Poorly princess- ageplay

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"Hey cheeky girl, over here please," I laughed, pointing to the high chair. Perrie was being a little cheeky this afternoon.

"Mama I pwayin'" she replied, groaning a little bit. I walked into the living area, where she was and saw her playing a game with her babies. I smiled and went to kneel down beside her.

"Can you pause your game and come and get some food for me baba?" I said softly, rubbing my hand through her blonde curls.

"I can't mama, dey gon mwiss me," she mumbled, pointing to the row of babies in front of her.

"But princess, you need to come eat for me. You haven't since this morning and I bet your cute little belly is hungry Hm?" I giggled, rubbing her belly. She squirmed under my hand and tried to push me away. I knew I was tickling her.

She giggled, "mama no." As I moved my fingers over her belly. She squealed and moved around, trying her hardest to escape my tickling hands.

"M-mamaaa," she squealed.

"It's the tickle monster," I laughed and carried on. She threw herself back into me, finally dropped her baby and tried to get me to stop. She grabbed my hands but I carried on tickling her.

"Mama noooo," she squealed as I moved my hands up and down her sides. Laughs were escaping her lips uncontrollably.

"Mama! I-I" she gasped, struggling to breath. I stopped. She took a big breath and looked up at me from my lap.

"You okay baby?" I asked, smirking. She gasped and looked at me. I giggled, leaned down and kissed her nose.

"Mama kwiss here," she smiled, tapping her lips.

"I will do! If you go get in your high chair," I giggled. She got up, a quick as a fly about to be swatted and ran into the kitchen. I followed her through and saw her sat in her high chair. I smiled widely and clipped her in and quickly kissed her lips. She smiled at me and took hold of my cheeks.

"What you doing?" I giggled, looking at her. She smiled then kissed my cheek, wet and sloppily. I groaned but I couldn't help a smile spread across my face. She was actually the cutest little one. I stood up straight and put Perrie's plate of bacon, scrambled egg and crumpets on her tray. She instantly began eating which made me feel better.

She didn't have breakfast this morning as she wasn't feeling well. She was up during the night too with bad belly ache. I'm hoping it was just- well I'm not sure but she's eating now and seems to be okay. I sat at the breakfast bar, next to her and ate my own.

"I no more mama," she sighed, pushing some food to the back of her tray.

"You all done already? You've got quite a bit left princess!" I sighed.

"No more," she squealed, banging her legs.

A few hours later, it was Perrie's nap time. Once again, she was playing in the lounge with her babies. She had honestly been so good today. I've managed to get quite a lot of work done around the house which I usually have to do whilst she's napping then I'm extra careful to be quiet.

"Sweetheart," I mumbled, sitting on the sofa behind her.

"'Es mama?" She sighed, I could hear in her voice that she was tired.

"Wanna come lie down? It's nap time," I smiled at her, putting my hands gently on her shoulders.

"Hm no," she whimpered, stretching out and rubbing her eyes.

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