Stacking it on

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Grizelda had woken up in a mood. Nyx was in one too. She'd gone to bed teary-eyed and woken up angry.

How dare he? How the hell dare he? That had been completely uncalled for- unjust even, lashing out that way just to hurt her.

Zelda shrieked a high note from her arm chair, flapping her arms around as she worked herself up over whatever she'd decided to tizzy about.
Nyx hurriedly buttered toast for herself, knife strokes sharp and frustrated, feeling completely frazzled. She muttered irritably under her breath. "... Just cause you're in a shit place... Bastard. Of course you feel trashy shut up in that room up there..."

She jumped as Grizelda, annoyed at not having her full attention,  threw her milk bottle at her which thumped loudly against the kitchen side.

With a sigh of frustration, Nyx looked down at it, crouched and picked it up. "Really?" She looked at Grizelda, who glowered at her, arms crossed. Rolling her eyes, she walked over to the sink to rinse it under the tap. The kettle clicked as she did so, finished boiling, and she reached her free hand up into the cupboard above for a cup. There was a clattering of china and then things fell; one of the plates breaking into pieces against the side. Nyx cried out and leapt back. "Oh- bugger!" She'd tried to catch it as it fell, and consequently a large piece had cut a slice across her hand.

Blood gushing freely from the wound, she hurriedly ran it under the tap before bandaging it will a towel; squeezing her bleeding fist hard as tears bubbled up in her eyes. "It's this damn house, I swear!" Suddenly she turned, sweeping up the broken china and dumping it in the bin before turning to the shocked-looking Zelda. "Shall we go out? We've not been out. We're allowed to go out, right?" With renewed vigor, Nyx strode into the hall, grabbing up her scarf and hat from a hook. "Come on, let's go to the park." She said in an over-chirpy tone, calling back to Grizelda in the kitchen, before returning to get the baby in the high chair. "You'll love it."

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