Manchester bombing- 1 year (not an update)

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So as some of you may know, it's 1 year from the Manchester bombing tomorrow and I just want to say a few things.

First of all, the time has gone so so fast.

Second of all, my heart goes out to all those affected that night. Music is supposed to be about love and togetherness but that man ruined music for many people. I know 2 people who were affected in the bomb, one is my best friends, friend. She was told that after the bomb, she wouldn't be able to walk again but she is now winning gold medals in swimming for regionals. The other is my girlfriends best friend, her mum died that night and she was critically injured in the hospital for 2 weeks after. My girlfriend was also at the concert, thankfully she wasn't injured but she was shaken up. She watched a lot of people get injured, but being the Wonder Woman she is, she took it in her stride and has overcome it, she still hates talking about the night but she took the pain and transferred it into power to overcome things like that.

Third of all, Miss Ariana Grande. The most inspirational artist ever, she has come so far this year. Personally as an artist I wouldn't be able to carry on with my career after an event like that, it would have been devastating and it was. But again, she turned all the hate from the suicide bomber into love and remembered all the lost and celebrated the power of music at the one love concert.

After the bombing, everyone was heart-broken and a year later, people still are. However we worked together, not only as the public but what also made me happy was all the fandoms on Instagram came together and supported everyone. Everyone came together and it is amazing how something so negative can turn to something so positive.

I send all my prayers to everyone effected and I hope everyone tries to stay positive tomorrow. I love you all and I perspective everyone! You all deserve everything. Xxxxxxx

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