Bullies pt5 (K)

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I woke up to McKenzie shuffling around in our bed. She has been sleeping with me and Jade lately because of the diaper situation. She had also been having quite a few nightmares. "You okay babe?" I asked her. "Mama." She cried and clung to me, I felt my shirt become wet from tears and felt her sobbing into my chest. "Shhh. Baby what's wrong?" I asked, attempting to calm her, I then heard Jade grumble something and the light switched on. "Mama, he's coming." She cried. "Sweetheart, shhhh. Nobody's here, it's just me and mam." I said and kissed her head. "Mama I'm wet." She cried. "I know baby, I know." I said and sat up. "Do you want me to change you?" I asked her she nodded sadly. We got up and I quickly changed her, she was very very wet so she must have had really bad dream. "Come on sweetheart." I said and hugged her, she didn't move. "Baby, come on." I said again and she lifted her arms meaning she wanted picking up. I sighed but did it anyway, she settled in my arms and I walked back to bed.
When I got there, I saw Sydney sat Jades knee. Sydney has been giving me silent treatment for the last three days, ever since the thing at the water park happened. "You okay Syd?" I asked anyway, she just moved away from me. "Pez, she had a bad dream, can she stay here?" Jade asked. I nodded and smiled. Kenzie was already falling back asleep in my arms so I led down and cuddled her.

I didn't have a bad dream. I wanted to get revenge on McKenzie for stealing all the attention from mam's for the last month. When I realised everyone was asleep, I pulled the quilt back and undid Kenzie's diaper, I then threw it on the floor, it was wet, so she had peed in the last 10 minutes. Let's see how wet the bed is in the morning.

I woke up the next morning with the feeling of wetness on my legs, I was confused since I fell asleep with a diaper on. "You wet the bed Kenz?" I heard Sydney whisper in my ear, I instantly burst into tears. I got up out of bed and saw my diaper on the floor which is impossible since I did not take it off. "Babe?" I heard mam say. I just shook my head and started crying again. I then felt more wetness underneath me! Ugh!! Why can't I control myself. "Baby girl, what's happened?" Mama asked. She pulled back the covers and saw I had no diaper on. "Did you take it off?" Mama asked sternly. I shook my head over and over but more wetness appeared. "Kenz, stop pissing on our bed! Get to the bathroom now!" Mama shouted. I crossed my legs as I felt it come out. "You heard her Kenz, stop pissing on the bed." Sydney smirked. "Sydney get out." Mam shouted. Mama was clearly angry with me. "Ma-mama I didn't do it." I cried and crossed my legs again. She just picked me up, and smacked my bum. "Mama, I didn't." I cried and failed to hold my pee in, I peed on mama. "For god's sake Kenzie!" Mama shouted and sat me on the toilet. I was shaking from fear and my bladder was so weak. She peeled off her top. "Mama, I'm sorry." I cried over and over. "McKenzie! Why they hell did you remove your diaper when you had a bad dream! Our bed is soaking!" She screamed. "Pez, hey baby. Go and calm down." Mam said and rubbed Mama's back.

I know full well it wasn't Kenzie who took off her own diaper, it was Sydney and I know it. "Pez, hey baby. Go and calm down." I said and rubbed her back. She sighed heavily but walked out. "Mam. I didn't.." Mckenzie began but I cut her off by hugging her. "I know it wasn't you. Syd took it off last night. She will be being punished." I kissed her head and she stopped shaking. Perrie terrifies her. "Let's get a fresh diaper on you." I said , she crawled over to the changing mat and led down. She rubbed her eyes and started sucking her thumb. "You alright baby girl?" I asked tickling her tummy gently, she nodded. I put her into a new diaper. "You stay here baby girl, I'll go and talk to your mama." I sighed and kissed her head. I walked out and saw Pez throwing the duvet around. "Sweetheart. Calm down please." I said and took her hand. She looked at me and I could see the frustration but upset in her eyes. "Come here." I opened my arms and she collapsed into them. I instantly felt her crying. "Baby? Shhh. It's okay." I rubbed her back. "Nooo." Perrie cried and squirmed. "What's wrong?" I asked her, she just blushed and looked down. "I was dying for a piss and Kenz was on the toilet, if I told her to move she would have gotten the bathroom wet." She cried, I just realised she peed herself. "Sweetheart it's okay." I rubbed her cheek. "Jadey. I'm sorry." She cried and hugged me again. "Shhh. It's okay. I'm not angry." I said and sat her in my knee. "Go and clean yourself up. But baby, I watched Syd take Kenzie's diaper off last night, it wasn't Kenzie's fault." I said, she nodded and went to change.

I went to join Kenzie again, she was whimpering on the changing mat. "Baby, what's wrong?" I asked. "Mam, I poo poo." She cried. "Oh don't get upset sweetheart." I cooed and rubbed her belly gently, she nodded and I moved so I could change her. I undid her nappy and wiped her vagina and bum clean then covered her in cream. "Bum up princess." I said, she lifted her bum up and I slid a fresh diaper under. I did up the sticky, flappy bits and tapped her thigh. "Come here baba." I opened my arms and she crawled onto my knee. "I love you baba". I kissed ear head and she snuggled into me. She soon drifted to sleep. I picked her up and went to lie her on the duvets which were on the floor of our bedroom, I couldn't put her on the bed since it was full of her pee. Perrie was sat in the rocking chair, she was changed. I went and knelt in-front of her. She quickly wiped her tears. "You okay?" I asked sympathetically. She just shrugged. "Talk to me." I said and rubbed her knees. "I just pissed myself." She whispered. "Babe, you can't help it, accidents happen. Now will you please come and talk to Syd with me?" I asked and kissed her she smiled gently and nodded. We stood up and walked to Sydney's room.

I was sat on the bed when my mans came in, they didn't look happy with me. "What the hell gives you the right to remove your sisters diaper in the middle of the night?" Mam asked. "I didn't." I shrugged. "Don't lie young lady!" Mama shouted, but she calmed down when mam rubbed her hand. "I'm not lying. I didn't!" I said and held my hands up. "Sydney, I watched you." Mam said. "You were asleep." She whispered. Shit! "So you did do it?" Mama asked agitated. I nodded. "Why!?" She screamed and stood up. Mam stood up in front of her. "Calm down, please." Mam asked mama and she nodded. "I did it because Kenzie always gets the attention so I wanted to give her a bit of revenge. It's not fair! I'm your daughter as well." I cried. Mama and Mam turned around and looked at me. "Baby, we live you just as much as we live Kenzie, she is just going through a difficult and confusing time." Mama said and hugged me. I nodded. "Babe, why didn't you come and talk to us?" Mam asked. I shrugged. "Why don't, we have a bath with you every night. You come to us before bed and we bath with you. Obviously it can't be both of us every night but it will be one of us." Mam suggests. I nodded and smiled! I hugged them. "I love you." I said. "We love you too baby girl." Mama said.

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