Lets try it-Pt5

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I had locked the nursery and have moved all her baby things in there. I told Perrie that if she wants to be a baby again, she needs to come and ask me and I will ask her why, if she has a good enough reason, I'll consider it. I know it isn't fair taking her straight out of ageplay, I could tell how relaxed she was and it was clear she was loving it but it isn't healthy for her when she isn't pooing and if she won't do that part, she can't be a baby because she won't have slipped and then she will get upset and embarrassed doing simple baby things like crawling.

She still hadn't fully become a big girl again because she would occasionally slip and call me Mama but I ignore her until she calls me Jade. She has only been out of nappies for two hours though so I'm giving her some time to get used to it. I do keep asking if she needs toilet because I don't want any accidents. "Pez, sweetheart. Do you need toilet?" I asked her she looked at me and nodded. "Go on then, before you pee pee in your big girl knickers." I smiled. She ran to the bathroom. But from the cry I heard, she didn't make it. I followed the sound and saw her sat in a puddle sobbing her heart out. "Oh babe, come here." I sighed and rocked her in my arms. "It's okay." I said and pulled some hair out of her face. "Please don't be angry." She cried. "I'm not angry sweetheart, you're just getting used to being a big girl again aren't you?" I asked her she nodded. But looked away. "What's wrong?" I asked her and moved her face so she was looking at my face. "Please let me wear a nappy." She cried. "Oh Pez, I can't let you do that." I said and pulled her to me. I wrapped my arms tightly around her body it made her feel safe. I could tell because she instantly relaxed. "Its embarrassing when I pee myself though." She cried. "You're getting used to it babe, you can't help it." I sighed. "Please Jadey." She cried. "I've said no, now I want you to go and get changed whilst I clean this." I sighed I was getting frustrated at her constant begging but she was obviously scared.

After a few more hours, Jesy and Leigh came home, they were out shopping when they came in the got confused since Perrie's play pen wasn't out anymore and neither was her high chair. "Where has it gone?" Leigh asked me and sat down. "In her nursery which is locked. She wouldn't poo in her nappy so I took her out of ageplay it isn't healthy for her and it doesn't help with stress when she is so worried about pooping in her nappy." I said, she nodding clearly understanding. "Where is she now?" She asked. "She went to the toilet a couple of minutes ago, I'll go and check on her actually." I stood up and walked towards the bathroom. "Perrie, are you okay?" I asked her and knocked. "Jade, I'm sorry." She cried. I opened the door and she was stood in another puddle. "Oh pez." I sighed. "I was almost there but I couldn't stop it. I'm so sorry." She cried. I opened my arms and she walked slowly into them. If it happens again, I'll put her in pull ups  to I'm not going to tell her that because knowing Perrie, she will purposely do it so she is in nappies.

We got Perrie cleaned up and she walked downstairs with me, holding my hand. Jesy and Leigh obviously knew what had happened because they gave Pez sympathetic smiles. "Hey Jade, I was wondering if we could go out for tea tomorrow night?" She said. "Erm sure, are you up for it Pez?" I asked her she looked at me and nodded sadly. "Oh babe, stop moping. You'll be fine." I sighed and rubbed her shoulders, she went to sit next to Jesy. She rested her head on her shoulder and closed her eyes. "Remember Pez, big girls don't sleep during the day." Jesy sighed and rubbed her legs. "I know." She replied, she sounded so broken. I felt really bad.

"Jade?" Perrie came to me whilst I was making tea. "I erm, I need a poo poo but I can't wipe properly." She sighed, tears glazed her eyes. "Would you like me to help you?" I asked she nodded and blushed. "Don't get embarrassed, come on." I took her hand and walked her to the downstairs bathroom she sat on the toilet and did her business. Once she was done, I picked up the wipe and wiped her bottom for her she thanked me and pulled her knickers up. "Well done for being a big girl and telling me." I said and hugged her. "I didn't want to get in trouble." She sighed. "Ahh Pez, don't think like that." I whispered and squeezed her tight. "Go and tell Jesy and Leigh tea is ready." I said and rubbed her arm she walked off. 

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