Bad Mood

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"Let go!" Nyx told Grizelda sternly, trying not to yelp in pain as she visibly struggled to prise fistfuls of her hair from the baby's grip. "Come on, let go..."

"Nyaaaah!" Grizelda yelled, shaking her head and kicking her legs furiously in her baby carrier as she worked herself up into a frenzy, refusing to let go.

Nyx huffed irritably and stopped trying to pull herself free, leaning forwards and resting her hands on either side of the carrier to try and take some of the stress off her scalp. The baby was unexpectedly strong and definitely incredibly stubborn. Oh, and she was pretty convinced the child didn't like her.

"Come on." She said, feeling around on the table beside her for the baby's bottle that had gotten lost somewhere in the fray. "You have to have your breakfast. Aren't you hungry?"

Grizelda grumbled low in her throat, seizing even more of Nyx's hair and yanking it down hard, little knuckles going white with the effort. "Ah-ah-ah-Ow! Ow, that really hurts! Come on, let go! Let go!" Reaching out, she tried to wriggle her fingers into Grizelda's fist, trying to break the grip of the baby who was determinedly trying to scalp her.

Grizelda shrieked in protest, letting go with one hand to viciously scratch Nyx's forearm in retaliation, the fingers of her other hand still tangled in Nyx's curls- resulting in a very audible rip as Nyx reflexively jerked back in pain.

"Fu-" She strangled a string of curses, massaging her aching scalp with one hand whilst walking to the sink to run cold water over the throbbing red claw-marks in her arm; before turning back to swiftly remove the tangle of torn-out hairs from Grizelda's fingers, which the baby had immediately begun to object about upon finding. "Oh, you're annoyed? That makes two of us."
Turning and looking around on the kitchen worktop, she let out an aggravated groan. "God, what I wouldn't give for a hair tie."

Looking at the torn ends of her hair in dismay, she closed her eyes and a moment to collect herself; tapping her fingers absentmindedly in a rhythm on the countertop, before her gaze drifting to look up at the stairs. "Do you think he's likely to come down to breakfast at all today?"

Of course, not understanding, Grizelda said nothing. Curious, Nyx drifted out into the hallway to peer up the stairs; she wasn't sure what she'd really been expecting, but his door remained the same as always; closed, motionless and silent.

"Do you think he's alright up there?" Nyx wondered aloud, before realising she was essentially talking to herself; Grizelda looking at her with curious eyes from the kitchen. Tiredly, Nyx sighed. "Perhaps he got himself something earlier." Walking back into the kitchen, she offered a weak smile to the baby, who eyed her suspiciously. "Maybe I'll go check on him in a bit, take him something then. He's perfectly capable of looking after himself." That last part she emphasised more for her own benefit, trying to reassure herself; it seemed completely irrational, but having not seen him very much at all, she couldn't help but feel concerned. So much seemed to have happened recently, and not all of it she understood.

A squeal from Grizelda drew her attention, and she looked to see the child wriggling around in the carrier, winding up for a tizzy as she struggled to reach the baby bottle sitting nearby on the table. "Oh, sorry!" She exclaimed, realising what the child wanted and zipping over to pick up the bottle, guiding the teat to the baby's mouth. Grizelda sucked enthusiastically, lifting her own hands to support the bottle as she hungrily gulped down mouthfuls, looking at Nyx with open eyes all the while. "See, I told you you'd be hungry." Nyx chided softly. "There was no need for the bad mood."

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