Big girl pt1

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"Perrrrrrrie, come here please," I groaned and flopped her nappy onto the floor. It had just been bath time and Perrie thought it'd be a joyous idea to play hide and seek. I was so tired. Leigh Leigh was tired and I needed to get her to bed but Perrie seemed to have this endless amount of energy today and I have no idea how. We were at rehearsals for tour this morning and came home just after lunch. I had decided to pick up mcdonalds for lunch so they had it and no one was thrown off routine. Leigh slipped as soon as we got back and honestly, I didn't blame her. She was on her period so the rehearsals really knocked it out of her so I've had my little Leigh Leigh all afternoon. Perrie fought off slipping, as usual but once I began to play with Leigh and I put on Doc McStuffins for Leigh, Pez couldn't hold back any longer. She's a lot older in headspace than my little Leigh. I didn't mind, it meant I often had a helper but it also meant I had a trouble maker. She does slip younger than Leigh sometimes, when she's sick or super tired mostly and when she does, she's an angel. Otherwise, she is devil spawn. Obviously, it was cute and it was all fun and games to her but right now, when all I want to do is get Leigh and myself to bed, it's not appreciated.

"Come find me mamaaaaa" she shouted through the house. Leigh Leigh looked up from the tablet and giggled. "No, you stay there missy," I raised my eyebrows at her and pointed a finger. "Otay mama," she mumbled and sucked her paci again. I nodded, got up off the floor and went to find the blonde. I was tempted to leave her hiding until she got cold or bored but I knew how stubborn Perrie can be and knowing her, she'll start plotting little puddles all over the carpets as she was naked from waist down and she would never give up playing. I knew exactly where she was, the same place she always is: in the cupboard under the stairs. I wasn't in the mood to play games tonight so I didn't pretend I didn't know and went straight to it and opened the cupboard.

"Found you! Come on now, sleepy time," I whispered and helped her get up. "Nooo mama, it's play time," she whimpered and pulled on my hand. "No it's bed time. Mama is tired. Leigh Leigh is tired. You're tired. Bed, come on," I pulled her gently up the stairs behind me and back into the bedroom. The whole time she was resistant. She whined and pulled at me but I eventually got her to lie down in front of me."Come on bubs, no time for fussing. You can play loads tomorrow," I cooed and stroked her thighs. She shook her head. I ignored her and tried to get her nappy on. "No mama! I no baby!" she cried and moved away from the nappy. "Baby, you always wear your nappy for bed," I sighed. I didn't want to get cross with her but she was touching my last nerve.

"No! I no baby. I big girl," she cried. I took a deep breath, "sweetheart. I know you're not a little baby. I understand. But you do wet the bed don't you?" I said softly and tried to reason with her. "I no gonna to!" She cried and pushed my hand away. "Princess please, it's just the same nappy you wear every night," I whined. "Nooo," she cried. I took a deep breath and sighed. "Perrie. Let's get your nappy on and we can go sleepy. I can see you're tired," I mumbled and reached my arms out to her. "No nappy," she kicked her legs out at me and ended up kicking my arm in the process. That sent me.

"Right, time out," I said sternly and stood up. "Noooo mama nooo," she whined as I picked her up slightly and put her in the corner. "Perrie. You know you don't kick mama. You know full well it's naughty and we've been down this path before. I won't stand for it. You'll sit here for 5 minutes," I set her down but as soon as I walked away she crawled away from timeout again. I rolled my eyes and put her back. "Don't start this young lady. You're in trouble already. Don't test me," I raised my eyebrows at her and held her arms. She looked at me and had the audacity to smirk. "You can wipe that smirk off your face too. I'm starting your timer again, turn around." I looked over at Leigh sadly. She kept rubbing her eyes and looking over. I really needed to get her to bed! It was nearing 10pm now, the girls bed time was 9. Today we were a little off schedule due to our busy morning so it was already later for them. I pouted at Leigh when she looked at me. She raised her arms to me so I went over. Perrie was huffing and stomping and whining loads in the corner so I knew she wasn't happy but at least she was still there. I sat besides Leigh on the bed and pulled her into my side.

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