Harry- ageplay (Part2)

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After Perrie's little huff about losing and we had a big, warm cuddle- she decided to carry on playing with Harry and Jade in the sandpit. I was glad she was being nice, I knew she struggled when she lost games (big or little) but she seemed to get over it pretty quickly today. I had just come inside to get the little ones some juice but I heard an almighty cry from outside. Looking out the window, I noticed Perrie on the floor, crying and Harry and Jade at her side. I rushed out and attended to them. Damien was there too now.

"Mama," Perrie cried and reached for me when she saw me there. "It's alright Princess," I pouted and pulled her onto my knee. Her hands were a little stony but her knees were bleeding. "Ooh darling," i whispered and cradled her in my arms. She clung to my chest and cried heavily. "Let's get you inside baby girl, we'll clean you up," I said softly and stood her up. "Mama," she cried and reached for me again. I lifted her up and carried her into the kitchen. Damien brought Jade and Harry inside too but kept them in the living room. I sat Perrie on the counter and gave her a cuddle. "You're okay my big girl, its all okay," I reassured her and rubbed her back. "It owie," she whimpered. "I know it's owie baby, we'll get you all cleaned up," I whispered to her and kissed her head quickly. I was grateful Damien was here right now to keep Jade entertained. Usually, if it's just me and the little ones, it's hard to attend to just one when they're upset without the other crawling around my feet. I grabbed the first aid box and handed Perrie a biscuit she could chomp on whilst I cleaned her knees. She thankfully accepted it and gave me a little giggle. I giggled back at her, kissed her nose and took out some wipes and plasters.


"Right so you just fell over?" I confirmed with Perrie. She nodded but I could see behind her eyes she was lying. I could read both my girls like a book and I knew she wasn't telling me the full truth. "You definitely sure nothing else happened?" I sighed, cupping her cheeks. She nodded and avoided my gaze. I had no idea why she wasn't telling me the full truth but I couldn't push her too hard- maybe I could get it out of Jade. I just nodded and helped Perrie jump down. I'd cleaned her knees, her hands and her teary face and given her another biscuit for good luck. She had princess plasters on her knees.

"Hey Jess, do you mind If I take Harry to the bathroom, he needs a change," Damien said, coming into the kitchen. I nodded and smiled."Of course, you can use the play room if you need more space, I don't mind at all." I confirmed and finished making up the drinks for the little ones. Once they were done, I went to take them into the girls but their conversation attracted my attention.

"If you no tell mama I will," Jadey mumbled to Perrie, clearly upset. "Nwooo Jwadey pwease, I no wan mama know" Perrie huffed."Why? Cus you get in twoubwe?" Jade huffed back, with attitude. "Yes! Bwut if mama no no den Hawwy no twoubwe eifer! Win, win. I no no why woo twell her!" Perrie groaned, getting angry."Cus it nwo fair to mwake me wie to mama!" Jade huffed. I watched her stand up and stomp her way into the kitchen.

"Now now, I heard that whole conversation," I said to her and lifted her up onto the counter, "what's going on baby?" I said and tucked some hair behind her ears. "She wying two woo," Jade mumbled, on the verge of tears."I know that princess, what's she lying about? Can you tell me?" I whispered and hugged her. "Hawwy pushed her ovwer," she mumbled into my chest and sniffled. "Why did he do that bub?" I asked, curious. Harry was the nicest little boy I'd ever met- ever! "Pweeie was mwean, she sway naughty words to him mama," Jade sighed. "JADE!" Perrie groaned loudly from behind me. I sighed and turned to her, letting go of Jade. "I knew you weren't telling me the truth about falling anyway," I said to Perrie. Her hands were on her hips. "Don't try that attitude with me young lady."Perrie huffed again, "it nwo fwair." "What's not fair baby, is you expecting Jadey to lie to her mama. What did you say to Harry?" I asked. "Nutin!" Perrie groaned, stomping her little foot on the ground. "No mama! She said nauwghty words!" Jade whined."Perrie," I voiced, in a warning tone. "I cwall him mean names cus I angwy," she huffed and went to sit herself in the naughty corner. She was upset, angry and full of attitude so I wasn't going to argue with her. I'll have a chat with Harry and Damien then decide what to do with Perrie, for now she can stay where she is.

"I'll be back Pez," I reassured her. She needed that reassurance when she's upset and in timeout otherwise she gets very wound up about it all. Damien and Harry came back just as I sat Jade down on the couch. "Er, Jesy." Damien said nervously. "Yeah?" I looked at him. "Apparently Perrie wasn't very nice to Harry whilst they were outside," he said, running his hands through Harry's hair. I sighed."I know. She just put herself in timeout after Jade told me. What did she say exactly?" Harry repeated what Perrie had said to him and I was flabbergasted. How dare she? The words aren't even repeatable as they are so hurtful. "I'm so so sorry Harry, she's in a mood but that's no excuse. I'll go talk to her and she'll come an apologise, okay?" I sighed and held my arms out for him. He gave me a cuddle then went to sit with Jade. Jade gave him a cuddle too."I haven't told him off about the pushing, I know it was retaliation and he feels really guilty anyway," Damien explained sadly, looking at his little. I felt awful. Damien and Harry were so lovely to us and Perrie had to say such awful things. I knew I shouldn't feel bad but as Perrie's caregiver, It's my duty to make sure she behaves and she hadn't done that and consequently upset someone else's little."I wouldn't expect you to tell him off, anyone would have retaliated that way if it was said to them. I'm going to go speak to Perrie," I sighed, walking to Perrie. The naughty corner was in the hallway which connected all the rooms together.

"Turn around Pez," I said, I was upset and angry with her. She knew never to behave in that way but then a part of me knew something must have really upset her for her to have acted that way. Perrie huffed and shook her head. "Please bub, just want to talk," I repeated. I wasn't going to force her but I know, if I let her, she would sit in timeout and be huffy all afternoon and I didn't want that to happen. It's happened once and never again. "Mama go way," she mumbled."Nope, turn around," I said back with a little more authority. She shook her head. "Perrie don't make me count," I sighed. She huffed loudly, stood up then sat back down facing me. Her arms were crossed and I could see she was on the verge of tears but her eyes were down.

"Thank you," I said and put my hands on her knees, "What's gotten you so upset?" I asked her, sadly. "Nothin," she grumbled."Hm I don't believe that. I also don't believe it's just because you lost the competition. Something's upsetting you and you can tell me bub," I sighed and caressed her knees slowly. "It nothingggg," she whined and frustratedly wiped her eyes. "Princess be careful," I whispered ad grabbed her hands, pulling them down. I kissed each hand softly but she sniffled. "I sowwy mama," she mumbled a few moments later. "I'm not the one you need to say sorry to but thank you," I said and stroked her cheek. "I sway sowwy to Hawwy?" She sighed and looked to the living room. "Yes please, and Jadey for asking her to lie to me because that wasn't fair," I said, standing up. She nodded and took my hand. I walked us into the living room. Jade, Damien and Harry all looked to us. I know I didn't' get what I wanted from Perrie but she was upset with it and I knew I couldn't force her to tell me. I'll just have to keep an eye on her for the rest of the afternoon and figure out what it is. Perrie apologised to Jade and Harry but then came to sit between my legs. I allowed her to and played with her hair whilst she clung to my leg. She was eyeing Jade and Harry and I knew whatever was upsetting her was to do with them. I'd just have to keep an eye on it.

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