Pool antics. (K)

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Me, Amber and Sydney had been at the pool for about an hour. I was beginning to get cold but I didn't want to say anything to Amber or Sydney.  "Come on Kenz, lets go on then slide." Amber said. I shook my head and crouched further into the water. "Come on, just once. I'll go with you." She said. I really didn't like the slides, but I trusted Amber. "You have to keep hold of me." I said. She nodded and held out her hand. "Okay." I sighed, "just once though." I added. "That's fine babe." She said and hugged me from the side. She took my hand and walked us to the slide. I was already getting scared. "Okay sit down, I'll sit behind you." Amber said, I did, but she didn't. Instead she moved my hands off the bar and pushed me down. "Have fun!" She shouted down. "Amber, no!!!" I screamed and tried to stop but the water was pushing me down. "Sorry love but you need to get over your fear some how." She laughed and started sliding behind me. The adrenaline was terrifying me and this slide doesn't seem to be ending. "Amber no!!" I cried, actual tears were filing my eyes. She began banging at the side of the slide and it was scary because I couldn't see her behind me. "Amber stop please." I cried. I just heard her laugh which scared me even more. Just then I smashed into the side of the slide and rolled over but my foot got caught under me so I twisted my ankle, I cried out in pain.

Finally I came to the bottom of the slide. I crashed into the water and it engulfed me. I quickly moved to the steps. I sat there and started sobbing into my hands. "Ugh Kenz you're such a baby." I heard Sydney say and Amber laughing. "It's not funny. I- I really hurt my ankle." I cried and stood up, thankfully I could just walk. "Where you going?" Sydney asked me sarcastically. "To mam and mama, leave me alone." I shouted and limped off.

Me and Jade were at the bar drinking coke, we sat outside and had a nice veiw of the indoor pool. "They've been in there a long time, I'm surprised they aren't at each other's throats yet." Jade laughed from beside me. "I know it's nice." I said and rested my head on her shoulder. She wrapped her arm around my waist.
Just then I saw a very upset McKenzie limping towards us, tears were streaming down her face and she looked distraught. I stood up and quickly ran to her. "M-mama." She sobbed as I hugged her. "What's happened sweetheart?" I asked but she shook her head and clung to my shirt. I decided to pick her up and carry her back to the table. "Shhh. Kenz it's okay." I said and let her cry into my shoulder, she was dripping wet but right now I didn't care she was upset and she needed comfort. When we got back to Jade I could tell she was just as concerned as I. "Pez, her ankle." She said pointing to Kenzie's ankle. It was swollen and bruised. "Baby what did you do?" I asked and hugged her tighter. "A-am-Amber s-said tha-that she wou-would come down t-the slide." She cried. "Sweetheart. Calm down and then tell us, I'll go and get you some ice." Jade said and kissed McKenzie's forehead. "Mama it hurts." She cried and clung to my chest again. "I know it looks painful baby. Where's the others?" I asked. "I don't know, I don't care either. This is Amber's fault." She cried again. "Ahh baba." I said and stroked her hair. Jade came back with a bag of ice. "Give me your foot babe, I'll keep the ice on." Jade said. McKenzie reluctantly moved her foot into Jades leg. When it touched it she winced in pain. "You're a brave girl." I said and kissed her cheek. Her tears had slowed down now and her breathing had gone back to normal. "Tell is what happened Kenz." I said and ran my fingers through her wet hair. "I didn't want to go on the slide and Amber said she will go down with me so I would be okay. At the top of the slide she pushed me down. Which scared me, but then she followed and started banging on the side of the slide which scared me more because I couldn't see her. I twisted but my foot got stuck and then it twisted. At the bottom I was crying on the steps and Amber and Syd just laughed at me and called me a baby. So I came here." She cried. I was angry now. "Go to Mam." I said and passed Kenzie to her.

