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Jerrie AU

I got out my car, locked it, picked up my water bottle and set of along the path. I do this every day, sometimes twice a day. I breathed in the fresh air and tried to clear my mind of the days events. I wish everyone could just leave my life and it could be me and nature. Just me and the proper mother I need, not one that gets drunk all the time and chooses men over me. Mother Nature understands the way I work, she works with me and we're happy together. She helps me all the time.

I must have been walking about an hour now and it was starting to get dark, I really didn't care though, I know this trail like the back of my hand and it isn't like my parents will wonder where I am. After sitting down for two minutes to tie my shoelace and get some energy back, I set off to the waterfall. This was the most beautiful part of this trail. I sat on the edge of the cliff and dangled my feet over the edge, I watched in awe as the water cascaded down the vertical drop. I watched in fascination as the rainbow formed, I watched the beautiful splashes, sometimes hitting me. It felt nice having the refreshing water hit my face, I felt loved by nature. I felt at one. I felt like I was at peace with myself.

Bring bring

"Who the hell is ringing me?" I shouted out loud, I heard the tress rustle, their way of answering me. I took my phone,out of my back pocket and saw the caller ID was Jade💋.
I quickly swiped at out the phone to my ear.
J-Hey Pez.
P-h-hey Jadey. I tried my best to hide my nervousness, the truth is I've had a massive crush on Jade since Year 7, we are now both in Year 13 and just got by as best friends, she knows everything about me and we are together all the time at school and sometimes at home as well but I still get nerves, she still gives me butterflies.
J-I was just wondering if you wanted to sleep at mine, I saw how bad it was last night from your bruises. I don't want you in that again. She was talking about the abuse me and my brother get, she knew all about it but I made her swear to secrecy. She usually invites me around when she sees how bruised I am, just like she is now.
P-Well, erm, I'm not actually home. I took a deep breath in and led down with my back to the grass. Staring up at the newly appearing stars.
J-Babe it's like 11pm, where are you? 11pm! Already.
P-It's already 11o'clock? I left at 6 and got here at 7, I've been walking for 4 hours?
J-I don't know baby, where are you? I loved it when she called me baby, she doesn't do it all the time, just to calm me down. It made my belly flip.
P-Walking. I haven't told anyone where I walk, this is my place.
J-Can I meet you, I actually want to talk to you. Why didn't she talk at school?
P-Erm sure, where? Ahh get yourself together stop being so nervous.
J-Well, where are you walking, is it at the falls, I can hear the water? She giggled, music to my ears!
P-Good guess, and yeah I am. Oh wow, I just told you my secret walking spot. You need tot all about something serious. I laughed.
J-Don't worry babe. I won't tell anyone. I'll be there in 10 though okay? I nodded but then realise she couldn't se me so I added a quick yep.
J-See you soon baby girl. She sent a kissing noise down the phone and hung up. Why does she keep calling my baby?

10 minutes later
I can't believe I was about to tell this to Pez. I was walking along the path and followed the noise of the water, I soon turned a corner and saw a stunning waterfall. I also saw a stunning blonde sat at the edge, her shoulders were moving. Was she crying? As I walked closer, I heard her sobs. She was crying. "Baby?" I said, she turned around suddenly and looked at me. I came and sat next to her. I know she doesn't like a big fuss when she is crying but I know she loves a bit of comfort. "What is wrong Pez?" I asked and moved some of her hair from her face. "I need to tell you something." She said. I nodded. "Me too." I smiled. "You go first." She whispered and wiped her tears. "Are you okay though?" I asked her first she nodded sadly and sniffed, I reached into my pocket and took out a tissue she laughed, thanked me and blew her nose. She even makes that look cute.
"Okay Perrie, Pez, babe, baby. I basically need to tell you something. We've been friends for 6 years now, we know everything about each other. Except you don't know one thing about me, and that is... well. I like you Pez, more than a friend." I closed my eyes so I couldn't see her reaction. Then carried on. "Your smile is beautiful, your freckles are angel kisses, your love for nature is the cutest, your eyes shine like stars. Everything you do gives me butterflies. And sometimes I'm absolutely certain you feel the same because you do the same as what I want to do but I guess I'm better at covering it up." I whispered and opened my eyes, she was staring at the ground, she was biting her lips and playing with her hands. "Pez?" I asked and reached for her hand. Please say you feel the same.

Holy fuck she likes me! My heart is beating at a million miles per hour, it won't calm down. My brain is so overwhelmed I feel like I'm speeding down the motor way about to crash into a lorry and I'm not wearing a seatbelt. I feel so.... in love!
"Pez?" She asked and reached for my hand. I took it in mine and let a tear fall onto it. "I'm sorry." She croaked out. I looked up and saw tears falling down her face. Fucking kiss her already!
I shuffled closer and we locked eyes, I started deeply into her gorgeous, captivating, chocolate, Disney eyes. I glanced at her lips once. A smile spread across her face, the smile that makes volcanoes erupt at the pit of my stomach.
She slowly moved the hand I wasn't holding and rested on my thigh. Ahhhh. We moved closer together, so close I began to feel the heat radiating and moulding in with mine. I looked down at her fresh, plump lips once more before I felt her connect them.
Instantly, my world fell away. My mind rose up into flames and my whole body was alight. It was slow, soft, comforting in was that words would never be. I unlocked our hands and moved my arms to her waist. I didn't wrap around just yet, I danced my fingers across her skin, trying to claim it all as mine. I wanted to tattoo it all. She ran her fingers against my face, she caressed my cheeks and it sent tingles everywhere. I felt abnormal I felt on top of the world, I was on cloud 9.
Our lips moved together in sync, our hands and fingers still exploring each other in ways we have never before. Finally, I wrapped my arms round her back, I pulled us closer together until there was no space left, I felt her beating heart against my own, even our hearts were beating in time.
The kiss obliterated every thought. For the first time in forever my mind was locked into the present. The worries of the day evaporated like a summer shower onto a hot car. My usual mode of sadness about one thing and the next was suspended, I had no wish for the kiss to end. Drunk on endorphins my only desire was to touch her, to feel every part of her, to take her all as mine, to move my hands under her smooth summer layers and feel her softness.
We pulled away, I felt my body slowly calm, I felt euphoric.
We rested our foreheads together. "Wow..." she whispered. "Wow indeed." I giggled. She smiled and kissed me again, this time it was just a peck but all my previous emotions erupted again. What had his girl done to me?
A kiss like that, is the start of a longer life of kisses and cuddles to come with MY Jade.

Well then...

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