Uh oh! Part 2.

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I was sat in the drivers seat, Leigh in the passenger seat then Perrie and Jade in the back, usually its Leigh in the back but Perrie was screaming from the pain so Jade and I thought it might be best. That way Jade can try to calm her down. Right now, I could see Perrie's head resting on Jades shoulder whilst she sucked her unicorn whale paci gently. Jadey had hold of her tightly and was whispering soothing things in her ear so I thought it was all very sweet.
"Will Pewwie be okway!?" Leigh asked me sweetly. I smiled sympathetically and rubbed her leg.
"She'll be okay sweetheart, the doctors will x-ray it and put it in a cast and  help her with the pain. I bet that was scary huh?"
"Yeah, it was. I no wike when she hurwting." Leigh whispered innocently.
"No, I don't think anyone does!" I replied and thankfully switched my indicator on to turn into the hospital!
"Jade she can't go in with the pacifier, she needs to be big." I sighed and looked in the mirror.
"For gods sake, why do we have to be famous?" Jade chuckled gently as I pulled into a parking spot.
"Hey, sweetheart, I have to take this out okay, you have to try and be a big girl whilst the doctors help you! Me and Jesy will be right with you the whole time though! Okay?" Jade whispered to Perrie.
"It hurts." Perrie cried.
"I know, I know it does princess but you have to let the doctors help you and to do that, you have to be a big girl!" I said as I turned around. "Can I have your paci please?" I asked and held out my hand, Perrie slowly removed it from her mouth and put it in my hand. "Good girl," I smiled and got out of the car. Leigh got herself out then Jade and climbed out with Perrie.
Jadey had her arm around Pez's shoulders and was resting Perrie's injured hand on her hand.
We then walked together into A&E.

As soon as we walked through the glass doors, we were recognised. Perrie rested her head on my shoulder when people looked. "It's alright." I whispered and rubbed her arm.
"Ohhh, that looks nasty." A nurse cooed as she walked towards us.
"It really hurts." She cried into my shoulder, I think she was embarrassed now!
"Oh, lets get you over to a bed and I'll send a doctor to look at it," the nurse, who I saw was called Molly, said.
We walked over to one of the beds which was covered in blue roll. 
"Can you sit with me mama?" Perrie whimpered once we were alone. I smiled and climbed onto the bed behind her, she leaned back into my body. Leigh was sat on Jesy's knee on one of the chairs. Just as I was going to say something, a doctor walked in with a clipboard in his hand. 
"Hello, I'm Doctor Alister, and you're Perrie." He smiled and held his hand out. Perrie shook it with her good hand. 
"How on earth have you managed this?" He chuckled as he pulled up a stool. To be honest, it looked terrible, her arm was misshaped so clearly some bones had moved and then it was really swollen and bruised!
"Err, it was all fast." Perrie mumbled nervously so I jumped in. 
"We were on a walk and she tripped, as she put her hand down to stop herself she just crashed down on it." I said gently as I rubbed up and down Perrie's arm. 
"Well, I'm guessing you're in a lot of pain so we are going to give you some Tramadol. We'll also give you some ibuprofen to reduce the swelling then, we'll send you down for an x-ray and hopefully by then, we'll be able to see for an infection (if there is one) and the pain medication would have started working so we can cast it up!" The Doctor smiled. 
"Thank you." Perrie whimpered as more tears fell from her eyes. 
"Oh sweetie, we'll try and get rid of your pain!" He soothed and rubbed her shoulder gently. "Nurse, can you get me 50mg of Tramadol?" He said as he opened the curtain. Seconds later, a nurse walked in with a needle in her hand. As soon as Perrie saw it, she jumped out of my arms and off the bed. 
"Hey babe, its okay." Jesy said and tapped Leigh's thigh, Leigh stood up and moved to the other chair she looked so tired and upset, I think this was all a little scary for her! 
"No needles," Perrie whimpered desperately. 
"Oh sweetheart, you need the medicine though." Jesy cooed and tried to give Pez a hug, mainly keep her still for the doctor though. However Perrie wasn't stupid, she wasn't going near anyone when their was a needle in the room. 
"We can get her capsules, is that better?" The nurse whispered to me. 
"Oh yes, so much better!" I sighed in relief. "I'll go over the form you can take it when I give you the prescription." She smiled. I thanked her quickly and went to talk to a hyperventilating Perrie. 
"Hey baby, calm down. The nurse is taking the needle away and is going to bring tablets instead, is that better?" I asked her gently. She looked at me with innocent, pooling eyes but nodded. "Good girl, come here," I cooed and opened my arms, she slid off the chair and sat on the floor but settled gently in my embrace. I really think she was struggling not being little, especially with the needle.