I stormed into the pool i didn't care if I had shoes on. "Amber Eloise, get here right now!" I shouted and she turned to look at me. She rolled her eyes and just carried on swimming. "Don't disobey me young lady, get here!" I screamed, other people looked at me and she finally came to me! "Do you have any idea what you did to Kenzie?" I asked her. She nodded. "Do you know how badly you hurt her?" I asked again. She shook her head. "Well I suggest you go back to the caravan, get changed and come to the bar to find out." I shouted, she winced at how loud I was and scurried off. "You too Sydney Louise, out the pool right now!" I screamed, she highly followed Amber. I sighed and walked back to McKenzie and Jade. Kenzie was curled up on Jade's knee watching Jades phone. I went and sat down next to them. "Do you want s drink Kenz?" I asked rubbing her back. "Yes please mama." She said, I nodded. "Jadey?" I asked. "Lemonade please." She answered. I nodded and walked off.

After 10 minutes, Amber and Sydney walked up to us. Sydney looked sorry but Amber looked like she couldn't care less. "What do you say to your sister?" I asked sternly. "Sorry." Sydney mumbled and hugged Kenz. "You needed to get over your fear." Amber smirked. "Amber! Wrong answer!" I said and stood up so I leaning over her. She coiled into herself. "I'm going to ask you again, what do you say to your sister?" I whispered. "Sorry Kenzie." She said, moved from in-front of me then to Kenzie, she gave a hug and sat down stroppliy. "Drop the attitude!" Jade scolded, she rolled her eyes. "I mean it." She said again. Sydney was talking to Kenzie about school. But I could tell Kenz was knackered and in a lot of pain. "Shall we head back to the caravan?" I asked, everyone nodded and got up. "mama, I can't walk." McKenzie cried. "Get up baby girl." I said and helped her into my back. She giggled.

"Baby girl..." Amber mimicked. "What was that?" Jade asked obviously hearing. "Ugh nothing!" She screamed and walked off. "Amber Eloise, what the hell is your problem??" I asked resting Kenzie on a wall. "Come here alone and I will tell you." She shouted and sat down on the grass by the lake. "Ugh fine." I said. "Jade, you take the girls back to the caravan, we'll be there soon." I kissed her and walked to Amber.

I was really feeling left out. My mams are constantly all over Syd because she has a larger personality, they are all over Kenzie because she doesn't know ow to control her emotions so gets upset a lot. It's not fair. "Talk.." mama said as she sat next to me on the grass. I looked out at the lake a bit longer and thought about how I can say this without crying. "Amber, you told me you will tell me now say it!" Mama shouted. "Will you stop shouting for God's sake." I sighed and looked down at my hands. I took in a shaky breath. "I just feel like you are always more bothered about the twins. They are younger so need more attention, you give Sydney loads of attention because she has the biggest personality and is just getting into trouble or having a panic attack. You give Lenz a lot of attention because she doesn't know how to control her emotions so she's is constantly upset, angry or just weird. It's not fair. You also give Mam more attention than me, I kinda feel like the black sheep." I looked down and wiped my tears. "Babe..." mama said so I looked up, she was crying herself. "I love you just as much as I love the twins and your mam. I know sometimes you aren't the centre of attention because you are right, Syd and Kenz are quite different and get a lot of attention, but that destiny mean you are the black sheep. Your mam is my wife you know, it's normal for me to give her attention but sweet, please, if you are feeling like this you need to tell me or Mam. It's not fair for you to lash out like you did today. I'm sorry I got so angry and shouted but what you did was unacceptable." She said and I nodded "I'm sorry you feel that way babe." She whispered and hugged me. I nodded. "Come on let's go back to the caravan." She said once we had both calmed down. We walked hand in hand. "I'm sorry for pushing Kenzie down the slide, I honestly didn't mean for her to hurt herself, I just thought it would help her fear." I sighed. "It's okay sweetheart, you didn't hurt her foot." She said.

I'm glad my mama knows how I feel, it's best she knows than me keeping it in and hurting more peoples feelings.

Hope you enjoyed...

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