Perrie crying in the other room which broke my heart.

20 minutes later, they came back out of the bunks. Perrie looked at me and opened her arms. "C-cuddle pease," she sniffed. I nodded and pulled her across my knee. "We talked and she said I can tell you," Leigh said and sat down. As Perrie was going to put her fingers in her mouth, I quickly slid a paci in there, she looked at me then cuddled further into me. "Good girl," I sighed and stroked her hair. "The doctor shouted at her. Last time she went with her mama, he shouted at her." She whispered sadly. "About what?" Jesy asked. "She wouldn't tell me," Leigh sighed.

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