Who Is That?

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Travis looked up at the sound of his name to see Selene hurrying down the hall at him eagerly. "Selene?" He asked in confusion.

Suddenly, she engulfed him in a crushing hug. Pulling back, she grinned; practically bouncing with joy. "Look, Travis! Look!"

Travis looked. "Selene? Whoa, Selene, your eyes!"

"I know!" Selene squealed. "I can see, Travis! I can see!"

"Oh my God!" Travis said incredulously, looking at Selene's clear, unusually blue eyes. "How? Nick, Nick, come see this! Rachel! How? What happened?"

"She did it." Selene said, pointing along the hallway towards her room; there, in the doorway, stood a familiar figure.


Immediately, Selene shook her head. "No, it's not-"

"What do you mean?" Travis asked, puzzled as he couldn't connect what was in front of his eyes with what Selene was saying. "That's Nyx!"

"I'm telling you, it's not!"

Nick ran up the stairs, jacket half-on from where he'd been preparing to go out. "What's going on?"

"It's Nyx!"

"No, it's not!"

Nick narrowed his eyes at the figure across from them; leaning against the doorframe, unreacting, just watching the debate with amusement.

"What's going on?" Nick demanded, eyes fixed on the woman.

Immediately, Selene grabbed his sleeve, dragging his attention to her. "She fixed my sight! Look, look! I can see! She healed me!"

Nick looked at her face, then snapped his gaze back to the figure. "How did you do this?"

"I mean you no harm." The woman reassured in a calm voice. "I was only trying to help."

"Why?" Nick said suspiciously.

Travis glanced between each of them incredulously. "Have you all completely flipped your lids? That's Nyx!"

"Children, what's going on?" Rachel's voice rose from the bottom of the stairs- the words clear as a bell although her voice still wavered; some syllables too sharp and others slightly slurred to compensate for areas of weakness.
There she was, sitting tall on her wheel chair at the bottom of the stairs; her stern parental gaze immediately melting her adult children.

"It's Nyx!" Travis announced at last, looking at Rachel as he pointed down the landing hall.

"No, it's not!" Selene said frustratedly, pushing his arm down.

"No, it's not." Alysha spoke by his ear, making the trio jump in alarm at the intruder in their midst.

Not Rachel though; she was the picture of calm, unwaveringly holding Alysha's gaze, her face giving nothing away. "Come down. I want to talk to you."

Pushing through the assembled group, Alysha bounded down the stairs; taking the steps two at a time before landing in front of Rachel with a grin, bouncing excitedly on the spot. "I have a present for you."

"That's nice." Rachel said smoothly. "How about we take this into my office?"

Reflections Of Angels Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora