Bullies pt8 (K)

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1 week later
We have put potties around the house so it's easier for Kenzie to get to them and it's working slightly. Sadly she still hasn't gotten all three stars in one day on her chart but it has been 2. We've made her tell us when she is going to the potty and than come and tel us when she is done. Amber aced her exam which made her happy and she has now finally stopped revising. She was sat with me on the sofa and we were watching Billy Elliot. Sydney was at her friend's house and Kenzie was sleeping upstairs. Jade was at a special meeting in Germany. It was 9pm. I hear da sniffle come from my chest. I looked down at Amber and saw her crying. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked stroking her hair. "The film is sad." She cried, I laughed but agreed with her.

After half an hour, the film finished, me and Amber were both a crying mess. I stood up and kissed Amber's head nad sent her to bed. I went in and checked on Kenz, she was led in bed, I peeled back the covers and saw her pull-up was full. I lifted her off the bed and quickly changed her. Once it was done, I led her back in her bed and pulled her covers up.

The next day
It was 1pm and I had to pick Syd up soon. "Mama, I pee peed in the potty." Kenzie shouted and ran into my room, I was sat on the bed in my underwear but she hugged me anyway. "Good girl!" I gushed and kissed her head. "Mama, can I put a sticker on?" She asked, I nodded and pulled my pants up and went downstairs with her. "I'm proud of you baby." I kissed her head. "Amber are you dressed?" I shouted up to her room. "Yeah!" She replied. "Come on then, we need to pick Syd up." I shouted and she came running down stairs. "Kenz, can you go and put on a pull-up I don't want any accidents around Syd's friends." I asked her she nodded and ran off. "She used the potty?" Amber asked smiling. I nodded and hugged her. "Thanks for being so supportive about this babe." I said and McKenzie ran back down.

Once we had picked up Sydney, we drove to McDonalds to get lunch, when we got home, I could see Kenzie was on the verge of tears. "What's wrong?" I asked her picking her up. "I peed." She cried into my neck. "Why are you so upset baba, it's in your pull-up." I asked and led her down on the changing mat. "I'm a big girl." She cried. "It's okay, you are just learning to do it like a big girl again aren't you?" I asked and rubbed her belly, she nodded. "Mama, i need to pee now." She said. "Go on then." I tapped her leg and she ran to the potty in the corner of the room. I heard the trickle and smiled. "Good girl baby." I exclaimed as she came back to me, I wiped her clean and pulled up some knickers. "You've done it twice today, if you do it again, you'll be getting a treat." I kissed her head and she ran off.

It was now 9pm and everyone was sat downstairs watching the sound of music. I was about to fall asleep when I heard McKenzie whimper. "Whats wrong baby?" I asked her. "I need to pee pee but I can't undo my nappy." She cried. I scooped her up and ran upstairs. I quickly undid her nappy and she ran to her potty. I heard the trickle and smiled. "That's three stars!!" I put up my hand and highfived her. "I'm so proud of you babe!" I hugged her. "Thanks mama." She said. I led her down, cleaned her up and decided to put another nappy on her because she will probably fall asleep during the film and I don't want any accidents on the sofa.

It was now midnight, Sydney was asleep but Amber and Kenzie have somehow stayed awake. "Goodnight Am, see you in the morning babe." I kissed her head and she went off to bed. "Come on you, bed time." I said to Kenz as I picked up Sydney. "Go and stay in my room and I'll change you, let me just put Syd to bed." McKenzie walked off into my room and I put Syd to bed. I sat her up and took her top off, she was wearing a sports bra so I left that on and I removed her pants. I led her down and covered her up. "Good night sweetheart." I kissed her head and walked out. "Okay Kenz, lets change you." I said and she led down. I undid her diaper, cleaned her, applied cream and gave her a minute to dry out since she is going to have it on all night. I led down next to her and hugged her side. "I'm so proud of you baby girl." I kissed her head. "Thank you mama." She kissed my cheek. "Okay, your room tonight." I put her in a fresh diaper and carried her to her bedroom. "Goodnight baby girl." I kissed her head and walked out.

I got changed and led in bed. I am honestly so proud of Kenzie for using the potty three times, but I must admit I'm very lonely in this bed without Jade. I decided to just cuddle her pillow. I rolled over and hugged the pillow. After about 10 minutes there was a knock at the door. I thought it was Kenzie so ignored it. "Mama?" I heard Amber say, "come in baby." I said, the dorm opened revealing Ambers tear stained face. "Babe, what's wrong?" I asked and took her into my arms. "I just miss mam." She whispered and cuddled into me. "Ahh babe, I miss her too, but she will be home in two days." I kissed her head. "You go to sleep baby," I whispered and ran my fingers through her hair. "I can stay?" She asked shocked. "Well we both need cuddles tonight, so sure." I laughed and hugged her tighter. "Thanks mama. I love you." She whispered. "I love you too baby girl." I then fell into a deep sleep.

Do you guys want a part 9 or not? Xx

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