The club

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We all decided to go to the club tonight, we have ll been stuck in the studio and we need some time to rewind.

We were all getting ready at Jade's house. The outfits:::



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ANd me!!!!!!

WE decided o set off when everyone was ready, it was already about 9pm and we wanted lots of dancing and lots of time to get WASTED!

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WE decided o set off when everyone was ready, it was already about 9pm and we wanted lots of dancing and lots of time to get WASTED!

2 Hours later.

Perrie and Jade were dancing on the dance floor and Leigh was filming us taking shots, obviously it was all going to go on snap chat.


"I'm going to get us some drinks baba." Jade smiled. "Moreeee!?" I slurred and kept hold of her arm. "THe more the merrier.." She replied and fell into fits of laughter. Her laugh was contagious so now we were just in fits on the dance floor. "I actually want a drink. Want one?" Jade asked wiping her tears. "No...." I whined ad walked off wiggling my hips.  I was dancing alone for about 2 minutes when I felt some big, strong hands take hold of my waist. "Whaooo." I laughed and moved. "Come back princess." He smirked and came back towards me. "I'm okay thank you." I said laughing nervously. "Let's do this." He whispered in my ear. I felt disgusted already. He wrapped his arms around my waist and began gripping my boobs. "No." I cried and tried to move his hands. "Lets have funnnnn." He whispered and licked under my ear. Ugh. I actually started gagging. He bang grinding his bulge on my leg and it was very, very close to my bum and I hated it. "Please can you stop." I said and tried to move my head. "Oh baby girl, we are just getting started..." he slurred, I could smell the alcohol on his breath. He gripped my wrist and dragged me towards the bathroom. I ought this was it but thankfully Jade saw me. She knows I don't just walk into bathrooms with strangers so she came up to us. I was almost in tears at this point. "Excuse me sir." Jade said and grabbed his shoulder. He turned and let go of me, I rubbed my wrist becaseu his grip was so tight. "What do you want!" He spat in her face. "You're taking my girlfriend." She smirked. She wasn't really my girlfriend but I know we always pretend Jerrie is real in situations like this. "She is a hottie, sure you don't mind me taking her for a while." She smirked, trapped my arm and yanked me into the bathroom. Before Jade could move, he locked the door and sat me on the floor. He tried taking top off and sadly succeeded since it was a spaghetti strap crop top. "No please." I was properly crying now. Jade was banging on the door threatening. He rubbed his cold hands over my nipples, I felt sick to the stomach. He began moving his hands up my leg and it entered my skirt. "Stop!" I cried. "Help!!" I cried out again. "Perrie baby, it's okay." Jade shouted back. Just then the door fell in,  I moved and tried my best to cover myself. Jade ran up to me and wrapped a jacket around me. But she quickly walked back to the guy. "How fucking dare you touch my girl like that!" She screa,ed and slapped him. His eyes flashed with anger! "How fucking dare you!" She screamed again, she picked up the closet drink and threw it on him. "I hate you, yup vile man!" She screamed and kicked his balls. "You're girlfriend is tasty." He smirked, Jades eyes widened and her hand made a fist, she raised it straight to his face with force. I heard something crack. To be honest I wasn't sure if it was Jades hand or the guys Jaw. "Get the fuck out you mother fucking prick!" Jade screamed and he scrambled out.

Jade ran to me and wrapped me in her arms. "Ja-Jadey your hand." I cried and held her hand, her knuckles where bleeding. "Jade, Pez!" She heard Jesy shout. "In here!" Jade replied, Jesy and Leigh walked in moments after. "Oh my word, what happened here?" Leigh asked and ran to us. "Jadey your hand." I cried. "I'm okay baby, are you okay?" She asked and cupped my face gently. I nodded sadly and reached for my top. "You almost got raped?" Jesy asked, Jade nodded for me. "Oh babe, I'm sorry we couldn't help you." Jesy whispered sympathetically. "I'm okay, honest." I sighed, "Jade! Your hand, lets go to the hospital." I said and stood up, I took her good hand and helped her up.

What a night it has been.

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