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So this may be sad, it's a Jerrie AU and Pez and Jade are dating in college and Jesy and Leigh are their best friends. You'll get the rest soon...



I pulled up outside my blonde baby's house, she was sat on the steps of her porch, doing something on her phone. Since she didn't notice me, I beeped my horn, she looked up and saw my car. Putting her phone in her pocket, she got her bag with her spare hand and walked to my car. She threw her bag into my boot, along with mine. She then joined me in the fornt. "hey princess." I smiled when she did her seatbelt up. "Hey." She smiled and looked up at her house to check if her parents were watching-they  weren't. She quickly leaned in and gave my lips a quick peck. I smiled softly and rested my hand on her leg as I drove off towads Jesy's house.

When Jesy got in, she noticed Perrie being quiet. "So how you doing?" Jesy asked. "Eh, average." She whispered sadly. "Is that Perrie Edwaards average or normal human average?" She asked again. "Jess!" I said to her shocked. "Fuck off Jessica." Perrie mumbled and rested her head on the window. I reached my arm out and rubbed her shoulder gently and glared at Jesy behind me. "What?" She laughed. I shook my head and began towards Leigh's house. On Monday, Wednesday and Friday (today was Friday) I pick us all up, on Tuesday and Thursdays it's Leigh. Jesy doesn't have a car since she just bought a house instead and Perrie doesn't have her license, not only has she only just turned 17, her parents won't allow her yet, they aren't very nice parents.

After we were all in the car, Leigh moaned that it was quiet so I turned the radio on and Jesy and Leigh had their morning disco in the back of the car. Perrie wasn't even slightly amused. I've learnt to recognise Perries moods over the last 2 years we've been dating. When she's like this (red day) it's her worst. I know for a fact she is having very nasty and unsettling thoughts right now but I can't do anything. When she's talking quietly and at least sitting up, (Orange day) I know she's having an off day or sometimes even a good day. And when she's actually smiling and involving herself in conversation (Green day) , I know she's okay and at least a little happy that day, unfortunately that rarely happens at the minute. It's mainly red.

We pulled up outside school and Jesy and Leigh got out, kissed us on the cheek goodbye and walked to their tutor rooms  but I just stayed sat in the car with Perrie for a little bit. I know we have to be patient with her, Jesy is terrible at that. "You alright petal?" I asked and rubbed her leg gently. She nodded softly. "You ready to go in?" I asked her in a calm voice. She sat up and looked outside, it was quiet since many people had already left the hang out areas to go to their classes. "Yeah." She mumbled meekly. We got out the car and when we met at the boot, I brought her into my chest. I hugged her tight, I could feel her bones pressing into my flesh and muscle. I'm sure she didn't eat last night. "Thank you." She said to me sadly. "No problem baby, now let's get to class." I whispered to her and took her hand as we walked through the halls. "I've got counselling second, can I come get you before?" She asked me just before we parted ways. "Of course you can Perrie. I'll be in geography." I said and kissed her head. She nodded and walked away but stopped and turned back around. "I love you." She whispered to me. "I love you too." I smiled and walked into my class.
Perrie goes to counselling every other day, it's with a teacher-Miss Evans, she's extremely nice and is very patient with her and also lets her bring me along on some days. Pez is slow and quiet today, it's going to be a long one.

Counselling came around. I met Perrie outside the room. I instantly knew she had been crying from the red blotches on her cheeks and eyes. "You alright?" I asked her in a low voice. She nodded and knocked on the door. I tugged at her arm gently. "Are you sure?" I asked her worriedly. She shook her head but then a "come in." Chimed from the other side of the door so I dropped it and followed Perrie into the room. "Hello Perrie, I see you've brought Jade today." Miss Evans said with her wide smile. Perrie nodded and sat down, I sat next to her. I reached for her hand and she gladly took mine in hers. We began to talk about the thoughts, the eating, the hate and her parents. "Perrie, I know this may be a very personal question and you don't have to but could you possibly lift your top so I can see how... well skinny you are?" Miss Evans asked in an hesitant voice. I looked at Pez and saw her staring at the floor. "Erm, Jade I don't want you to see." She whispered at me. "Why?" I asked her. "It makes me look ugly, you won't love me." She said so quietly I had to strain my ears. "No it won't, I love you unconditionally, we know this." I said to her and rubbed her hand with the pad of my thumb. "Okay but, don't be shocked, please." She whispered and stood up. She slowly lifted her top. Her ribs were extremely prominent, I could probably fit my hands around her waist, her thigh bones were sharp and sticking out. She turned slowly and I could instantly see the slides of her spine. "When did you last eat your full meal?" Miss Evans asked sadly. "Erm I'm not sure, last week I think." She said sadly. "Did it come back up again?" I asked her, she nodded shyly. I opened my arms, she dropped her top and walked straight over to me. Settling onto my knee, she rested her head on my shoulder. "I love you Perrie." I whispered to her. "I love you too." She replied and kissed my cheek.

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