an hour later

We'd been given Perrie's x-ray, the two bones in her arms have overlapped! 
"It looks like your ulna and radius have shifted from your wrist, so we will need to do a procedure called reduction! This is where we move the bones back into place, however, I would like to send you for a CT scan, just to check the damage around your wrist. We'll discuss more when the results come back," he explained. Perrie was sat on my knee now, her pain was thankfully gone so it doesn't hurt at all! "make sure you keep moving your fingers darling, and try and keep it above your heart for me," Dr Alister reminded. Pez nodded and wiggled her fingers slowly then moved her arm up, she rested her elbow over my shoulder. 
"Mama, I hungwy." She sighed quietly. 
"Well unless you want hospital food, we can't really do anything just yet angel." I giggled. She just groaned and wiggled her legs. "Hey, don't do that, as soon as we get out of here, we'll go to Mcdonalds." I said and held her legs. She just glared a me but nodded. "Hey, lose the attitude." I warned, that time she blushed and looked down. I heard a little sorry but before I could say anything else a nurse joined us. 
"Perrie, would you like to follow me to the CT room?" She smiled. I noticed how tense Pez became. 
"Alone?" She choked as her eyes welled up with tears again. 
"hey, you don't need to get upset sweetie, Jade can come with you if you want." The nurse cut in. 
"Okay, Please come Jadey," she whimpered.
"I was going to come anyway babe. Let's go." I laughed gently as she got off my knee. "We'll be back." I said to Jesy and Leigh, I think Leigh was very close to another nap right now, which to be honest, I think she needed! 

After the CT was done, Pez and I walked back to the waiting room, she was getting tired herself yet. "hey, angel, do you need a change?" I asked her quietly, she looked at me and shook her head. I just nodded and carried on walking, I wasn't going to push her in a public place! 


Finally we were out of here! Perrie had a pink cast on which I admit looked super cute! Leigh had however been asleep the whole time. Now I had the job of waking her. 
"Hey princess, wakey wakey," I whispered in her ear and tickled her tummy. Leigh was a lot easier to wake then Perrie so I already could see her eyes fluttering. "Let me see them pretty eyes baby," I cooed. she stretched out and opened her eyes. 
"We go?" She asked sweetly. 
"Yeah, we are going to go to mcdonalds, do you want some?" I asked her and pulled her up to her feet, she nodded eagerly and took hold of my hand. Jade was just helping Perrie sign some paper work and prescriptions then we could go, I was going to take Leigh to the car though. We got the Tramadol pain medication in drips so we can add them to Perrie's bottles and juice, it will make it so much easier for when she needs them. Like if she was upset and in pain, she can comfort form the bottle and us feeding her and she gets the pain help as well!  

I decided to sit Leigh in the front just to make it easier, than having the paps see me helping her with her car seat in the back. I quickly messaged Jade letting her know how many paps were about, I'm hoping Perrie will be okay, I know shes stressed, tired and hungry. 
However, after mcdonalds, my girls should be happy again, we can go home, get cozy in pyjamas and put a movie on! It's been a long day and I'm sure everyone is looking forward to a relaxing evening. 

So part 3 will be up at some point! I hope you all liked this!! xxx

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