Private Conversation

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"What?" Luci asked sharply, crossing her arms once Alysha shut the door.

"When you were staying with Lilith, did she... have anything with her?" Alysha gestured with her hands the object to be of a fair but holdable size.

Without even batting an eyelid, Luci snarked. "Well that really cuts it down."

Alysha sighed in frustration and dropped her arms. "Are you going to help me or not."

"Not." Luci raised an eyebrow sceptically. "I'm not quite sure what makes you think that I would."

"How about the incentive of not dying?"

"Are you threatening me?" Luci bit, immediately shifting into an aggressive stance.

"Not at all." Alysha said. She ran her fingers anxiously through her hair. "What about where you were living with her? Did she keep anything there?"

"Like what?" Luci said frustratedly. "Her handbag, her keys, the poison she fed my son?"

"A head." Alysha said bluntly, ignoring Luci's blatant sarcasm.

Luci blinked. "... A head?"

"Yeah, a head. Possibly in a box. Maybe a skull."

Luci flapped her hand in front of Alysha's face. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold up. This is the mother of demons we are talking about, and you are looking for a fricking pirates-of-the-carribean skull?"


"And what would she- or you- want a manky old skull for?"

"Show me." Alysha demanded, stomping towards the door. "Show me where you were staying. I want to see for myself."

Luci's harshly thin eyebrow rose even higher towards her hairline. "So at what point in the last billion centuries did your mind break exactly?"

Alysha huffed in frustration. Then she put her hand on the lounge door, and in one fluid movement pushed it open. "And don't worry, you can come too." She snarled in sweet honey, looking at Jayson who was sprawled back on the floor, having been pressing his ear up against the door. "Since you're evidently so keen."

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