Sugar rush - part 1

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Little Perrie :) 


Today I had the wonderful pleasure of looking after little Perrie Edwards. Usually, Jesy was her mama but she's had to go for a video shoot for a top secret project today and therefore handed her responsibilities onto me. Apparently, Perrie got to chose who she wanted (between Jade and I) and she chose me! I didn't know why but she seemed to be having the time of her life. She's in and out of the kitchen like a mad man. I've been with her 4 hours so far and her mama was due home in two. I'm hoping she can calm down a little bit by then. To be honest, I was a little in the grey with her. She's not too far in her headspace so it's a little harder to know what her needs are, what she's allowed and what she isn't etc. Jesy only gave me things to do if she's in her normal headspace which is usually around 2-3 years. Therefore she was in nappies, younger children's shows, younger toys too but she doesn't seem to be there. She usually has her juice in bottles and things like that. She seemed to be older, I wasn't sure if that was because Jesy wasn't here she didn't want to be younger and miss her mama too much or if she's because she simply isn't feeling it.

She's in her pull up and sat on the sofa currently drinking some coke. She debated with me about whether or not she was allowed it this late- I knew she wasn't. But to be fair, she was coming up with some reliable arguments and it was cute seeing her think about it so I let her win. I told her it was the last of it for today as she's already had a fair bit! She was watching something on Disney+, I wasn't too sure what it was as I wasn't paying attention but she was enjoying it. She had a few biscuits on her knee which she was munching on too.

"Hatchhhh, no!" She shrieked as Hatchi tried to steal another one of her bscuits. I giggled and got off my seat to pick up Hatchi. I put him outside the room and shut the baby gate whilst Pez was eating. "Tank woo," Perrie mumbled, putting another biscuit in her mouth. I giggled and kissed her head.

"You can't have too many more of those baby," I smiled, taking the bowl off her. She couldn't decided which ones she wanted so I put a selection of them in a bowl- that was probably a bad idea as she's eaten over half of them now! "Nooo! Weigh noo!" Perrie whined and sat on her knees. She tried reaching over the back of the sofa for me. "Baby you've had loads! I only said you could have a few," I pouted. She looked at me with her puppy eyes."Jus' two more, pwease Weigh Weigh!" She whimpered and prayed with her hands. I giggled and raised my eyebrows at her. "I wove woo fowever if I get fwee more Weigh!" I gasped, "it was two a second ago!" I laughed. "Fwee pease!" I sighed and held out the bowl. She giggled, took three then sat back down. I shook my head and walked into the kitchen. She was too cute and she knew exactly how to pull on my heartstrings.


Half an hour later, I regretted letting Perrie have all the coke and biscuits. Not only that but she'd already had chocolate spread on toast for lunch and loads of sugar on her porridge this morning when I arrived! I brought Harvey with me to Perrie's so he could have a little play date with Hatch and Travis but now, all three dogs were going mental and I had a little blonde puppy copying them. She was running across all the furniture, howling and giggling as she climbed across my knee on her circuit. The dogs were following, wearing out a huge circle on the carpet and I knew I had to catch the monster before her mama got home.

"Sweetheart," I laughed, grabbing her as she tried to run past me. She squealed and kicked out her legs, making me laugh. "Do you need potty?" I asked. She looked at me, thought about for a minute then nodded. "Go on then, quick," I giggled. I let go of her and almost as quick as lightning she was in the bathroom. I followed. I needed something to do, to let the dogs and Perrie calm down! I think a walk will do just that! I was going to take Harvey out on my run later but why not kill two birds with one stone, take them al out (for Jesy) and then let Perrie burn off some energy too!

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