And Ye Shall Find

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A hand grabbed the front of Jayson's shirt, yanking him harshly out of the way of his attacker, turning him as Alysha spun in front of the beast, crouching low in a predators stance, a vicious growl on her lips as she faced the oncoming spectre.

"Run!" She belted, straightening up, her hands on Jayson's back, shielding him with her body as she pushed him in front of her, charging out of the room.

"Hey, wait for me!" Luci demanded, chasing behind, the howling creature quickly rounding to follow at her heels.

They scrambled through a door and slammed it shut, locking it, Alysha barring the door with her body.

Jayson bent double, panting hard. "You saved me." He sounded almost incredulous.

Alysha grunted in response.

A faint smile on his lips, reaching towards her, he wrapped her shoulders in a hug.

"Hey!" Alysha bit, immediately causing him to back off. "Don't get soppy on me now!" She gestured with her head. "Now, come help me with the door, you're bigger than I am!"

"What about me? She didn't save me." Luci hissed at Jayson. She smacked his arm. "Stop chasing after her like a lost puppy!"

And that's when something hit the door. Alysha braced; Jayson rushing over to put his hands against the wood.

There was a pause. And then again. THUD! The doorframe creaked, the door shook, but held.

And then again. THUD! Wood splintered at the edges, Luci jolted, the door held.


And then... "Ley-ley..." A voice, soft and whispery, like paper dragged over gravel. "Ley-ley..."

Jayson pulled a questioning look, peering sideways towards Alysha. Ley-ley?

Nails dragged over wood, scratching on the other side of the door.

"Aly, I know you're in there." The voice, sickly sweet, all sugar and honey. "Aly, let me in."

The blood had drained from Alysha's face.

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