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"What's meant to be in the case?" Jace asked.

Alysha shook her head, turning back towards the corridor out. "I have to go."

Jace attempted to block her path. "No. What's missing? You seem upset, perhaps we can help you."

Alysha pushed his arm down out of the way and tried to work round him. "They've taken him!"

"Him? There's a him? Who?"

"He's been desecrated enough, can't they leave him alone?" She cried, hands pulling anxiously at her curls. She shot a dark glare at Evelyn, shadows flickering in her eyes, before as fast as lightening she vaulted past Jace and tore towards the hatch with him hot on her heels, Evelyn following after.

She was gone the moment her hands touched the reflective metal handle.


Jayson and Luci leapt apart with a yell as she tumbled through the glass of their living room window.

Without even breaking stride, Alysha crossed over to them, pulled Jayson up from the sofa, looked him over, turning his head in her hands this way and that before pulling him forward into a back-breaking hug. "Thank the stars, you're alive."

"Not if you keep this up." Jayson gasped through her boa-constrictor grip. "Something I should know?" He asked the moment she released him.

She was already done with him and so turned to the disgruntled looking Luci. "I need to talk to you..."

"No." Luci said with a look of disgust. She hadn't even bothered to get up from the couch.

"It's about your demonic Grand-mummy, someone I think we can both put our differences aside to stick it to." Alysha wheedled. "That devil-woman's plans had plans, and this particular one I'd like not to come into fruition."

"Go on then." Luci gestured for her to explain.

Alysha side-eyed Jayson and then the door. "... Maybe can we go out there?"

Luci's expression said it clearly; she was not moving.

Alysha shrugged. "I can always not tell you then."

"Fine, you know what, let's split the difference." Jayson groaned, holding up his hands and turning to leave. "Your mood-swings give whiplash, you know that?" He bit as he passed Alysha.

She smiled sweetly at him, waving as he opened the door. "Don't worry, it's hereditary."

Bit short, bit filler-y, but I hope you like it all the same! Just wanted to let you know, update schedule might be a bit unpredictable for the next couple of weeks, as I'm away on University placement. I'll try my best but no promises!

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