Pressing Luck

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"Hey, Mister Boss-man!" Dec was greeted, the owner of the voice scooching herself up to sit on his counter. "How's the search going?

"Hey Katherine." Dec said without turning around. "How's yours?"

Katherine laughed, tapping her fingers towards him across the table. "Ronnie and I have a few in the van. Done in half-time, so you can pay double." She teased.

"Robbery." Dec bantered back, reaching into his till. "Why am I paying more for you to do less?"

"I didn't say it was less, I said it was quick."

Dec laughed low, counting out notes. Using escaped inmates to hunt escaped inmates. Genius idea. So crazy, it just might work.

"Who knew, huh." Katherine said. "When I was taking all those anger management classes, that in the future I was going to be a bounty hunter."

"Oh yeah? Thinking of going full-time after this?" Dec handed her the stack of cash.

Katherine counted it quickly. "What, no tip?"

"It's double. Don't press your luck."

Katherine quickly grinned. "I'm just teasing. Nice doing business with you. Who do you want me to go after next? Perry's fucked off to god knows where."

"Just the usual. You know the ones."

Katherine snorted. "You'd be lucky if I get Jayson past Ronnie alive. You might get him mailed to you in pieces."

"I'm not counting on it." Dec acquiesced; expression enigmatic.

"And Nyx?"

"Would you tell me if she got in contact with you?" Dec said with a raised brow.

Katherine considered it. "... Ronnie wouldn't."

"Ah. Then I won't hold my breath." He smiled then, his relaxing, dazzling smile. "Why don't you take the van around the back, and I'll meet you there?"

She made a sound of agreement and moved to leave. As she did, Declan's eyes were drawn to the shadows on the walls, moving as if a mind of their own, dancing around his head.

He closed his eyes for a moment, shaking himself, before he followed her out.

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