Bullies pt6 (K)

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The next day:


Today, me and Pez decided to let the girls swim and stay in the garden all day. I had a bath with Sydney yesterday night and I could tell she loved the attention, bless her. She told me all about the recent events at school. Perrie spent the night with Amber, since Amber has her GCSEs coming up, she has been keeping out of the way anyway, but she still needs us. Perrie just sat with Amber and helped her revise. This morning, I woke up and it was different because Kenzie didn't sleep with us last night, instead she slept on a blow-up air bed at the side of the bed. It was nice being able to sleep with my wife again. "Morning baba." I said to Pez as her eyelids flickered open. "Hey baby." she smiled and pecked my lips. 

"McKenzie, can you please go to mama and she will put you in a swim nappy." I said to Kenzie as I helped Amber dry up. "Yes mam." She said and walked off upstairs. "Mam?" I heard Amber say from next to me, I turned to look at her. "I love you." She smiled. I smiled back and hugged her. "I love you too baby girl." I kissed her cheek. "I'm going to change." She giggled as she tried to pull herself out of my tight hug. I laughed and waved her off. 

WE were now all outside, everyone was wearing bikini's and Kenzie was wearing her swim diaper under her bottoms. She felt obviously didn't feel comfortable around us so she was embarrassed to not wear anything to hide it. We were all about to get in the pool when my phone started ringing. I ran inside to answer it. Perrie followed me but went to get drinks. 

"Oh Sydney just shut it." I heard Amber growl as I walked back outside. "Everything okay?" I asked, all three of my girls nodded and got into the pool, Kenzie was, however already in.  "Mams, watch!" Me and Perrie heard Sydney shout from the top of the diving board, she then dived into the pool, I must admit my heart dropped but Perrie laughed and clapped. Sydney came out of the water again after a minute and she ran to us. "That was amazing Syd." I said, just then Perrie got up and walked towards Kenzie, she was sat at the side of the pool and was clearly upset.  


Whilst Jade and Perrie were inside.

I was kind of nervous to be around Sydney after what she did to me yesterday. When mams went inside, I slid into the pool and tried to hide my diaper. "What wrong baby girl, you scared to show me your nappy?" Sydney teased, I went red and instantly felt myself pee. "Don't be embarrassed sweetheart, every 13 year old has to wear nappies." She teased again and rubbed my hair. I went red again. That's it, I hate wearing these stupid things! I'm not a fucking baby! I snuck out of the pool and took my diaper off, it was nice to have something touching my vagina which wasn't a diaper. I ran back into the pool with just my bikini bottoms and jumped in. God was that nice!

Sydney just jumped off the diving board when I felt myself poo. It was horrible, I was expecting it but I thought I could hold it in but after wearing diapers for over a week, I guess I have gotten used to doing it as soon as it came. I went bright red, no way could I tell my mams that I took my diaper off now I just pooed in my bikini bottoms, I will get well told off. I just shuffled to the side of the pool and hid. Obviously not well enough because I was quickly joined by my mama. 

"Baby girl, what's wrong?" Mama asked moving some of my wet hair from my face, I just shook my head and began to sob. "Ahh babe." She cupped under my arms and lifted me out of the water. She instantly could tell I didn't have a diaper on and that I had pooed. "Kenz?" She said and held my hand, she walked me to the bathroom. "I'm sorry mama." I cried, she pulled down my bottoms and led me on the mat. She cleaned me up still not saying a word, she threw the bikini bottoms in the bin and got out a fresh diaper. "Mama, I don't want it on." I cried and moved away. "McKenzie, babe please." She sighed. "Mama no." I cried again. "Babe, tell me what's wrong, you've been liking wearing diapers. Why not now?" She asked confused. "Syd." I mumbled under my breath. More tears fell from my eyes. "What did she say?" Mama asked and rubbed my knee. "Th-that I'm a baby and I shouldn't be embarrassed because it happens to every 13 year old and she just started teasing me." I cried. "Baby girl, come here." Mama said and held out her arms, I crawled to her and sat on her knee she began rocking me. "Baby, I know you enjoy being mamas baby again. You like wearing the diapers and sharing a bed with us and that's okay." She wiped my tears and ran her finger up and down my nose. "What Sydney thinks doesn't matter, she is being very mean about it and it isn't fair okay. But baby, I need you to put another nappy on because we are going out for tea later and we can't have any accidents." Mama said and I nodded. It was true, I did enjoy being a baby, but not when Syd teased me about it. "Will you wear one for me?" She asked, I reluctantly nodded. She led me back down and diapered me up. "Good girl." mama said and I cuddled her. I then sucked on my thumb, it was a great comfort. 


We were about to go out for tea and Kenzie was no where to be seen. I told Jade about what happened in the pool and we were both worried. "I'll go and find her, you go to the car." I said and kissed Jade. "Kenz babe?" I shouted, "Coming mama." She said and ran downstairs, she was wearing a knee length black dress with tights. "You okay?" I asked her and she nodded. "I just couldn't do my dress up." She smiled and took my hand then dragged me to the door. I laughed and locked the door whilst she walked and got in the car. 

We had all ordered desert, the meals were delicious, Amber got BBQ ribs, Sydney got Chicken ad beef carvery, Kenzie got Spaghetti, Jade got Lasagna and I got carbonara. Amber and Sydney were laughing at something and I could see McKenzie squirming in the corner of my eye. I lent into her ear. "Do you need changing?" I asked quietly, she surprisingly shook her head. "Okay baba, but tell me if you do okay?" I kissed her head and she nodded. "Mama?" She asked when I sat up, "yeah?" I asked. "Can I go and get a straw for my drink?" She asked and I nodded. 

When she stood up, she tucked her chair in which made me suspicious so I pulled it out again, there was a dark, wet patch on the chair. I sighed out and Jade looked. "She isn't wearing one." Jade sighed, I nodded. Grabbed the changing bag and went to find McKenzie. She was reaching up to get a straw, once she got one, she turned around and saw me looking very stern. "mama, what's wrong?" She asked. "Don't play dumb babe, why aren't you wearing one?" I asked, she looked down and blushed. "Come on." I took her hand and walked us to the bathroom. "Why aren't you wearing one Kenzie?" I asked her whilst cleaning up her legs. "It's embarrassing mama." She cried. "I don't care, nobody could tell, me and your mam thought you had one on and we couldn't tell you didn't so that's a rubbish excuse." I sighed and put her in another diaper.  "Mama please don't be angry. I'm sorry." She cried. "I don't know Kenz, you're really starting to test my patience with this," I sighed again and let her sit up. "I'm so sorry mama, it won't happen again." She cried and launched herself onto me. "It's okay baby, I forgive you." I said. 

We had finally all finished eating and were planning on setting off home. "Mama?" I heard Kenzie whine from next to me. "Yes baby?" I asked. "I'm tired." She cried. I opened my arms and she snuggled onto my knee. "It's your bed time when we get home Kenz." Jade said and kissed her head ans her eyes flickered closed. We packed our things up and headed off home. 

When we pulled up outside the house, I took Kenzie out of the car since she fell asleep, I walked upstairs and changed her then dressed her into a long Disney jumper. I led her on the clean bed and walked out to Sydney's room. She was sat on her bed drawing. "What you drawing baba?"I asked her. She held it up and I was shocked at how amazing it was. 

"Wow Syd

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"Wow Syd." I whispered and let her cuddle into me as she continued adding little detail. Jade was with Amber, helping her revise and stuff. I could get used to spending time with Sydney and Amber at night whilst McKenzie slept. But we clearly need to start potty training her since she doesn't like wearing diapers anymore. 


Hope you liked it. 

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